
Chapter 3

Translator: 549690339

Qu Xiaojuan came back the second day and, despite the jet lag, eagerly went to work at her parents' conglomerate. Her dad originally wanted to keep her at the headquarters, but she demanded to be treated the same as her two half-brothers and to independently manage a branch. Her father, seeing that even in branded professional attire she didn't quite fit the delicate mold of a career woman, hesitated, worrying she wouldn't be able to control the situation. Therefore, Qu Xiaojuan got about a week of slacking off, ostensibly to familiarize herself with the group's operations, but really waiting for her father to have confidential talks with various local lords to find an experienced and mild-mannered colleague to assist her in her first entrepreneurial venture.

During the day, Qu Xiaojuan hung around the archives and finance department; as soon as work ended, she'd slip into enchanting attire and, using her address book, find classmates from her private school days staying in Hai City to dine and club with. In less than three days, she had dived back into her rich second-generation circle and blended in as one of the siblings.

By Friday, Qu Xiaojuan had already set her social calendar for the evening three days in advance. She was going to meet with friends at the newly opened 77 Bar to show support. Of course, they didn't need to pay out of pocket; the only condition was for a few of them to position their supercars in front of the club, replacing any grand opening flower baskets, to bolster the opening's impact. Qu Xiaojuan didn't even need to worry about what to wear for the night; she was always fashionable, her mom always extravagant, she had the latest runway outfits, her mom had diamonds that dazzled like light bulbs.

As it happened, Fan Shengmei had also gone to great lengths to secure her role as a hip man's weekend date for Friday night at 77 Bar's opening. Unfortunately, the only blemish was that Guan Ju'er was working overtime again that weekend night, leaving Qiu Yingying alone to admire Fan Shengmei's dressing and matching skills. Fan Shengmei's room became stifling as Qiu Yingying intently watched Fan Shengmei stick fan-like eyelashes onto her eyelids, while thoughtfully fanning her to prevent her foundation from running with sweat. With the temperature rising with two people squeezed in, Qiu Yingying stretched out her long arm to open the door, finally letting a cool breeze slowly seep in.

Having finally applied her eye makeup, Fan Shengmei turned to Qiu Yingying with sparkling eyes and asked, "What do you think, which outfit suits me best?"

"Hehe, of course it's the super sexy little black dress you just got from Taobao. Fan Jie, tonight you're sure to have your male companion completely smitten," replied Qiu Yingying.

"If I smite him, that'd be troublesome, you know he's got a wife," said Fan Shengmei.

"Eh, then you still dare to go with him to 77 Bar? Aren't you afraid his wife will come charging over halfway through the night?" asked Qiu Yingying with surprise.

Right then, Qu Xiaojuan, all dolled up, sashayed out at the sound of "77 Bar" from the neighbor's open door and couldn't help but do a golden rooster stand, pausing to eavesdrop. Inside, Fan Shengmei said, "We're all veterans of the social scene; who would be so petty. And even if his wife does come charging over, I'm not afraid. I'm not going there for the male companion. Yingying, I'll tell you a secret. Places like bars and whatnot, as long as they aren't exclusive clubs, anyone can save up and go play once in a while. But a bar's opening is a different story; those invited are all top-notch people in every respect. Me, I'm going tonight to hobnob with a few such high-flyers, so I'd go even if I had to break a leg."

Hearing this, Qu Xiaojuan quickly abandoned her golden rooster stand, covering her mouth in an effort to hold back her laughter. She was dying of curiosity and turned in the direction of apartment 2202. Seeing Qiu Yingying leaning on the door frame, she teased, "Xiaoqiu, you going to 77 Bar tonight too? Got anyone to pick you up? If not, you can ride in my clunker."

"It's Fan Jie, not me. Eh, hehe, why are you still wearing your sunglasses at night?" said Qiu Yingying curiously.

Qu Xiaojuan's gaze had already locked onto Fan Shengmei, scanning over all her table and body accessories in a flash of an eye. Fan Shengmei did the same. Their gazes met in mid-air, sparking electric passion. Only Qiu Yingying was unaware, her attention fixed on Qu Xiaojuan's sequined bag because she spotted the prominent LV letters. After all, she had been around in Hai City for two years; she might not have eaten pork, but she had seen pigs run. In a moment, Qu Xiaojuan regained her flirtatious smile, an expression of unaffected serenity, whereas Fan Shengmei suddenly lost all her confidence.

Qu Xiaojuan magnanimously said to the defeated Fan Shengmei, "Fan Jie, why don't we go together? I've got a little old car."

Fan Shengmei coughed lightly, lifting her chest and smiling, "Thanks, Xiao Qu. I've got a ride. It really isn't convenient to drive in high heels tonight."