
peaceful life

I splash cold water on the unconscious man on the floor, his eyes fluttering open in confusion. As his gaze lands on me, a mix of fear and anger flashes across his face, muffled protests escaping through the tape covering his mouth.

With a kitchen knife in hand, I slowly cut a shallow line across his forehead, relishing in his screams, though muffled by the tape.

"You won't piss off the one with the knife, okay?" I say cheerfully, enjoying the fear in his eyes. I then rip off the duct tape roughly, causing him to scream even louder.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Ivan?! Have you lost it?!" Dorian shouts, his voice filled with anger and panic. I simply roll my eyes at his outburst.

"Yes, yes I have, since I found out you tried to sell me," I reply casually, before tasing him again, savoring the sight of him writhing in pain.

"Untie me, and I'll spare you!" he pleads desperately, his voice strained.

"Wrong," I say with a smirk, twirling the knife in my hand.

"You see, my dear Dorian, it's just you and me now. One wrong move and I could accidentally... end you," I say, my voice dripping with malice. "So behave."

"Better yet, I could boil some oil and pour it on your beautiful face," I continue sweetly, watching his horrified expression. "Then you get to live with a disfigured face. We wouldn't want that now, would we?"

I take his phone and transfer a significant amount of money to myself, using his thumb for verification. "Let's play a game, Dorian. I hate you. I hate everything you put me through. So I'm going to take you to hell," I say, a cruel smile playing on my lips.

I cover his mouth with tape once more, silencing his protests, then pack my meager belongings. Before leaving, I kick him in the nuts for good measure and tase him a few more times, just because I can.

I close the windows and curtains, leaving only a small bowl of water in the kitchen sink, the tap dripping droplets onto its surface. With a final glance at Dorian on the floor, I lock the door behind me and toss the key into a nearby sewer grate.

As I walk away from the building, a sense of satisfaction washes over me. Dorian may be some big shot CEO millionaire but until he's saved, the next day or two will be his worst nightmare.


I withdraw most of the money from Dorian's account, making sure to leave no trace behind. With a newfound sense of freedom and determination, I throw my phone away and board a bus, then another, and another. Three more buses, a train, a plane, and finally, a week later, I find myself in a small, medium-sized town nestled among rolling hills and picturesque landscapes.

The town feels like a breath of fresh air compared to the suffocating city life I was accustomed to. It's quaint, with charming little shops lining the streets and friendly faces greeting me as I walk by. I immediately feel a sense of belonging, as if this is where I was meant to be all along.

After a few days of settling in, I stumble upon a local upscale restaurant, "Le Petit Fleur," known for its exquisite cuisine and elegant ambiance. With my experience in the modeling industry, I manage to secure a job as a waiter, my charming demeanor and quick wit winning over the owner.

I also find a cozy apartment in a quiet part of town, a small space but perfect for me. It's a relief to finally have a place to call my own, away from the chaos and manipulation of my past life.

As I settle into my new routine, I find solace in the simplicity of my surroundings. I spend my days working at the restaurant, serving delicious dishes to the townspeople and tourists alike. The job is fulfilling, and I take pride in providing excellent service to the patrons.

In the evenings, I explore the town, discovering hidden gems and making new friends along the way. The locals are warm and welcoming, and I quickly become a familiar face in the community.

I find joy in the simple pleasures of life - a stroll through the park, a cup of coffee at the local cafe, a chat with the friendly neighbors. I even start attending a small book club at the town library, immersing myself in the world of literature and discussion.

Months pass, and I find myself content and happy in my new life. I've made friends, found a sense of purpose in my work, and most importantly, I've found peace within myself. The scars of my past may still linger, but they no longer define me.

As I sit on the balcony of my apartment, sipping a glass of wine and watching the sun set over the town, I can't help but feel grateful for the second chance I've been given.

Jackson's betrayal doesn't hurt as much, it's painful when I see happy families but it's okay. It's a boring but peaceful life, one day when I'm ready I'll settle with a nice alpha and have my sweet little family.

such a peaceful life will it last?

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