
Ocular Menace: Misadventures of a Man with many Eyes

Johnathan Reed had just finished celebrating his 18 birthday, when like any self-respecting novel protagonist, died to the hands of Truck-Kun. He laments in his last moments the fact he never made it past 24 hours of adulthood, and should have looked before crossing the road. Next thing he knows he's in a old medieval style house. After successfully running away from the house, and whatever problems might come from meeting people, he's in the middle of nowhere until he hears the classic *Ding* any gamer would be familiar with. The Art Is Not Mine. If you are the owner of the art and want it down. let me know and I'll oblige. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do I have you interested? please do let me know of any feedback you have, as again, this is solely for my own enjoyment and to improve my literary skills. I'm the only person proofreading this, and the grammar is probably killing you, so just bear with me, because English was never my best subject Also my jokes could be unfunny, let me know. Also I will do my best for compelling characters, but again first time writing. so stuff like romance might flop and be underwhelming for people and is probably gonna be a side bit, not the main focus and later on.

Literary_nightmare · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Brutal Beating of Scum

(This gets pretty intense all things considered you have been warned)

"All of them please, but make sure that the bones his hands are nothing but dust. I want you to make sure he can't move when I burn him."

"Alright then, Andrew whatever the fuck your name was, I challenge you to a duel."

Everyone stops moving for a second, then they all gather around, whatever they were doing beforehand seemed to be able to wait a few minutes. Johnathan then declares his terms. "Why don't we bet on this fight, if you beat me, i'll do one thing for you, even if it's killing myself. However if I win, your going to let my companion you tried to molest burn you for 5 minutes. Sound like a deal?"

"Deal, get into the arena, and we will fight."

"Have some patience, we can wait about 20 more minutes, so a bigger crowd can gather. That way there's no backing out of the bet."

Andrew just nods before getting what Johnathan assumes is his servant, passes him a chair. Johnathan was immensely curios as to where they and the chair came from. But in the end he just browses the system shop for 20 minutes, only to find nothing of real interest.

Soon the 20 minutes are over, and Johnathan finally decides to look at this guys status. He was unconcerned because this guy was radiating no aura, meaning he was a weakling in Johnathan's eyes.

[Andrew Kyanstone]

Strength [17]

Intelligence [9]

Agility [14]

Stamina [8]

[No Elemental Affinity]

Talent [Slightly Above Average]

Preferred Weapon [Rapier]

Criminal Record

Murder [34]

Ra*e [>99]

Molestation [30]

[You have found a truly disgusting being, kill him and his father to save this town, and your first step towards the thrown]


[10000 Credits] [10000 exp] [25 skill points] [Chain quest Kingdom Conquering]

He then looks at Andrew. "Ready to get your ass beat?"

"Prepare to lick my boot peasant!" Andrews shouting quite loudly, his "better than you" attitude is being shown in full force. He then charges towards Johnathan, but he's extremely slow. He realizes Andrew was the perfect test dummy.

Andrew goes for a stab to the abdomen, but Johnathan just does a flip backwards. A small light can be seen in front of Andrews throat and abdomen. He then recoils back, his sword then falls to the ground. He tries to surrender, but he can't speak. Johnathan had punched his vocal cords, disabling his speech. Just to fulfill his deal with Ruby, he practices his martial arts on him. Soon after he's crumpled on the floor. Just to be sure, Johnathan steps on all of his body, cracking can be heard all throughout the arena, and all of Andrews limbs are at angles there not supposed to be at, and his hands are so deformed so horribly even Johnathan's life magic would need a minute to fix that. Johnathan then announces his victory. "This is my victory Andrew, remember the bet? Enjoy the next 5 minutes, because you pissed off the wrong woman." He then heals Andrews vocal cords.

After healing his vocal cords, Ruby then sets him fire on him. He sits there with a wide smile on his face. He feels nothing for someone like this, who's worse than a goblin. In fact an insane glint in his eyes can be seen while Andrew's screams echoes out. After Andrews public humiliation, torture and beating, Johnathan returns to the arena and clears his throat.

"Andrew Kyanstone, I hereby charge you with the 34 murders, 30 molestation and over 100 cases of ra*e, how do you plead? Do the witnesses have any additional crimes they would like to charge Andrew with?"

After a few seconds, one woman speaks up. "He took my daughter from my family because we couldn't pay a debt of 20 copper coins. He definitely my raped my daughter and then killed her when she was broken!" Soon after the whole town starts charging Andrew with crimes.

"Unfortunately for you, there is only one way to atone. Your death, just pray you don't get reborn where I can find you. Maybe you will get reborn as a goblin, killed by the peasants you used so deplorably." After that, a sickening crunch can be heard, as Andrews skull caves in, killing him. There's brains and blood everywhere across the arena, and soon after, tubby man runs to the arena. Johnathan Proceeds to look at his status.

[Verle Kyanstone]

Strength [10]

Intelligence [11]

Agility [10]

Stamina [7]

[Wind Elemental Affinity]

Talent [Above Average]

Preferred Weapon [N/A]

Criminal Record

Murder [70]

Extortion [>99]


"If it isn't daddy dearest, sorry to say but your to late to save your son, we had a great time sending him to hell, don't worry though, your next and can join your son in the afterlife!" Johnathan then starts laughing maniacally.

"Guards, I want him alive if possible. I'm sure you understand why."

The guards then dash towards Johnathan, suddenly lighting bolts start to hit the guards. After a few seconds all 20 guards are on the floor, Johnathan takes their weapons into his pocket dimension, then looks at Verle, who's focus is entirely in casting his magic. He then takes the rapier from Andrews corpse and impales Verle with it. He stops chanting and spits out blood. This time, Johnathan wasn't going with his antihero antics, and unceremoniously stabs him through the eye, killing him. After this, one guard stands up when he thinks Johnathan is busy and lunges towards Ruby. she lights him up, but not before he crushes the throat of a nearby man.

Johnathan is furious, and lighting strikes soon start hitting the guards and that mans corpse repeatedly. He disintegrates them into ash leaving nothing left. After doing the same to Andrew and Verle, he had successfully vented his anger, and unceremoniously leaves through a portal no one can see. Soon after this event, a storm forms outside the gate, and it soon spreads as far as the eye can see. Rain soon starts pouring down heavily, while this is happening, Ruby decides she should leave and find Johnathan, before he did something extremely stupid and irrational.

Charteter development time, remeber chap 3 when he said morals were gonna be a problem, this is what I meant.

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