

Ayaan, a young Bombay street boy, spends his days striving to live and fantasizing about a better life. One day, he was polishing a man's shoe while he was on the phone watching an Octagon bout. Ayaan was lured in by the intensity and ability of the fighters as he watched the heated competition unfold, particularly the irresistible force that is "The Destroyer" Donal O' Connor. Motivated by what he has witnessed, Ayaan becomes determined to make a living through the world of Octagon fighting. Ayaan embarks on a journey that will test him both physically and psychologically, with no prior experience, resources, and little support. He meets a wide cast of personalities along the way who both aid and hinder his trip, and he must overcome difficulties and face his fears if he intends to reach his ultimate goal of stepping into the Octagon himself. As Ayaan works his way up the ranks of the Octagon, he realizes that the road to success is filled with sacrifice and hard work, but also with moments of triumph and self-discovery. He learns more about himself and what it takes to be a true fighter with each fight. But, as he gets closer to his ultimate goal, he must face the harsh reality of the world he lives in, as well as the sacrifices he must make to realize his aspirations. "He sent a challenge today after the match that he will be waiting for someone, and I want to be that guy. "I want to be the one to beat his ass in front of thousands of people." The bald man searched the child's eyes for signs of doubt or fear, but all he saw was a fiery determination. He knew right then and there that this kid was serious about his dream of competing in the octagon. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Bloodpumping, Male Mc,18+. Some Targets- 100 Power Stones- 1 Bonus Chapter 1 Castle- 1 Bonus Chapter If you wish to support me: Gpay: mahakshchauhan265@okhdfcbank (India) Phonepay: mahakshchauhan@ybl (India) Paypal- Mahaksh7 Check out my other novel - The Moonlight Swordsman (Fantasy) Instagram: mahaksh7 (you can chat with me, official illustration and concept art will also be uploaded here very soon) Discord: https://discord.gg/yMQcQRwYe7 Cover- Made by AI midjourney.

Mahaksh · Sports
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7 Chs

The Destroyer

The doors to Madison Square Garden swung open, releasing a sea of fans dressed in their favorite fighter's colors. The roar of the crowd was deafening as they poured into the stadium, eager to witness the highly anticipated Octagon event.

The aroma of popcorn and hot dogs filled the air, heightening the excitement of the evening.

Fans couldn't help but notice the celebs spread throughout the arena as they made their way to their seats. Famous faces mingled with the crowd, who were all there for the same reason: to see the best of the best compete in the octagon.

The stadium itself was a work of modern architecture, with towering walls covered with screens displaying the fighters' names.

The octagon was in the middle of it all, spotless and gleaming beneath the bright lights, ready to host the fights that would be spoken about for years to come.

The spectators took their places, the lights dimmed, and the audience fell silent in anticipation.

As the fighters made their way to the cage, the only sound was the booming bass of the walkout music. The enthusiasm in the arena built with each stride until it reached a fever pitch. This was the moment they had been anticipating—the ultimate display of strength, skill, and determination. And Madison Square Garden was the ideal venue for it all.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are excited to bring you once again the badass and most ruthless fighters in the world to fight in the Octagon. My name is Mike, and joining me here today is Adam."

"Thank You, Mike, the atmosphere in the Madison Square Garden is off the charts as the match for the lightweight championship is about to begin."

"Yes, we can already see many celebrities here who have come today to witness this most anticipated match of the year."

"Absolutely Mike, let's head over to the announcer as the match is about to start."

The crowd's excitement peaked as the announcer's voice echoed around the stadium.

"The moment you all have been waiting for….

"LIVE from the Madison Square Garden in New Yorkkkkk Cityyyy…


"Nowww... Introducing the Challenger, FIGHTING IN THE RED CORNER, with 11 wins and 5 losses in his professional career.

"Freestyle fighter, He stands 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weighs 154 pounds... FROM THE MEXICO…


The crowd exploded in applause when the announcer announced Gustavo Rodriguez, the challenger in the red corner. Gustavo strode confidently onto the platform, exuding a strong determination that the crowd could perceive.


When the announcer's voice changed to the champion in the blue corner, the crowd erupted.

"INTRODUCING THE CHAMPIONNNNN... fighting in the blue corner, with 15 wins and zero losses in professional career, all by knockout. He is a mixed martial artist, stands 5 feet and 9 inches tall, and weighs 154 pounds.


Donal O'Connor emerged and walked like a duck in the middle of the octagon, his muscles bulging beneath his skin. He exuded a quiet confidence that spoke volumes about his skill in the octagon. The crowd was roaring and waving Irish flags everywhere.

The announcer's voice went away as he exited the ring, leaving behind the eager crowd's sounds. The referee entered the octagon, and both fighters approached him with their eyes locked in a ferocious glare.

Without saying anything, the warriors closed the gap between them until their faces were only inches apart. The tension in the air was apparent as they locked gazes on one another, measuring up their opponent and attempting to predict their next move.

The audience was glued to their seats, waiting for the combat to begin. There was no doubt that these two warriors meant business, and would give it their all in the ring.

The fighters ran towards one another, ready to battle it out in the octagon, as the referee signaled the start of the bout, and the crowd erupted in shouts.

The two fighters circled each other warily, throwing small jabs with their right hands to test the waters.

They were wary of getting too close to one another, knowing that even the smallest error might be fatal in the brutal world of Octagon.

Their movements were exact, and their gaze was fixated on their opponent, looking for any flaws they could exploit. The tension in the air was evident as they proceeded to put one another to the test, neither wanting to be the first to make a mistake.

Gustavo struck Donal's right calf quickly, causing him to stumble for a time. Donal reacted by attempting a chin strike but missing by a hair's breadth.

Donal recovered swiftly from the calf strike, changing his stance to accommodate. Despite the miss, he remained focused and looked for chances to land a devastating punch.

Gustavo was equally watchful, keeping his distance and hunting for gaps in Donal's defenses. The two warriors circled each other again and again, their motions smooth and graceful as they attempted to gain the upper hand in the fight.

The roar of the audience screaming "Ole, ole ole..." filled the arena, creating an explosive atmosphere that heightened the fight's excitement. The audience was definitely enjoying the show, and their yells and chants just added to the excitement for the rest of the fight.

The fighters could sense the enthusiasm of the fans, which further fueled their desire to give it their best in the octagon. They kept exchanging blows, their motions swift and precise as they tried to gain an advantage over their opponent.

Gustavo launched a quick one-two combination at Donal, trying to catch him off guard. Donal, on the other hand, was too swift for him, easily evading both punches with practiced ease.

Donal sensed an opening and took advantage of it in a split second. He responded with his own one-two punch, nailing Gustavo square on the chin with the second shot. Gustavo was sent tumbling to the ground by the force of the punch, his body hitting the mat with a thunderous thud.

In a blur of motion, Donal rushed at him, his fists raised high. With lightning-fast strikes, he rained blow after blow down upon Gustavo, each one landing with a sickening thud.

Gustavo lurched backward, his face a bleeding mess, as the audience gasped in disbelief.

The referee, seeing the severity of the situation, quickly stepped in to stop the fight, declaring Donal the winner by technical knockout.

As Donal stood over Gustavo, his fists still raised in victory, the crowd exploded in a frenzy of yells and roars. Despite the ferocity of the encounter, Donal remained calm.

The announcer's voice burst out once more throughout the arena, his words ringing clear and true above the din of the cheering audience. "And the winner is Donal O'Connor, who won by knockout in just two minutes and ten seconds of the first round!"

The fans erupted in shouts and cheers, their joy evident as they celebrated the champion's surprising victory. Everyone sprang to their feet from all corners of the arena, their voices raised in ecstatic celebration of the victory they had just witnessed.

Donal was overcome with joy and pride as he basked in the glory of his hard-fought win and the adoration of his admirers.

An official-looking man approached Donal, microphone in hand, and posed a question to the victorious fighter.

"What do you think about the match, Donal?"

"It's Fucking easssy... They are all not on my level, mate."

Donal seized the microphone from the official and locked his eyes on the camera, preparing to speak his mind.

"You!" He pointed his finger toward the camera.

"Wherever you areee... crawl your way here to give some fight, I will be waiting for ya..."


In Mumbai...

On the streets near Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, a thin, 18-year-old boy peered intently at the phone screen, watching the match alongside a well-dressed man.

"Didn't I tell you, he will win. He is the most badass person on the planet. Did you polish my shoes well?"

"Y... Yes sir." The boy replied.

"Here, take this. I gotta go; I can't miss the interview." The man parted ways with the boy after slipping him a 10-rupee note.

As the man's figure disappeared into the distance, the boy remained fixated on the fight, his mind racing with thoughts and questions after the fight he had just watched.


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I will try to update at least 5 chapters a week depending on how well the novel works. I am already writing another story which you can also check out "The Moonlight Swordsman".

If the audience likes it and share their support towards it I will try to push this novel for more chapters.

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