

Allan" a rich yet cold person with an unbearable past came accross "Athenesia" a girl who is trying to cope up with the world. They seem to have some conflict as soon as they meet due to a strange reason. He forcibly kidnaps and restrain her, she is totally under his command. It was all good till he finds himself in love with her without realising it . Now he is to hold onto his past or to embrace her. She leaves him after that sinful night. Time flies but now he is unable to forget her and wants her back. Will he be tangled up with the life or focus on bringing her back.....? "

Annadiya · Urban
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6 Chs


While Allan walks in, he glances at every staff member. He spots a guy with messy tie and then he looks towards the manager and the manager nods his head in fear. As Allan goes ahead of him, the guy hurriedly fixes his tie.

Then he stops in front of a girl and turns towards her. Due to his sudden turn, the girl turns numb. He looks at her shoes which was covered with flour then he again looks towards the manager and the manager again nods his head. After his passing, everyone took a deep breath.

As he passes by the tables, he sees a bracelet lying on one of the table. It was the same bracelet that Athenasia dropped a while ago. He picks up the bracelet and looks at it for few seconds. "Useless thing" he mumble and is about to throw it away, by then his phone rings. He answers the call while walking towards his private room and unknowingly holds the bracelet in his hands. After reaching his room he then comes to the study room and sits on the chair in an relaxing way. Later he raises his hand and keeps staring at the bracelet. He throws it in the dustbin, then he picks it up. He then wipes it with a tissue and keeps the bracelet in the inner pocket of his blazer. Then he looks in front and thinks of something in his mind.

On the other hand Athenasia reaches her apartment and wearily fells on her bed and she falls asleep.

An hour later her phone rings. She was already having many missed calls with the same number. Her phone again rings. This time she answered the call in tired and sleepy tone,


"Hey. Where are you? What are you doing? Are you sleeping? Are you coming or not? " the girl from the other side questions her nonstop.

"What happened?" she asked as she was unaware of the situation.

"Oh no! It's about Lily " she replied in deep annoyance.

Athenasia comes to her senses, "Ya! I am coming in an hour. Ok"

"Alright. Come over soon. "

Athanesia hangs the phone and took a deep breath. She straight went to the bathroom and took a shower and wear a simple but nice down the knee frock. She then ties up her wet hair with a clip. And goes straight to her friend Sarah's house. As soon as she touches the door bell Sarah opens the door, "you were supposed to come at 8 o'clock and now you have come at 10 o'clock."

Athanesia makes her way in, "first let me in. I rushed here without taking a single breath.....

By the way, where did you lost her? "

she sees the rest of her friends were sitting on the couch getting bored. "When did you people came here? " her sudden reply.

"We have been here since 8 o'clock and was waiting for you." a handsome guy replied.

Embarraesd Athanesia, " I am extremely sorry guys. I was very tired of rich life and without knowing I dozed off. By the way Jane where is Michael? Didn't he came with you?"

Jane's reply, "Michael. that bec.. "

Danial interrupts Jane, "He is not interested in spending time with us useless people. He just like enjoying in pubs and clubs. Isn't it right Jane. "

"That's not it. He was having some work to do that why he didn't shown up. " Jane answered. With this Denial gave an jealous look. Athenasia and Sarah notices it and Athenasia tries to change the topic, "Alright we are all here to find Lily. Now let's just focus on that only. OK. "

"OK" as three of them replied they went out to find Lily. "How to find her? " Jane asks while Sarah replies, "Let's split up..... I will go look for her in the building, Jane will look on the streets, Danial will go look in neighbouring buildings and Athenasia you will go through the main roads towards the bus stop near the signal."

Athanesia's sudden and surprising reply, "why me? why I will go to the road sides and signal? "

"Because you were late my darling that is your punishment. " Sarah taps her shoulders while talking. "Alright let's go split up. " encouraging everyone Daniel makes his move.

With eyes closed, moving his head up and down. Allan is sitting in a cool and relaxing position. Just then Robert barge in and sits on the chair in front of Allan.

"What happened bro? Are you thinking of something? Is that a girl? " Robert asks in an curious way. Allan stops moving his head. He opens his eyes and looks at Robert with an cold expression.

Robert pulls his phone out of the pocket and shows Allan, "By the way Mr Park, I want to show you something. Rosie just posted a picture. "

Allan snatches his phone to see the post. He smiles a bit looking to it. Robert smiles as well and starts teasing him, "Oh... So Mr Allan is smiling " hearing this Allan again turns serious.

Keeping childishness aside Robert in an serious way, "Allan, should we go now? It's already 10 o'clock and now everything is OK here."

"Alright let's go then. " As they both came out of the room and walks towards the exit, the staff members greets them through the way as they both passes them. The hotel manager came out to see them both off. One of the guard open car's door for Allan while Robert is about to sit on the driver seat Allan tell him, "Robert tell our men to keep an close eye on Rosie and keep informing me about her. "

"Alright. I will tell someone to look after her. You don't have to worry about her. " Robert sat by the driver side and Allan sat by the passenger side. Then they both leaves. As soon as they both left, everyone within the hotel took a deep breath.

After seeing them off, the hotel manager turns around and frightens to see both of the staff girl and boy standing right behind him, "Sir what about us?" both of them asks him in deep fear. The manager took a deep breath and replies, "Were you both out of your minds ? huh..? How many times I told you that don't create a mess in front of him. How were you supposed to present yourselves in front of everyone will messed appearance and flour on your body."

manager's bursting reply makes them worried.

"By the way our boss is a kind hearted guy, so he didn't fired you both. It's... "

hearing this they slightly smiled while the manager continues to complete his sentence. "It's just that from now on you both have to go and work within the cleaning department. OK. See you guys, bye. " hearing this they both turned into stone as if their soles left their bodies. Giving a sigh they returned inside the hotel.