
Ocean high

Growing up into this stage of being a teen can be quite fast and stress free,but being within it can be a mess on its highest level

j0s3ph1ne · Teen
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chapter 1

A cool breeze blowing through a window and a little bit of light lurking into the room is what a pleasant morning holds today. Violetta certainly isn't aware of the morning until her alarm does it all. She jumps put of bed in excitement. It is her first day in highschool.

Violetta:(exhales sharply)Wow,the day is finally here and I am definitely ready for it.

All done and dusted,she looks herself into her mirror dressed up in her sky blue uniform and smiles in relief,but maybe she has gotten herself the shortest skirt ever. Does she even mind at all?. She grabs her backpack and moves down for breakfast.

Violetta:(with a huge smile while

sitting down) good


Mom. :Good morning,Violet. you look


Violetta: Thank you so much.( looking

around)where is dad?

Mom. : He left earlier. he said he had

an early morning meeting to


Violetta: So you have to drop me off


Mom. : Yes, or would you better

prefer Jakes?

Violetta: (frowns)Mom,can we not talk

about this now?. let's go I'm

running late for my first day

don't ruin it.(she picks her

backpack and leaves)

Mom: :(Rushing after her) Violetta I

didn't mean to upset you. I'm


It is finally the long awaited arrival into Ocean High premises. Violetta is carried away by all she sees. "This is it" ,she though to herself. As she walked down the corridor, running her fingers through her soft silky blonde hair,she was the center of everyone's attention. She didn't even notice all of that. All she focused on,was getting to her first class and start the day. All went well. There isn't much to do on a first day of school except alot of introduction of new and old students, teachers and the school at large. Its is finally lunch time and everyone else has a group of friends they belong to. Everyone's chatting and laughing about their holidays and Violetta can't live without a frown to the whole situation. "Oh,Goodness what a bunch of unfriendly people we have here". She sat all alone on a bench next to a garden full of fresh, red roses. She stared at them and only heaven knows what's running through her mind. Bruce. A tall, blue eyed,black headed and handsome guy came starred at her from afar and decided to get closer. As Bruce came closer to her, she still didn't notice his presence. She was drifted away into something that only she knew. Bruce sat next to her.

Bruce. :(clears throat)Hello there

Violetta:(Turning)Hi. uhm,how long

have you been here?

Bruce. :(chuckles) long enough to

know you were daydreaming.

Violetta: Who said I was?

Bruce. : Come on. Even a mad man

could tell.

Violetta: You're weird.

Bruce. : I don't know if that's

suitable for me, but I accept.

Violetta:Cut it out. What do you want?

Bruce. : Nothing much. I uh,just saw

sitting all alone and I thought

you needed company. look

around you, everyone else

has someone they're with.

Violetta:Well,I don't have any problem

being alone,sir.

Bruce. : Oh,okay. I insist though.

what's your name?

Violetta:(rolling her eyes)I'm Violetta.

Bruce. : That's a beautiful name.

Violetta :Thank you

Bruce : It would be rude of you to

not want to know my name.

Violetta: No it won't be..can you leave


Bruce. :(stares at her)Mmm.

Violetta: I said leave.

Bruce. :(smiling while standing) If you

so. Violet.

Violetta: Please don't call me Violet

next time.you don't own

any position for it.

Bruce. :(turning back)Okay

As Bruce walked away from her,he was happy, less offended. Bruce was the most wanted guy in the whole school and for him to be up with Violetta, can never mean two things but one. Violetta had no idea of what's coming her way.

A boring day it was for Violetta indeed. As she laid in her bed with her light off and soft music playing in the background, she wondered why Bruce did what he did today. She wondered even more why she can't get her mind. "what is going on with me?",she thought. it has been long after her last breakup with Jakes that she thought of moving on with any relationship anymore so this might be one reason why she is finding it awkward to think so much about Bruce. She certainly won't be getting any sleep anytime soon and tomorrow is another day and she definitely has to go to school.

starring into the mirror,Violetta thought to herself "hmm, another day. I just hope not to see Bruce". she frowns. Getting to school, Violetta walks in a complete rush, keeping her eyes down, hoping to reach her class without having to see Bruce anywhere, but that won't help. Bruce sees how she is evidently avoiding him. He will definitely go for her at the right time. Violetta with her eyes on the floor, bumps into Kacy. Kacy is the school's well known rich, beautiful ,sassy and smart student. She was in the same class as Violetta and was madly in love with Bruce, but its not always that someone can eat their cake and have it. Kacy was so threatened but Violetta's arrival into the school as she felt like all she was known for, would now be handed over to Violetta, but the truth is, it should be.

Kacy. :(stamping her foot) Hey,you

silly girl. Can't you be more

careful how you walk?

Violetta: (stammering)I..Im sorry.

Kacy. :(scoffs)Oh please spare me

that nonsense. look, you

better keep your eyes off

Bruce. You don't want to

mess with me.

Violetta: What are you talking about?

Kacy. : Leave him alone.

Kacy turns around flipping her hair into Violetta's face and walks away. everyone else stood and laughed at Violetta except Bruce. He only watched her from a distance.Violetta looks around at everyone, scoffs and continues walking. "I will leave him for all I care. after all I don't even have anything to do with him". she thought to herself. It was break time and as usual, everyone is excited about hanging around with their friends and all, but not for Violetta! all she could do was just walk to her usual brown, old bench that stood in front of a rose bed and expect that so called Bruce to show up again and I can definitely tell, she won't take it light on him. And exactly as she daydreams, there she goes again diving into every single thing running through her mind

Violetta : (frowns while snapping out

of her daydream)This

school sucks.

Bruce. : Oh, no it doesn't just that

maybe there's something

that needs to be sucked.

As Bruce spoke, he kept on moving closer and closer to her. Somebody's daughter should be using her microscopic eyes right now to observe the slow bacteria like chemistry developing between these two or else she won't have a reason to fight for Bruce anymore, yes Kacy!😅 it's so obvious that her reign as the beauty goddess at Ocean High school is facing a major threat. Meanwhile, Violetta realizes what's about to happen between them if she remains still

Violetta : Oh please don't be pathetic!

look, stay away from me!

She picks her backpack and walks away and vanishes into the school's corridors.."she's such a hard nut" Bruce thought to himself.

Yeah. yeah school drama and all. The best feeling Violetta ever had for the past few days, is being at home and not having to see Bruce and his supposed fish of a girlfriend. nobody knows if she really is his girlfriend after all.