
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Sci-fi
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223 Chs

Agricultural Research Center

In the olden times we grow plants and vegetables on rich or cultivated soils but since greenhouses and clonings (reproducing same type to avoid unhealthy genes) of animals, plants or trees, fruits and vegetables became popular and usefully economical, it spread like crazy all through-out Majarlica and the world. In nations, continents like Africa, Saudi Arabia, Antarctica and others that couldn't grow their own food due to land and weather conditions. We made it a law to cultivate cities, districts and moreover countries that suffer from drought, harsh climates and weather conditions. So, citizens of the said former nations are now rich and have planted, cultivated their lands or if not, set up or built solar powered green houses and or animal quarteriums that stand as laboratories/homes for meats from animals like swine, beef, wagyu, chicken (poultry), fish (seafood), etc. But nowadays people are not fond of meats anymore so we seldom eat them unless we want to or desire to have them in winter or cold seasons. Countries and districts with cold weathers decided to plant grapes, strawberries, berries and other sweet, sour and winterize fruits to convert to wine and beers. Majarlica decided to settle for vegetables and fruits for healthier options in order to live longer, stay happier with cooler body temperatures eating fibrous and citrus meals.

Earth has structures built not only on Ground level which is the old streets and bridges of the 21st century, it also has the mid or Air-level where streets from ground connects to highways about 250 feet above the ground. Then the third level which is Sky. Here streets, highways, and bridges also connect but differs from streets below due to air traffic where planes, air busses, flying cars and motorized, digitalized, solar powered hover cars, boards and motorcrossers crossing, engaging the streets of Sky. The clouds sometimes hinder from letting air flights have accidents or issues concerning it but found a solution that clouds can be avoided as long as air vehicles pass underneath or upwards and side to side. This has been a centuries old issue yet, we are all aware of the dangers and sort of used to the bumps, storms and lightnings that we encounter flying and riding though the popular and adventure filled streets of Sky level.

If malls, buildings and skyscrapers plagued the ground level, so does Sky level. Since mid or Air level has built in homes, markets, hospital, parks and schools, Sky level has more to it than meets the clouded eyes, hehe! We have tall buildings that reache up until 300 floors. This is a once in a lifetime feat by a famous engineer and artist named JayV. But since tall infrastructures need maintaining and yearly tax payments, JayV sold it to Eco Amber who owns several malls and company buildings on ground, mid-Air and Sky levels. Aside from him, nobles, commoners and merchants or businessmen/women such as Lord Yuri own some of them too alongside orphanages, hospitals and schools/universities. Churches and Civic structures are owned by religious organizations and this hasn't affected the bond and unified coalition of USN and churches all throoguh-out the universe.

Dunea was totally shocked when she went with us to Infinity Mall on the ground level. Since DOGS Academy is located on mid-Air level, hangars and pods are common among infrastructures. However, when the flighters visited Majica Beach where Dunea met Ericka, waters and seas are all over ground level that it's impossible to have enormous beaches and lakes or waterfalls on mid-Air or Sky Levels. But philantropists, tycoons and scientists have discovered ways to make waters stay up float and this is where magic-like powers came into play. Why now we have Sky Mall, with shops for Tea/Coffe Air lounges, retaurants, bars like Star Bucks, Mac Donalds, Jolli Bee, Terra Yaki, Nike Air, Roblox City, Lego Fairy Land, Flight Disney and many more. Haa… it is a beautiful and magnificent creations and architectures that whenever I see and visit them, it's always fun, dreamy but extravagant. D'Caffe is at Ground level but when floods threatened the business districts, they insisted and asked for USN's monetary assistance to build their shops or food chains on mid-Air level. USN and other civic groups or agencies help in monetary aids among average income earners or busniness owners. Couple Dina and Greg wo owns D'Caffe paid a handsome money to build their café with six table and some chairs set-up to a now mid-Air level improved shop with 12 saturn style tables and long comfortable cushioned chairs sorta like mini sofas which made the establishment more glamorous at first glance. Blue, purple and pink color lights play and brighten the shop, I love working there and kind of miss talking with my tribe after all. Haaa…., Ericka said and while sleeping inside her unit at Carpathia Residences. The Carpatia Home Cruise is magnanimously huge and exquisite. I think it can fit not just ten football fields but twenty or more maybe. Well, I might be exaggerating but yeah!

Ren, hi, what's up?, Ericka said when she opened the door. How are you liking Carpathia? It's a cool place huh? Want to walk out of here and explore the place?, Ren said and smiled at me. I checked on her aura and it doesn't have lewd or angry vibes anymore. So I agreed to walk with her to a park near our residence. I love the place, you?, I replied when we are about to sit on the park seats in front of a I think a man-made waterfall. And it's amazing how they did this in outer space.