
Obsession Series #2 Let's pretend

William Riles a 22 years old man who owns the most successful bank in the world, he was born in a rich family and was controlled by his parents when he was young but when he got older and started to build his own business his parents couldn't control him anymore but when William's parents want him to find a woman who will marry him and will give their a grandchild, he decided to give them want they want. William saw a beautiful woman when he stepped outside his office in his bank. He thinks something to stop his parents for pestering him for finding a woman who will marry him. Haisley needs money so damn much because of his sick father, they aren't rich but his father have money in his bank account but it doesn't enough for the bill to the hospital, she tried to look for work but she can't find somewhere that's hiring. She was about to lose hope when a handsome man approached her.

J_Hyeong · Teen
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33 Chs


Haisley POV

Knowing the reason why he's acting like that towards his parents makes me a bit sad, how can they did that to their own son but I know too that they have their own reasons why and I shouldn't judge them without knowing what their reasons are.

After we ask each other a question we just watch the TV and no one speak up.

"What do you want to do?" William suddenly asked


"Huh?" I stated confused.

"I asked what do you want to do?" He repeated.

"Uhmm I don't know, I usually stay inside the house." I answered and he nodded.

"Well now you're not." He said getting up.

"Why?" I asked.

"We're going outside, it's boring doing nothing in here." He said.

"Where are we going then?" I asked.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked back.

"Uhmm can we go to the mall?" I asked looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah sure, come on, we should dress up, now." He said then getting up to the stair, I quickly follow him.

We both enter our walk in closet and I started to find some of my nice clothes. I heard the door opened so I guess William stepped out to dress up in the bathroom.

I pick my pastel pink dress, it's above my knees and a sleeveless, I wear my crop top leather jacket to cover the part of my upper body that didn't covered by my dress. I then wear my baby blue doll shoes, I don't wear high heels because I'm not used to it, I might trip when I walk using that thing.

After dressing up I look at myself on the full body length mirror. My hair is a bit messy, I get a comb and start combing my hair, I didn't bother to tie it because why not, my hair is naturally straight and it has a brownish color.

When I'm fully done, I let myself out from the walk in closet then I saw William sitting at our bed and fixing his watch. He still doesn't notice me to I cleared my throat.

He then stopped fixing his watch and look at me, he looks at me like I'm the most beautiful gem in the whole world by that I got a bit self conscious.

"Stop looking at me like that." I stated, I can feel my cheeks heated up.

"Looking like what?" He asked grinning.

"N-nothing." I stated, he walked towards me and place his hands on my waist.

"You look beautiful." He stated and I blush even more.

"Thank you, you look handsome on your clothes." I stated.

I'm not lying tho, he really is handsome, wearing a white shirt that when it gets wet his abs will show up, his sexy watch, his pants, everything he wears fits him perfectly.

Every girls be dying just to get his attention, and he might look at them more lovingly than he the way he's looking at me, I felt a slight pinch on my heart but I got snapped out from my thoughts when William speaks.

"Let's go?" He asked reaching for my hand.

"Yeah." I answered then hold his hand.

We walked out from our room hand in hand, we didn't bother to tell my parents that we're going out, I will just going to tell them when we got home.

When we reached outside we went to his car and he opened the door on my side and I get in, he soon get in, on his side and starts the engine.

The gate opened by the guards and we started our adventure going to the mall.

When we arrived at the mall, William parked his car and I was about to open the door at my side when he speaks up.

"No, wait for me." He stated and get out then he went to my side and open the door for me.

He really is a gentleman what if I can't stop the feeling that I'm feeling for him? nevermind about that I will just take the risk and go with the flow of this, I won't stop my feelings for him.

We went inside the mall. We first go to around and look around. Then we reached the stall that has phones, I look at them, I just remembered that my phone was now not working but I can't afford to buy one, I was about to continue walking when I heard William talking to the sales lady.

"What can I do for you, sir?" The sales lady asked.

"How much this phone costs?" William asked pointing at a phone then I look at it.

It's beautiful, and it looks expensive.

"$500, sir." The lady answered. William looks at me and motioned me to come to him, so I go to his side and he makes me look at the phone.

"Is it beautiful?" He asked.

"Yeah it is." I said smiling at him.

"Do you want it?" He asked but I just nodded a bit confused.

"Okay, then." He said then look back at the woman.

"I'm going to get this." He answered.

"This way sir." The lady stated and we both followed her.

"Why are you buying a phone when your phone is still in good condition?" I asked.

"I'm just going to give it as a gift to someone." He answered and I nod.

That girl is so lucky, William is giving her a gift, I wish he gives me too. When he finished paying for it, he asked if they can put it in the paper bag and they did.

"Do you want to eat?" He asked me, holding my hand.

"Yeah, I'm hungry." I replied to him.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Can we eat to the food court?" I asked.

"F-food what?" He asked, he doesn't know what food court is?

"Food court, we can eat there." I responded.

"Okay, let's get going." He said when we arrived at the food court it's a bit crowded but it's not full. We sat down on the empty seats.

"Are you sure you want to eat here?" He asked, he literally asked me that question for a hundredth time now.

"Yes, I'm sure now stop asking." I said slightly piss off, the we said our order.

"What is your ideal date?" William suddenly asked of nowhere.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"What is your ideal date?" He asked again looking at me.

I look at him questioningly but he just gave me a look that saying that he won't do anything to harm me so I answered him.