
Pain ..

Happy reading all ...

Please read " Obsession is not love " who is not reading it ...Thanks you all ....I m so much happy ..My book Reached " 400k " Obsession is not love now completed its 400k ...Who is not reading it till now so try it out ..

Yes ! yes I m back with this different story and with more different ideas ...As per your demands ..I m back with more blasts ..With More deep Passion...Deep Obsession.All things going to be deeper then ocean ...

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In Room ..

King Ruston was doing everything he can do ..He is pleasuring Himself like there is no tomorrow he can't feel anything he just want to feel her ..He just want To have her around him He just want to have her like there is no tomorrow he don't hate anything he just don't anything he is doing with his baby queen ..He don't even care what he gonna do with to keep her with him ..But one thing he care he never going to release her ..She is not going away from him