
Obsession is Just Not My Thing

Bakugo is obsessed with Kirishima but refuses to believe it till its too late... “...him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good.“

Crude_Kyle · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Feelings... Suck

Bakugo's Pov:

It's lunch Rush and I can't find Kirishima or the other nerds. I guess I have to sit alone today. The empty table is all the way in the back. Great. I miss the company of the others. In middle school I didn't have a lot of good friends so I would usually be sitting alone, but now that I'm in highschool, shouldn't I be sitting with my friends? Making memories? Just doing stupid shit? Or maybe I'm just missing a certain Redhead…

These feelings are just so intense. I have to be by him. Always. If I see others around him I get all fidgety. If I don't know where he is I panic. Maybe I should confront him? Fuck. That. Bullshit. These feelings are mine, and mine alone. I'll just have to conquer them on my own and fight these urges. That is until I see him with Mina. Why is she right next to him? Why is Mina laughing? I'm supposed to be the one laughing with Kiri. ME. I get up from my table in the back and my chair hits the floor. I stomp over to Mina and Kirishima. I stop and try to calm down before I make a huge scene. After that I walk over there and Kirishima apologizes for being late.

"Bakubro, we're so sorry! We got held up after class by Mr. Aizawa because we had cleaning duty."

"It's ok, I guess. How about you two come over to my table and we can talk for the rest of lunch huh?"

"That sounds nice." Mina, spoke cheerfully.

"Great." I said between tight lips.

As we walked I got real close to Kirishima, this seemed ok for the time being. Especially because I had no idea where he was for like 15 minutes. When we all sat down I purposely made Mina sit on the far end while me and Kiri sat close together. Don't get me wrong. I like Mina but not when she gets too close to Kirishma. That's when I have to step in and take charge.

"Hey Mina?" I asked inquisitively

"Yeah? What's up Bakugo?"

"Would you be interested in coming over to my dorm tonight? I need help with this one thing for chemistry, and you're like the one person I know that actually understands it."

I hate having to go this low but you have to do anything for your friend.