
Obsessed with Velvette

Perfectswriting · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter five 《Descriptive Essay》

Don't waste your time in anger, pain, regrets, worries and grudges.

Liife is too short to be unhappy.



Beside me sat my Elder brother, Steve Macmillan, an award winning Engineer who's happily married to Karen Williams, an entrepreneur and blessedly gifted with a healthy baby boy named after my late Dad, Diemos Macmillan.

He's currently working on a teleport machine, I hope that hypothesis comes to life.

Steve inherited Mum's hazel eyes and Dad's crushed garnet hair. He isn't as handsome as Nick but nice all the same.

A very quiet man, a man of few words. Calm, very intelligent and skillful. How he was able to confront Karen is one thing google still hasn't been able to give me a probable answer to. It's feels awkward when I try to imagine it in my head, my shy bee of a brother confronting the popular and easygoing Karen.

Very soon, I'd dare them to tell me their love story. These moments were part of those times where I wished I had some superheroic abilities. I could just compel them to voice it out.

Next to Steve is Nicholas Macmillan, the second born and CEO of Macmillan Jewels worldwide. He acquired Dad's emerald eyes and Mum's charming personality. Tall, well built and a flawless body to top it up. His own special traits I guess.

He's mouth drooling handsome, open, laidback and funny.

A certified ladies man, ladies worship the ground he walks on.

His protectiveness is something I'd wish on the lady who'll be able to make him settle down once and for all.

Men will have to go through him first if they're interested in me, he can be overbearing sometimes but I love him nonetheless.

Opposite to me is my elder sister, Anastasia Macmillan, the third born who works as a nurse at a clinic downtown.

She's different from all of us, she's quiet and intelligent like Steve. Sometimes I question if she's really my sister.

We've never been close, we talk and communicate but not the typical kind of relationship between two siblings.

With a tall figure and curvy body, a red hot cinnamon hair and big baby blue eyes she's definitely a catch.

She's pretty, not- look-once- and - look- again kind of beauty but she's pretty all the same.

I'm actually the last born but we have an adopted sister, Glitter Macmillan, she's just two days older than I am.

Dad found her on the streets helpless, vulnerable and sick. He brought her home and took care of her.

The adoption came into the picture when he discovered she had no family.

Glitz is the queen among us, Kally is undoubtedly gorgeous but Glitz is mindblowingly beautiful.

She's a deva. A musician and a model.

Personality wise, Glitz is Easygoing, sophisticated, elegant, extravagant, intelligent. I can describe her with thousands of adjectives.

She's a hot cake with her curly butterscotch hair, sparkling amber eyes, full erubescent lips and an hour glass shape even Tsiff can't compare her beauty to hers although she's widely known as the beauty goddess.

A perfect body, perfect beauty, perfect personality. Men bow to her, she's majestically undeniably beautiful that sometimes I get intimidated. Not that I'm gonna admit it to her, there's something about Glitz and her ego. She'll definitely use it against me.

We're very close, I've never seen an honest person like her in my entire life, not that I've lived for a thousand years or something.

She's one person I'm ultimately close to apart from Kally, Nick and Mum.

I love her like any biological sister would.


My stomach rumbled in response when the heavenly smell of home made food wafted through my nose, I'm counting the seconds I'd be able to taste something that is better than orgasm. Don't ask me how I knew.

The cook served spicy enchiladas, fried catfish breaded with a mixture of flour and corn bread, fish tacos and peach cobblers along with a jug of orange juice.

Anticipation, I was salivating now and inwardly cursing the cook for keeping me waiting.

What I'd do to this food, I'll squeeze and milk out all the addictive ingredients favourable to my taste buds.

A very naughty thought crossed my mind,

on my knees and sucking the life out of the cock of the mysterious man while he gripped my hair in greed for more. I felt my breath hitch and moisture travel down between my legs at just that thought.

Stupid, stupid Velvette. I pinched myself.

How can a faceless man have such an extreme effect on me without his presence.

Just as I was about to finger the food with my fork, a painful moan left my lips instinctively.

My vision blurred and suddenly I was transported into a whole different place.