
Best friends, different life challenges

It was Monday morning, but I was too lazy to get up from bed and mama was too energetic to keep calling me to get up and prepare for school.

We were having our last papers today and i was going to enter high school in few months to come, how excited I was. I went to school a bit late but in time for my papers. I had a lot of brilliant friends like Kate and zina but i noticed there absence from school today, which was quite strange so I had to run all the way from school to zina's house which was infact the closet.

I got there in just three minutes and I happened to witness a heartbreaking scene. Zina's mom was walking out with her bags well packed, she was leaving her marriage again for the third time not minding the emotional and physiological effects it will leave on her daughter yet again.

I ran past her as fast as my leg could carry me to Zina's room and as expected, she was bitterly crying and begging her dad to call back her mom and settle things with her but her dad remained adamant.

Grace was there with Zina, but she was quiet all along and i could see the fears and confusion on her face, fears because she wasn't sure of what was going to happen to Zina and confused because she's never experienced such at home. Her mama and dada were so much in love, and they raised her with so much affection. Thing other kids like Zina and i didn't have.

I was also crying but silently because I was alike to Zina in many ways, but for now I had to wipe away those tears and make sure we didn't fail our final papers.

I walked down to Zina, patted her on her back and gave her a warm embrace, till I noticed she was starting to feel better. Aria, ehh I answered after our papers today, I will have to join mama and continue high school there.

She told me her mama had promised to come pick her up once she settles down properly.

Zina, I called her, I know mama will surely come to get you, but you have to impress her by clearing all your papers and we can only achieve that by going back to school before we miss our final exams.

Zina, i know your mom just left your dad but believe me you're going to be fine, it's just a matter of time grace told her and we all smiled and ran back to school.

That was the last time I saw Zina's dad and mom, and after our papers that day it was also the last time I saw my friend Zina because her mama kept her promise of coming back to get her.

It was just me and grace, lonely but happy we all made our papers and now it's finally time to experience that high school life we all dreamt of every night.