

Tae_lecious · Fantasy
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I woke up to the sound of my alarm piercing through my ears.I immediately stopped the alarm to stop this annoying sound that invades my ear every single day and it hit me that i would be late for college if i am going to continue this laziness.I got out of bed did my morning routine,put on a cute outfit.As i stopped to look at myself in the mirror i smiled at my reflection"Perfect!!"I was about to walk out of the house when i heard a knock on my door.

Jungkook's POV:

I went to walk early in the morning after returning i still had enough time to get ready for college.I took a bath and put on a decent outfit for the day and decide to pick Y/N up on my way. Here i am standing outside of her house waiting for her to get out so i can surprise her but she is taking too long so i decided to knock on her door after waiting for almost half an hour  


I opened the door to see Jungkook outside. I don't know why but i was kinda expecting him.I greeted him by throwing my body on him immediately and he reciprocated my action by hugging me more tightly."I missed u soo much" he said while snuggling in my neck.I let go to lock my door and got in the car.Our college was not that far just about 45 minutes from our houses.The entire drive we kept on nagging eachother to the point Jungkook decided to just drop me midway "I know you won't do that"i stated while laughing at his facial expression "i will" he said with a smerk. He knew it hurts my ego when someone smerks at me but he still did that "stop the car"I said with a serious face "I said stop the car"at this point he actually did stop.I got out of the car, Jungkook calling my name from behind but i just ignored it. I took out my phone and called Jimin walking away from Jungkook's car.''Hello"Jimin said through the phone "Hey Jimin can u please pick me up from the cafe near my house" You said clear enough so that the guy standing behind me gets the hint that i don't want to accompany him anymore and it worked! he stomped towards his car and drove away. 5 minutes later i saw Jimin waving at me from his car and i immediately got in.

Upon entering the classroom i saw Rose and Jennie talking while being all smily and a sulking Jungkook sitting on the nearest chair bouncing his leg up and down fastly.They looked at Jungkook and smiled again which made me curious to what was happening.I made eye contact with Jungkook while putting my stuff on my seat.I creased his cheek and started walking towards Rose and Jennie to see what made them all smiley.."Hey guys whats going on u two look amused by Jungkook..what's happening??"both of them looked at me then at eachother and started smiling more."What happened with u two?" Rose asked "About that... he was threatening to leave me midway so i told him to stop the car called Jimin and went with him...did he throw a tantrum or what??"I said irritated.Jisoo intervened "Well he came early literally threw his stuff across the classroom..thank goodness we were the only people present at that time and he has been sitting like this for quite a long time" Jisoo took a glance at Jungkook and continued "Are u two in love or what look at him he is literally staring at you and he looks so at ease ever since you came here.Rose rolled her eyes but nobody saw her as they were too caught up with Jungkook at the moment. "Can you please stop shipping us we are just friends and nothing else get this inside your head"You said clearly annoyed at how many times all of them has asked you the same question and walked away from them to sit on your spot next to Jungkook.You decided to start a conversation as he was still staring at you while ur eyes were looking everywhere but him.You were about to say something when he grabbed ur chin to make you look at him."Why did u choose him over me " He said with dark eyes "Why do i always have to choose you?"I counter questioned him "Because I am your bestfriend not him"You laughed at his silly behaviour looking down .He again grabbed ur chin to make u look at him,his eyes were glittery which made your heart ache.You cupped his face "No one can take your place you know that right you were messing with me so i decided to mess with you and nothing else".He looked at my face and started laughing.I was taken aback by his sudden change of emotions and stepped back from him and now i was hurt knowing that he made a fool out of me and here i was so worried that my bestfriend was hurt by my actions "Oh my God Y/N you should have looked at your face you were about to cry" he continued to laugh while clutching his stomach."I hate you" was all i said before running away.Half of my body hit somebody while running.I stopped to say sorry to see it was Jimin. "Hey Y/N where are you going class is about to start"....just then an idea popped up "Jimin thanks for the ride today"i said smiling "Stop thanking me i was doing what a good friend should do"he smiled while blushing."Jimin can u do me another favour"you told him your idea and he said he will see what he can do for you.

You got back to the classroom where you can feel a pair of eyes on you obviously it was Jungkook's but you skipped him and went to sit with Jimin.You heard footsteps behind u and ur bestfriend picked up ur bag which Jimin already had taken earlier and put it back at its original place which was next to him.The entire class was watching our little drama some of them laughing at our silliness and some of them again calling us a couple and half of them just fangirling on Jungkook and saying how hot he looks mad which was making ME mad..but i just gave up and sat beside Jungkook.The entire day went by like usual the only difference was the boy sitting beside me was giving me constant glares which was really annoying.I was standing beside my locker when this annoying boy approached me and casually told me that he will be waiting for me in the car.So a while ago this man child was acting like a little kid and now he is acting like as if nothing had happened and thats the best thing about our friendship we might have silly fights here and there but at the end of the day no one is sleeping mad at the other. I got in the car checking my face in my phones camera when Jungkook spoke breaking the silence"You know sometimes you can be really annoying"..."Not more than you" I said while jokingly slapping his shoulder "You better start driving before i decide to go with Jimin"."Can u stop already miss Y/N"he said while starting the car."Sure sir!"