

The Legion of Elite. The single force dedicated to defending the country of Obliviana against any and all threats. Filled with the most capable combatants Obliviana has to offer. For years, the Legion of Elite remained as a seemingly invincible group, successfully keeping Obliviana safe time and time again with relative ease. This, however, is all about to change. Severe, nearly unbeatable threats have begun appearing one after another, each one substantially more powerful than the last. Just how long can The Elite continue defending their home before these almost god like entities become too much for them to handle?

UnformedStatue · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Protection of Kuraran

"How many...?" Dusk asked in a smooth, low tone. "How many are there, in the entire city?"

Stunned at what he had just heard, Setsuna adjusted his glasses, and answered. "We don't have the slightest clue. But if I needed to throw out a guess completely out of left field, I'd say around one hundred. If they're attacking the Capital City, they likely came prepared for anything unpredictable we could have had for them."

"Alright then. Noted." Said Dusk. Placing a hand on a small, short blade he had at his side, he deeply breathed in and out. His ears twitched, and he closed his eyes.

The rest of the Legion's eyes were glued onto Dusk.

Everything stopped for some time. Dusk remained in this position. The only movement came from the two Greater Soarers, who were nearly finished charging themselves up. Then, out of nowhere, that all changed.

Dusk's eyes shot open. His feet dug into the floor, and cracked the surface of the entire room. Multicolored auras surrounded him, all objects in the castle began to shake, and with every second that passed, these events became more prominent. To the point where the entirety of Kuraran began to shake at the level of a heavy earthquake.

Dusk swung his little blade, which blew away the entirety of the castle they were in. Noda, Esten, Resk, Setsuna, and Schalle struggled to remain standing.

From Dusk's blade, dozens upon dozens of little strings rapidly extended outward, and made their way through the city, tracking down and instantaneously vaporizing any Colossal Soarers it connected with. None of the Soarers, no matter what kind, had any opportunity to do anything against this attack. Their plan fell to shambles as Dusk wiped them all out with a single blow.

Finally, the pressure from the swing died down, and Dusk put his blade back in its sheath.

Everyone was having trouble comprehending what they just witnessed. The pure destructive strength displayed put Dusk as far and away, the most powerful known anything to currently exist on the planet. Completely worthy of who was known as the last elf.

Setsuna stared at him firmly. "What on earth was that? Did you not believe doing something like that was necessary earlier?"

"Don't get excited." Responded Dusk. "I can only attack once per day. So, I waited until the last moment possible to make sure I could take out the majority."

"Once per day? I see.. things being as easy as having an unbeatable member of a long thought to be extinct species, would've been a bit too convenient." Looking over the destruction around them, Setsuna continued. "And just why exactly are you limited to a mere single offensive move a day?"

"I'm weak compared to the rest of my species. After doing anything at all, I've exhausted myself. I can't even cut my power into a few weaker attacks. It's all or nothing. If I attack, I'm done until I've had twenty four hours to rest and recuperate. Which would normally render me useless. Thankfully, I've lived into an era where I'm not only useful, but am actually the strongest. ...kind of. I don't know how strong you can say I am overall, when I can only use that strength once every day."

"Pretty fuckin strong." Noda said to him. "Yeah, it'd be a hell of a lot better if you could do shit like that whenever you wanted to. But you can wipe out an entire army of Greater Soarers instantly once a day. Lemme tell ya, no one else on this planet can do anything remotely comparable to that."

Resk switched back to his regular self. His arm had already healed into a nub at the point he lost it. "What did I say! I knew our buddy Dusk would act when it mattered...." His excited mood quickly died down once he caught a glimpse of Naiken's corpse.

Esten put her blades away. "He also wrecked the entire castle in the process. But, I suppose it could not be avoided."

"Don't let your guards down yet. I only estimated how many Colossal Soarers were here. If there were more than one hundred, they'll still be alive." Said Dusk.

Noda looked at him. "And while we wait to see if any are left, how about I ask ya something. What's the god damn deal with your stupid ass little silent act you played until now. What? Couldn't say anything until you made some life saving entrance?"

"I'll explain when we're in a more non hostile situation."

"Tch. Yeah, fine. Just don't forget that you coulda saved Naiken, and instead watched us all twiddle our fuckin' thumbs comin up with a plan that got her killed. A plan we didn't even need with you here. That's now three Elite we've lost in less than a day. Three of my comrades, you son of a bitch."

Dusk didn't answer, and just shut his eyes gently.

Opening a door that snapped off the hinges, and tumbled to the ground, Schalle pointlessly used it to come back into what was left of the castle. He had unknowingly left the room during the chaos to gather some items he'd need to use later. "Dusks actions are undoubtedly despicable my young friends, despite his reasonings for them." He said. "But.. we mustn't dwell on them until the right time arrives. The fact of the matter is, had Dusk not been here, we would all surely be deceased. Not just Naiken. So let us use our lives to move forward! There is work to be done. We may mourn later. For now, the city must be scoured for any remaining Colossal Soarers. Once that has been accomplished, the state of the city itself needs to be addressed. Our people are frozen in time... hopefully. If it turns out they have in actuality been killed, well, I cannot properly say how I would react. Nevertheless, I will check up on them, and see if it's possible to take any sort of action with the goal of bringing our beloved civilians back. After making for certain our wonderful city is completely Soarer free, you remaining five will contact Asada, Tahara, Rune, Valah, and Yesta, bringing them back here so we may once and for all prepare for our journey to the Blackened Archipelago. The best we can prepare with the current state of things."

"Whatever. We'll get searchin then. But what are we gonna do if we find a Greater Soarer? If we split up and look, it'll kill whoever finds it. The four of us who can fight though, I think could take on one. Two if we're lucky. So how about we stay together for this." Suggested Noda.

"Hah. A splendid suggestion Noda, one that we will be completely applying. Stick with your fellow comrades and if it turns out a Colossal Soarer remains, use your combined efforts to take down and kill the bastard. As for Dusk and myself, I can amass enough time for escape if we happen to run into one ourselves."

Dusk went with Schalle to check on the state of Kuraran's residents, while the rest of the Legion when out to scout for any surviving Colossal Soarers.

Noda, Esten, Setsuna, and Resk walked through the streets of Kuraran. Not a single piece of evidence that the Soarers were ever there remained, other than a few footprints, and the obvious frozen state of every resident.

"Look at this shit... there isn't even a drop of blood. Whatever excuse that fucker has for not taking action sooner, better be the most glorious, understandable thing I've ever heard in my life." Noda's fists became progressively more clenched the further they continued.

Esten's expression softened when looking at him. "He probably wanted to confirm the accuracy of the theories we were discussing. Once the three dirty bugs burst into the room, verifying what we discussed, he took action shortly thereafter."

"I'm not talkin about then. How long has the last remaining piece of shit elf been here? Huh? A good month or two, isn't that right? He heard every plan we made, every discussion we had. Even the little dumb ass ones. Ya know? The ones... that made us laugh. Smile. He didn't do anything, he didn't say anything, but he was there. Him and his big ass ears heard every last word. He ate with us... slept under our roof... and knowing damn well that he could've helped more than anyone else...." Tears began to build up in Noda's eyes, then flowing past his cheeks. He started to scream. "He didn't do a god damn thing!!! Nothing!!!! He watched you, Gahn, Cindra and I go out and get half of our group slaughtered when he could've came and killed all of 'em in one blow!!!! So I'm real fuckin curious to hear what kind of reason could possibly excuse that!!!!"

The screams and emotions of Noda caught the attention of one of the few remaining Colossal Soarers. It was a Greater Soarer, and it had a completely clear shot on the group from where it approached. Instead of fleeing after so many of its allies were wiped out, it decided to take the chance to eliminate an elite. Bending a leg backward, charging itself up, and bursting forward with a bolt of electricity, aiming for Noda.

Turning to the side, Noda's eyes were a deeper red than they'd ever been. The tears were still flowing, and his veins looked like they were about to burst from his arms, neck, and body in general. He rocketed his fist in the direction of the Greater Soarer, and blasted it directly against its face.

The forward momentum of the Greater Soarer was halted completely. Its face bent, cracked, and deformed. Eventually, its head, and then the entire upper body of the Soarer was blown off from the strength behind Noda's rage filled punch alone, killing it. The force of the punch also shattered the glass, and bent the structuring of the building directly behind the Soarer.

Esten, Setsuna, and Resk looked at him, astonished.

"Well shit.... it looks like there are some left." Noda said, heavily panting.

"That's correct. There are. I was going to suggest keeping your emotions in check, but they seem to be far more beneficial than harmful combat wise." Stated Setsuna. "Regardless, you need to calm down after this. I know you're the type to be completely aware of the fact that screaming about it does nothing. Like it or not, Dusk is a valuable... no, a necessary asset. So he can't be harshly punished. We need to make for certain he doesn't fall back into his silent state."

"Yeah. Like ya said, I'm aware. I'm just pissed. Sick of seein the people I'm close with die... especially when it's preventable."

Resk placed a hand on Noda's shoulder, firmly looking him in the eyes. "Don't worry man. We're going to chew him out and make sure he knows, there's no respect between us. Only business. He lost his chance to be a true member of the Elite when he willingly let other true members die. We're with you Noda. The only reason he'll be staying here is because of his insane power. I'm only bullshitting when I call him our buddy."

"Tch. Thanks, dumbass. ...Alright then. I'm sick of thinkin about it for now. Let's kill whatever piece of shit bugs are left, head to the other cities to gather the rest of the Elite, and then talk to that god damn elf. We'll have plenty of time to have a wonderfully pleasant conversation on our ride to the Blackened Archipelago. Can't have him goin back to his silent state, right? So I'll be like a kind fuckin angel with him."

"Filthy berserker." Esten said to him. "This has reminded me, I will need to talk with you once you are done discussing things with the long eared murderer. So, come and find me after you have done so. It is important."

Nodding at her once, Noda took a deep breath, fully regaining his composure. "Yeah. I'll come see ya Esten. Now then, the water ridge district should be next, right? Let's get goin. I wanna get everything over with as fast as possible. These bugs have been here for way too long."

Moving throughout the different districts and sections of Kuraran, the group searched each location for any remaining Colossal Soarers. They found a few standard types, three of them, and easily killed them together.

Eventually, they reached the final unsearched section of Kuraran, where shockingly, a Colossal Soarer was waiting for them. It clearly wasn't a standard Soarer, however it wasn't a Greater Soarer either. It wore a lengthy scarf, had belts strapped around its arms and legs, and donned a pair of goggles.

They were in a section of Kuraran that was surrounded with clear crystal structures, that resembled glass. It was a new architectural advancement used to make sturdy, transparent buildings. At the moment, only the richest could afford it. The young age of these structures made this the most recently constructed section of Kuraran.

"What's this..? A third type?" Questioned Setsuna aloud.

Noda readied himself for any sudden movements. "Unless one of the fuck bags developed a lovely sense of fashion, then yeah. It's gotta be."

The new type of Soarer adjusted its muscles. It eyed all four of the Elite before him.

Esten stared back at it blankly, a blade of hers now unsheathed and readied. "We do not have the slightest idea as to what this Soarer is capable of. If it is stronger than the Greater Soarers, it is likely we'll be killed here."

"All four of us against this guy? Heheh. There's no way it'll kill us. I don't care how strong it is. So let's see what he can do." Resk chuckled with pride.

"When in gods name will you learn we do not live in a wonderful, fairy tale land where every battle is ours to take? Will it be necessary for us all to die before your very eyes?"

"Maybe. Because until that happens, I'll have faith in us. Even if it comes down to only one of us being alive. If we aren't all dead yet, then I believe it's for a reason. I believe.. we're going to be the saviors of this world!"

"As naive as ever. This is really how you people think?" The Colossal Soarer said.

Speechless, all four elite stared at it in disbelief.

Resk put a finger up, ready to say something, but his voice failed him. Nothing came out except for barely noticeable gibberish.

"My name is Kore. A Colossal Soarer capable of speech." It continued. "Colossal Soarers? That is what you call us? Interesting. Well, there is a lot about us you are unaware of. Far more shocking things than the simple fact that some of us can speak on this level. Your knowledge is thin. How long have we existed? What are our goals? Where are we coming from? All things you are wondering, yes? Very well then. Best me in battle right here and now. If you accomplish as such, I've decided it'd be fun to let you know a few things. The nest has grown... tiresome. Things need to be spiced up. You know? So? What do you say?"

Noda, Esten, Setsuna, and Resk were still in a partial state of shock.

Finally, Noda managed to spit out some words. "I dunno how much we can take from you. We can barely handle a single Electric Soarer for fucks sake. And now we're gonna try to fight one that can speak? Shit... we probably don't stand a chance. But there's no damn way we can pass up on the opportunity to learn shit that could change everything. Even if you could just lie to us, even if you probably will, and this just some fuckin plan to throw us off, it's better than the best strategy we've got. So I'm gonna take the gamble. Yeah. We accept. Did we even have a real choice, pest?"

Kore adjusted his goggles and assumed a combative stance. "Maybe you aren't as naive as I thought."