
Obligation "I will go to the shop tomorrow and bring rice, pulses, oil, salt, spices etc. I

'"I will go to the shop tomorrow and bring rice, pulses, oil, salt, spices etc. I will keep it for a few days."- suresh was thinking happily. "On the 10th day of the curfew, I was earning a little." Suresh continued his thinking. He wanted to share this happiness with his family so he started walking fast.

There was a repair job in a government office so Suresh got a job. "I have to go to work tomorrow as well. I will bring all the goods and keep them when the market is open in the morning." - Suresh thought smiling. "There is work in this office for 7-8 days. I was able to bring all the food items and keep them but i also have to pay house rent .'- suresh lost his happiness.

When he reached the main door of the house, he was startled. Opening the main door, he reached the front door of his room and knocked on the door. The wife opened the door.

"What happened? I see a sad face. You didn't feel well? You didn't get a job today either. Don't worry. Neighbour's sistet-in-low called me to dig a small filed . she has given rice and vegetables for digging. I'll make Jaulo (a Nepali dish cooked in a lot of water with dal, vegetables, salt, turmeric, garlic, ginger, etc. in rice. It is often fed to the sick.) by mixing rice and vegetables. Reaches now. I will keep half row rice and vegetable for tomorrow too. Salt was also requested. she gave half a pocket. God bless her. Because of her, the kids got to eat two times meals In such a difficult time. "- The wife said in one voice.

"How straightforward. She earned by working but She considers it love. That's fine. But don't let others take advantage of her straightforwardness. Neighbour sister -in-low is good. She also help in need. "- Suresh thought to himself.

"What are you thinking Go wash your hands and knees. "- wife said in a loving voice.

"I'm leaving," said Suresh. He got up and went to the stream. "The son who came to this city was two years old. The daughter was in her mother's womb. When the daughter was born, delivered and Maternity condition, Homeowner mother and the neighbor's sistet-in-low helped a lot. The house owner mother did not take rent for three months. Neighbor's sister -in-low helped with the money. The house owner and neighbor's sister-in-low brought meat soup ."We brought meat, so we brought to her," they said. But I think. Both houses brought and gave us meat day by day .Otherwise, does anyone eat meat in the morning and in the

evening? If any healthy food is still cooked in both the houses, they gave us ."- Suresh thought to himself.

"How long time has u take ?" - He is startled by his wife's voice.

"I'm coming," said Suresh, washing his hands and knees. After washing his hands and knees, he entered the room. "Father, father," said the son, embracing him. He also kissed his son on the cheek and held his son and daughter in his arms. The wife was cooking something on the stove with a small gas cylinder in one corner of the room. The smell of cooked rice mixed with vegetables was coming. Probably because of hunger, the smell of cooked rice was so delicious.

"Father cooked rice. Now we will eat rice." - The son said hurriedly. "Babu, eat Jaulo (a Nepali dish cooked in a lot of water with dal, vegetables, salt, turmeric, garlic, ginger, etc. in rice. It is often fed to the sick.) not rice." - Suresh said to his son in a loving voice.

"Mother, mother, eat Jaulo , eat Jaulo."- said the son and dancing.

"Wait it is cooking. Eat after cooking." - said the wife laughing.

After a while, his wife said, "Come and eat."

The sack is laid out. In front of the sack was a spoonful of jaaulo placed on two plates. Salt, green chilly and chopped onion were placed in a small plate next to a plate. Putting jaaulo in a bowl, the wife was making jaaulo cold by blowing. Maybe that was for the daughter. The son ran and sat down.

"Eat slowly. It's hot," said the wife. The son looked at suresh to stopped himself .

"Take your daughter." Suresh said.

The wife took the daughter.

Suresh sat stunned on the sack in front of his plate. Shaking his son's jaulo, he started blowing and making it cold. The spoon was given to the son.

Suresh picked up his spoon and said - "where is your meal? eat together."

"I feed my daughter first and eat. If you don't eat, it will get cold. "- The wife said while feeding her daughter.

"No, have you kept your meal? "- Suresh asked.

" I have kept it. "- The wife said.

"Saw me cooking pot . "- Suresh said in disbelief.

"Look. What kind of disbelief? Can i eat so much ,All you have to do is add once. "- said the wife with a smile on her face and saw the cooking pot .

Suresh looked at his wife and laughed in surprise. And began to eat.

After a while, the wife feeds her daughter and puts her to bed. The bed was laid on the floor.

"You should eat now." - Suresh ordered to her.

"Ok" - said the wife and sat down. A big spoon put jaaulo on her plate.

She asked Suresh - "Add a little more?"

"Mother, give me a little. How delicious it is." - The son said.

"It tastes good to you! Take it," said the wife kept full of big spoon of jaaulo on her son's plate.

A big spoon of Jaulo was put on Suresh's plate.

"What have you done? Eat yourself first." - Suresh said angrily.

"People who work outside have to eat on a full stomach. What I have is that the house owner's mother and neighbor's sister-in-low are giving me food. Because of done their work," said the wife and smiling.

"oh Yes! You eat the food provided by them ! You bring it in packets. How many days have we eaten a meal with the same food during the curfew. I remember," said Suresh in a shy voice.

"leave it. Eat everything on the plate. "The wife said and started eating herself.

After eating, the wife said -" You go to sleep. I will wash the dishes and come back. "

" you will washes dishes tomorrow ."- suresh said to washed his hand.

" No . If keep dirty dishes over night God angry with us. And we will always be poor."- wife said.

"you have been washing dishes for so many years. You have never kept dirty dishes. You have washed dishes in the morning and in the evening! Is God happy? Is poverty over?" - Suresh said.

" Sadness and happiness will be over in life. One day all our sorrows will be over. And tell me," said the wife in a doctrinal tone.

"Hurry up." - Suresh said and went to bed.

The wife went to wash the dirty dishes. She came to wash the dishes. Clean dishes. Clean the stove and eating area. The children were asleep. The wife adjusted the children's clothes and said, "How many times have I told you to go to upstairs bed ? Don't listen to me. Listen, sleep upstairs bed."

"How many times have I told you, I will sleep on the floor bed with you." - Suresh said.

"People who work outside, how much does the body hurt? It hurts even more after sleeping on the floor. Come on, I'll give you an oil massage," said the wife lovingly.

"No, not need. Stay here." - Suresh grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her towards him. wife sit near the suresha. Suresh took out the money he had earned from under the pillow.

"Where did so much money come from? During such a curfew?" Said the wife in surprise.

"Today I got a job repairing a government office. That's why I got it. Maybe there will be work for another seven or eight days. Tomorrow morning I will go and bring food for home," said Suresh enthusiastically.

"seven or eight days? Then I will say one thing and not get angry," said the wife.

"Say. I'm not angry." - Suresh asked with a questioning look.

"Now we have to start a business selling vegetables," said the wife nervously. "Neighbor's sister-in-low advised. The house owner mother has allowed to use the outside corridor of her house. We should do something . The house has to pay the rent. The mother, who owns the house, did not take the rent during the lockdown last year. But that is not always the case. "- The wife said without stopping. Suresh was listening." How much you suffered in last year's lockdown. How many days did we have to go hungry? I told you not to be like that this year. "There was a moment of silence. His wife looked at Suresh's face and waited for an answer.

"Yes, it is. But ..." - Suresh said.

"But what? How long will we live at the mercy of others? Now I am selling vegetables to my neighbors' houses under curfew then I will open a vegetable shop after the curfew. Please say yes," said his wife persuasively.

"Let me finish first." - Suresh began to say - "Where do you get the money from? The money I have earn is enough to eat. And who brings so many vegetables? It is easy to say but difficult to do."

"I'll bring it. You don't have to bring it," said the wife. "People who work outside can't do extra work. I know," said the wife, correcting herself.

"Where are you going? Where is the wholesale market for vegetables? Do you know?" - Suresh said in an excited voice.

"I know. That's the far market," said the wife cheerfully.

"And you need scales. You need money. Where do you get it from?" - Suresh asked.

"The shop in the square has a spring scale. I am told to pay half the price. Now I will take the same. The neighbor's sister-in-low has said that she will give me money in loan. "- The wife said excitedly.

"The disease is in such a terrible state. What if happens to you?" - Suresh said in a worried tone.

"Nothing happens. I put on a mask and wash my hands and feet with soap and water when I come out. You go to work outside too. What if something happens to you?" - argued the wife.

Suresh could not answer. and started thinking for a while. "Okay. How many days will the money brought today be enough to eat in the morning and in the evening?" - Suresh asked.

"Four or five days is enough," said the wife.

"Okay. Wait five or six days. Start a business with the money I earned. Don't take a loan with your sister-in-low . How to repay the loan if the business doesn't work?" - Suresh answered the question.

"ok." - The wife said thankfully.

Both go to bed on the floor.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Suresh woke up. The wife was doing something in the kitchen in the corner of the room. Seeing Suresh, she said, "Did you get up?"

"I woke up. You have already brought all the kitchen stuff . I would have woken up." - Suresh said rubbing his eyes.

"How to wake up a person who has worked all day. I have cooked rice and gundruk (a type of Nepali vegetable made by drying green leafy vegetables). Wash your face. It may be too late to go to work!" - said the wife.

Suresh got up. His morning work is over. He ate and went to work. This process lasted for five days. The money earned by Suresh was given to his wife. The wife kept the money in a safe box under the bed.

On the sixth day, Suresh woke up in the morning. He saw three or four bags in the room. The wife was cooking on the stove. "Oh, what's in these bags?" - Suresh asked in surprise.

"There are vegetables. I brought them from the wholesale market. I also brought Spring scales. Everything is kept there. Look," said his wife happily.

"What time did you go?" - Suresh got up and asked.

Looking at the scales of Spring, Suresh asked - "When are you going to sell? Have you brought plastic bags to give vegetables?"

"Yes, I have also brought plastic bags. You go to work, then I will go from house to house and sell it. "- The wife said.

"Is this how business is done by selling house to house? "- Suresh quipped.

"I had to walk around the house today, otherwise how would the neighbors know that I have set up a vegetable shop in the outer corridor of the house of the owner's house?" - the wife argued.

"Where do you leave our children today?" - Suresh asked.

"They live here. What do you say, son?" - said the wife, turning to her son.

"I take care of my sister, father," said the son.

"Okay. But take care of our children. Let there be no incident or accident," said Suresh.

"I can care.Don't worry. These are my children too. I have done so much to make them better in the future," said the wife.

Suresh finished his morning routine. He ate and went to work.

The wife also fed the children. she also ate food. Finish the household work . she placed vegetable bags, plastic bags and a spring scale on the doko (a type of bamboo-woven Nepali basket that is tied with a rope and carried on the back of the forehead). "Son, take care of your sister. OK." - The wife said to the son and walked away carrying Doko.

Hiding with the police, walking down the street, selling vegetables to all the neighbour's, the wife told them that she would open a vegetable shop in the corridor outside of the owner's house from tomorrow. And she invited her to buy vegetables at her shop. Somebody bought her vegetables. Somebody not. But many promised to buy vegetables from her when the curfew was lifted in the morning. After about two hours, she sold all the vegetables from Doko. She returned home happy.

In the evening, Suresh returned home from work. After washing his hands and feet, he entered the room. The atmosphere in the house was the same as before. Dinner was cooked. After everyone had eaten, his wife finished everything and came to bed to sleep.

Adjusting his children's clothes as a habit - "How many times have you been told to go to upstairs bed. Why don't you agree?" - said the wife.

"Stay here." - Suresh was also used to holding his wife's hand and sitting close to him .

"Tell me, what did you do all day? Where did you go? Did all the vegetables sell or not? Did you make a profit if you sold them?" - Suresh said in unison.

"Yes, two rupees less than the market. All my vegetables were sold soon. Everyone said we would come to buy vegetables. The profit was more than I expected. Wait, I'll take the money," said the wife, reaching out to the box.

"Come on, you keep it, you don't have to show me. You have to take care of all the arrangements of the house. Instead, how do you bring vegetables from tomorrow. After you start selling them in the corridor, you have to bring a lot of vegetables. How do you bring them?" - Suresh said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry. After selling all the vegetables in the afternoon, the neighbour's sister-in-low and the house owner's mother were given a pound of tomatoes, a handful of green coriander and a few green chillies. They did not want to take it. I forcibly gave them. "- Wife said.

" Did you take money with them? "- Suresh asked.

"No, no," said the wife.

"Okay. How much is the favour of these two houses on us. How can we pay that favour? Never take money with these two houses. Understand." - Suresh said in a soft voice.

"How to take the money? The house owner's mother let me set up shop in her corridor. Today when I went to give vegetables in the afternoon, the neighbour's sister-in-law gave her daughter's old bicycle . She said "it would be easier for you to bring vegetables." How grateful they are to us, "said the wife.

"Bicycle! Do you know to ride a bicycle?" - Suresh said in surprise.

"In the past, I used to ride a bicycle in the village! Now I don't know if I can ride a bicycle or not. But what happens if I can't ride a bicycle? I buy vegetables and put them on my bicycle. And I bring the bicycle by hand, "said the wife.

"Okay. But the disease is in such a terrible state. Take care of yourself," said Suresh. Both of them slept on the bed on the floor.

The next morning when Suresh waked up. He did not see his wife in the room. The children were sleeping in the bed. Suresh looks at the cooking corner. The pots were placed on the stove and on the floor. "oh , where did my wife go this morning?" - Suresh asked himself. He got up in a hurry. He came out. Outside, his wife was busy selling vegetables. Suresh went inside. Ended his morning routine. The children wake up too. Suresh came out carrying his daughter.

"Have you got up? Have you had tea? I have cooked rice and vegetable soup. Now it will be closed in a moment." - said the wife. He took out two packets of biscuits from the bag and gave them to the children.

"What time is it?" - Taking money from the customer, the wife asked. "7:45" - Customer replied taking the money back. Suresh sat on the floor with his wife. He held the kids in his arms. His wife was busy selling vegetables. She used to look at Suresh from time to time and smile.

There were few vegetables left. The police arrived. "Now it's time to stop," said the wife, desperately collecting the money. Suresh ran and put the children inside and came out. And began to help his wife.

They came into the room with all their staffs. "Now what are you doing with the rest of this vegetable?" - Suresh asked.

"I will sell it tomorrow," said the wife and was busy arranged the goods. After arranging the goods, the wife said- "Let's count this money."

"I Don't want to count. You count and keep it yourself. I don't care about your account book," said Suresh.

The wife smiles. The wife lived close to Suresh. she put the money in a box under the bed.

"How tired," said the wife in a tired voice.

"You've worked so hard and you're tired. Did your neighbours' sister-in-law give you a bicycle? What time did you go to the market in the morning? "- Suresh asked.

" I left at five in the morning. neighbour's sister-in-law had given me a bicycle yesterday . Listen, I haven't forgotten to ride a bicycle. And it happened soon. "- The wife said in surprise.

Suresh looked at his wife lovingly and said, "What are you cooking? Eat now. Otherwise I will be late for work."

"I have made rice and potato ghiroula soup (a Nepali vegetable that is full of nutrients). I have also made tomato pickle. Come and eat. "- said the wife. she went to the kitchen in the corner of the room. The wife put the sack in the kitchen. she placed a plate and a glass in front of the sack. Put rice, vegetable soup and tomato pickle on the plate. Pour water into the glass. The wife said in a loving voice - "Let's eat."

"Where is the children's food?" Suresh asked sitting in the sack.

"They just ate biscuits. You eat and go to work. We'll eat later," said the wife.

"What time did you cook?" Suresh asked.

""I cooked in the morning. It's such a small job. Have I done any big work?" - replied the wife.

After eating, Suresh went to work. The wife fed the children, ate herself and did the housework. The next day, Suresh got another new job.

In this way, Suresh's family days were passing happily.

All of a sudden

One day Suresh came home from work. Hands and feet washed. He knocked on the door with his hand. The door opened by itself. It was dark inside, there was no movement. Suresh's heart sank. He immediately switched on the electricity. In the electric light he saw his wife lying on the floor.

"Oh No, what happened to you?"- Saying this, Suresh leaned towards his wife and put his hand on her forehead. His wife was feverish. "It was fine until the morning. What happened to it all of a sudden?" Saying this, Suresh brought a glass of water and picked up his wife and drank it. "Where are the children?" Suresh asked his wife.

" The children are at the neighbour's sister-in-law's house. You go and get them. "- The wife gestured.

Suresh nodded in agreement. Suresh went to the neighbour's sister-in-law's house. He called his son.

The neighbour's sister-in-law looked at Suresh from the corridor of his house and said" Leave the children here. You should take your wife to the hospital immediately. "

"And the children?" - Suresh said in a crying voice.

"I told the children to stay with me. Instead of being late, go quickly," said the neighbour's sister-in-law in a commanding tone.

Suresh came in a hurry. He picks up his wife, grabs her by the waist, and walks out of the room.

"Suresh, Suresh, are you going to the hospital? Wait, I'll call an ambulance," said the house owner's mother from above.

"Ambulance! Oh, I have to pay for the ambulance. I only have a little money. I'll take the money out of the box." Suresh thought. Suresh put his wife on the floor. He went to the room. Suresh took the money from the box under the bed and put it in his pocket. He came out.

In an instant, the ambulance came. The ambulance took Suresh and Suresh's wife to the hospital.

The hospital admitted Suresh's wife and tested her for corona. Suresh spent that night on the steps outside the hospital. The next day, his wife's corona report came back positive. The hospital asked Suresh to do a corona test.

Suresh ate the food distributed in relief. He stared out the window of the hospital. The wife was not in a state of agitation. The food brought from the relief was fed to the wife by the nurse. Her face was covered with an oxygen mask. He would fold his hands and shed tears when he saw people wearing PPE kit. Many people used to comfort him with gestures. He was sitting at the door of the hospital eating a meal of relief, a meal of a hotel. When to bring medicine, when to bring food, when to line the oxygen cylinder, when to eat, Except he did not leave the door of the hospital.

Day and night were passing. Suresh was running out of money. On the fifth day of his visit to the hospital, a nurse told him that his wife had died. Suresh sat down on the floor. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"You go to the counter. You have to complete the formalities of the hospital," said the nurse in the PPE kit.

After a while, Suresh got up and went to the hospital counter.

"What's the matter?" Asked the staff at the hospital counter. He was also wrapped in PPeternal kit.

"My wife is dead. She was admitted to the hospital," said Suresh.

"Which number bed?" - asked the hospital staff.

"She was in bed number 27," said Suresh.

The hospital staff began to use the computer keyboard without saying a word. The computer operator pulled out a piece of paper. The hospital staff handed the piece of paper to Suresh. Suresh took the paper and looked at Suresh who had studied till high school. There was a bill to cremate the body. Suresh arranged the amount of the bill and the amount in his pocket in his mind.

"What happened? Please move forward. They also have some work to do here." - The hospital staff said pointing to the man behind Suresh.

Suresh left looking at the bill. "OH The price of the hearse, the price of taken from the hearse, the price of to make chita (The firewood is mixed from all four corners, made tall, and the corpse is placed on top of it and burnt. This is the last rites of Hinduism.) . The price of burning a chita,,,,,, !!! It all costs so much money? How can we do funerals, we poor people? I don't have that much money. Now what?" Do you want to do it? "Suresh thought and sat down on the floor. Suresh's mind became restless. He felt suffocated. In a moment, he regained his composure and got up, thinking something, and went to the hospital counter. There was amazing peace on the counter. There was an emotionless dialogue. He sat in line. After a while, his turn came.

"I don't have so much money, sir. What can I do now, sir?"- Suresh clasped both his hands and said in a hoarse voice.

"It has to be paid. Otherwise, we will not give the body," said the hospital staff in an emotionless voice.

"Are you going to burn the body, sir?" - Suresh asked.

"No, we will bury death body in the pit," said the hospital staff in an emotionless voice.

"You shouldn't do that, sir. Its soul can't find peace." - Suresh said in an emotional tone.

"Then find the money and bring it. We have to take the money," said the hospital staff.

There was a moment of deep silence.

"Please move away from the front of the counter," said the hospital staff in an emotionless tone.

Suresh left. Her heart was pounding. He felt suffocated. He sat down on the floor in shock. He grabbed his head with both hands and started thinking.

Suddenly, he realized what his wife was saying. The wife was in labour pains when she gave birth to a son and said, " "my wedding Lagan (auspicious time to get married) Pote(a kind of glittering garland that the groom wears to the bride at the wedding) and Vermilion (At the time of marriage, the groom puts on the bride's hair) Put it in the river. If IUi die Doing so will bring peace to my soul. " That's same voice of my wife was saying when she was in another labour pain". Suresh remembered his wife's voice full of pain. He made some decisions in his mind, he felt a little peace, he got up and stood in the line of the hospital counter.

After a while, Suresh's turn came.

"Sir, can the body be taken to the ghat (river bank)? I can pay the money taken to the ghat. Once I reach the ghat, I will make other arrangements myself." - Suresh said with both hands clasped in pain.

"Yes, but then the hospital is not responsible if something happens to you or your relatives. You have to fill out a form for the hospital," said a hospital staffer.

"Yes sir. But I don't know how to fill the form." - Suresh said.

"We fill the form, you sign it." - The hospital staff said And began to fill out the form. "Pay and sign here," said a hospital staff. pointing to the signature form. Suresh took money from his pocket and gave it. Signed the form. The hospital staff took the money and handed Suresh a piece of paper and said, "Turn left from here, go straight from there. You get the corpse. "

Suresh took the piece of paper and walked the path shown by the hospital staff. Finally he reached the Mortuary. He was sad and tears welled up in his eyes. There, he saw a man tied to a PPE kit. Suresh gave that man to a piece of paper in his hand. The man took the piece, looked at it and motioned for Suresh to wait and went inside.

In an instant, two men tied to a PPE kit came carrying a corpse on a stretcher. They gestured to Suresh to walk with them. Suresh followed them. They placed the body in a hearse standing outside and told Suresh to get in the hearse. Suresh sat with his wife's body inside the hearse. Her heart was heavy. The driver drove away.

When the driver reached the river, the hearse stopped. The driver opened the door of the hearse and said - "We are instructed to bring it here. Get the body out."

"Okay sir" - Suresh got out of the hearse. He carried his wife's body on his shoulders. "Thank you sir" - said the driver. The corpses were burning near the river. He took his wife's body and walked along the river bank The hearse also moved.

Suresh placed his wife's body by the river bank . He sighed for a moment. He looked around. It was evening. He didn't see anyone there. He pushed the large stone beside him and brought his wife's body closer. He hurriedly pretended to find something. A little farther on he saw something like a rope.May be Someone's corpse must have been tied with a rope. Suresh picked up the rope and approached his wife's body. One side of the rope tied his wife's body and the other side tied the stone. He looked at his wife's body once and pushed the stone towards the river. In an instant, the stone rolled into the river. His wife's body was also dragged away. Suresh stared at his wife's body until his eyes widened. When he stopped seeing her, he started crying.

After crying for a long time, Suresh remembered his children. He wiped away the tears and got up and walked towards the road. Reaching the bridge above, he looked at the place where his wife's body was lying. "Forgive me. This June (the period from birth to death) is the seventh June of ours relationship. Now you be born in the house of the rich. Be the wife of the rich."- Suresh said to himself and burst into tears.

At the same time, a police vehicle went off the road. Suresh was shocked. He walked away in panic. When he reached the door of his house owner's mother house, he was shocked. He hurriedly opened the door and entered his room. He pulled out the box under the bed. He took off his and the children's clothes. At the bottom of the box was his wife's wedding's lagan's pote and Sindur. Suresh pulled it out and put it in his pocket. "I'll throw it in the river on the way," he muttered to himself. He put all clothes in his wife's vegetable bag. He was about to go out then he saw his wife's sari hanging by the door. Tears came to Suresh's eyes. She wanted to cry out loud. But he regained consciousness. And put the sari hanging on the door inside the bag. Suresh came out. Outside, he saw a bicycle used by his wife. As he was about to leave the main gate, the sound of the door opening may have been heard. The house owner's mother asked from the porch, "Suresh. How is your wife now? Meet the children once. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to your wife. If something goes wrong, I will help you. Don't be ashamed to ask for anything. I remember you'r wife always . " Suresh clasped his hands together and shook his head and said to himself - "forgive me mother. I have done what I should not have done. I did all that under duress. Now I am not in a position to pay your rent." Suresh walked away.

"Bhauju Bhauju" - Suresh entered through the main door of the neighbour 's sister-in-low

"Who's there? Suresh. How's sist! ?" neighbour's sister-in-law said looking up from the porch.

"Where are the children?" - Suresh asked.

"Here they are. I'll bring them down. Wait," said the sister-in-law.

After a while, the sister-in-law stood in front of Suresh with the children.

"Father, father," said the son. He hugged Suresh's thigh.

"Carry your daughter too," said the sister-in-law. Seeing the faces of the children, tears fell from Suresh's eyes.

"Why? What happened? Why are you crying?" - asked his sister-in-law.

Saying nothing, Suresh shook his head and said in a soft voice - "I have come to take my children."

"Why? Oh, my sister wants to see the children's faces! Mother is the one who loves her children. Take the children away. You got the bicycle. You got it right. What's in the bag? Maybe it's sister's clothes. But how do you get two kids on a bicycle? "- said the sister-in-law in one breath.

" Their mother has a sari. So I will tied with saari and take these children together with me. "- Suresh said.

"ok, I will help you. "said the neighbour's sister-in-law.

Suresh pulled Sari out of the bag. Sari tied his daughter to his chest. He tries to tie his son on his back.

"Not like that. First hang the bag on the bicycle and sit on the seat," said the neighbour's sister-in-law.

Suresh did as the neighbour's sister-in-law told him. The bag hung on the handle of the bicycle and he sat down on the seat. The brother-in-law put his son in the back seat of the bicycle and Sari hugged him on Suresh's back.

"That's it. That's how children should be carried," said the neighbour's sister-in-law.

With tears in his eyes, Suresh put both his hands in front of his sister-in-law.

"Why are you worried? Nothing bad happens to my sister. Instead of telling my sister, I have been waiting for her. To listen Do you need money "- the neighbour's sister-in-law said.

Suresh nodded saying no.

" If you want, please ask. Don't be ashamed. "-the neighbour's sister-in-low said.

Suresh started crying again.

" Let's go now. Show the kids from a distance and get them here quickly. Don't worry, everything will be fine. "- the neighbour's sister-in-law said in a hoarse voice, rubbing his son's cheek.

Suresh left without saying anything.

The neighbour's sister-in-law was in front of her main door and the house owner's mother was watching Suresh go through the corridor of her house.

Suresh rode his bicycle carrying his two children.

Destination lost. Dissolved in darkness ,,,,,,,, !!!


Pallawi shah

12 June 2021