
Obito DxD

Obito crashlands in the DxD world after sacrificing his life to save Naruto and Sasuke. He's given a task to save the world before him just as he tried to save his own. Can he do so?

ONE_SHOTS_THE_NAME · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

"Become Hokage at all cost!" Were Obito's final words, his body failing him as it fell victim to Kaguya's bone attack.

"I will!"

Was the last thing he was able to hear before his life left his body. He didn't know what happened next but when he opened his eyes he was laying down in a pure white world. He got to his feet and saw his dead teammate Rin giving him a bright smile.

"You've done well Obito. I've been watching you this entire time."

He stepped forward, stunned. After all this time he finally saw her again. "R-Rin," he stuttered, reaching out for her.

She smiled softly as he continued to her. "I'm sorry Obito," a pull befell Obito's body and began pulling him away from Rin. His eyes widened in surprise before attempting to plant his feet on the ground. "But it isn't time for you to die yet."

"W-what do you mean?!" He yelled out, struggling to keep from flying into a portal that seemed to have been the reason he was moving away. "Rin!"

"Save the world Obito. I know you can do it this time." Her smiling face disappeared from his view and he could no longer feel her presence.

His vision began to blur and he felt his consciousness fade away. "R-Rin, wait," he muttered before his eyes closed once more and the last of his consciousness left his body.


He awoke with a heavy headache and an aching back. He opened his eyes and noticed the night sky above him. He was lying down, he noticed in his disoriented state. He brought his hand up before him and flexed them. He was alive.

Why couldn't he die? Was it so hard for him to do that? He didn't deserve to live after all the people he killed for the completion of a flawed plan.

His self-loathing ended when he thought of Rin, more specifically what she said before he passed out. She told him to 'save the world.' He wondered what exactly did that mean. He couldn't save the world, that was Naruto's job all he'd do would just get in the way. He was nothing more than an afterthought.

"Would you die for me?"

What? Obito thought upon hearing those words. Was someone speaking to him. It sounded feminine but very corrupt.

Slowly, he turned his head to the side where he heard the voice come from. That's when he felt a presence, no two. But they felt different from each other. One was bright with a leering sort of feel to it but the other was on a whole other level. It was dark, dangerous. He could place his finger on it but it felt very similar to how a dangerous rouge ninja chakra would feel like. Sort of like Hidan's chakra.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right. Can you repeat that?" This was another voice; this time male. Seems the one with the dark aura was the female.

"Would you die for me?" Her voice dipped colder like steel. He could sense the growing worry in the male. He began to try and get to his feet.

He didn't know why. Perhaps it was what Rin had told him to do. Perhaps it was because he wanted to die. Or maybe he could sense just how similar this person's aura was to Naruto's. It could be anything else but his mind could only focus on hobbling forward and ignoring his strange surroundings.

He made it to the park to see a spear made of pure white light zooming through the air and that would no doubt pierce the oblivious boy.

Since opening a portal to Kaguya's dimensions, Obito's left eye began to bleed. "Kamui!" A wormhole appeared onto the spear and sucked it away into the Kamui Dimension before it could hit the boy.

"What the?" the surprised female vocalized, turning her head in different directions until she saw him.

At the same time, he saw her with his right eye as his left one had closed due to the strain. She was wearing the strangest outfit he'd ever seen and she bore black wings on her back. She levitated in the air and glared at him.

"Who are you?" she asked him, turning her attention fully on him. "I don't sense any special presence in you but I'm sure you are the one who made my Spear Of Light disappear. You must have a Sacred Gear." Her grin turned malicious and two more spears manifested in both her hands. One aimed for him and the other for the boy. "Great for me then. I get to kill two of you for the trouble of one."

Obito felt himself wobbling. One use of Kamui was doing that to him despite the Hashirama Cells that we're supposed to prevent it. Not to mention what was left of the Six Paths chakra that resided in him from his time as the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. He knew that if he was at even half his power he'd destroy her without difficulty but in his state now he knew the entire situation was reversed. She could kill him without any problem especially now that he could not use Kamui anymore. Another use would kill him without question.

He slowly opened his left eye, blood still leaking down his face. He knew what he had to do next. It was funny that he would die just about the same way as he did before. Saving someone's life and letting an attack hit him.

Her eyes widened and killing intent filled the air. "Both of you, DIE!" She threw the spears at them and Obito's Mangekyo widened once more.

"Kamui!" The spear aimed at the boy was sucked into a wormhole as the spear aimed for Obito pierced him through his stomach. The pain was excruciating and he coughed up blood as even more dripped from his eye. He had no more chakra and he could feel his consciousness again slipping away. "You monster. You didn't aim for a one-hit kill so whoever was hit would feel that pain."

She gave him a look and began to fly down towards him. "Yuuma stop! I don't know what going on but you're hurting him!" The boy cried out but was ignored by the woman as she landed in from of him.

"How is it that you can make my Spears Of Light disappear?" She asked. "What is your Sacred Gear? How does it work?"

Obito couldn't answer even if he wanted to as more blood seeped out of the wound in his stomach. She chuckled at the sight.

"Seems you're too injured to answer. Then go ahead and die." Another spear appeared in her hand and she turned to the boy. "It's time for you to die next." That was the last thing he heard before losing consciousness again. This time he was sure he wouldn't be waking back up. Maybe he'd get to see Rin again.


Obito woke up in the same bright space just like the last time he was supposed to die. He observed his surroundings once again, this time he was in a clear mind and could see it clearly.

He began to look around more desperately when he thought about Rin. Rin was here last time. She had to be here now. He had to see her. To talk to her. He wanted to know what she thought of him even though he knew he was nothing more than a criminal.

He turned to see the Sage Of Six Paths looking at him with a expressionless face. He looked into those godly eyes but found no motive not emotion.

"I suppose you came here to guide me to hell."

The Sage only continued to stare and Obito was beginning to feel uncomfortable. It was resolved when the Sage finally spoke. "If only, young Uchiha. I've come here to be your guide."

Obits was confused. "My guide? Why does that mean? Aren't I dead?"

The Sage shook his head and Obito damn near frowned. Even after that his body refused to give. "What I mean is that I'm your guide is this new. The world in which you were sent to."

What was he talking about? Now that he mentioned it, Obito had seen strange things when he was willing himself to save that boy. He was in another world. Although he wasn't too surprised considering his knowledge about dimensions and such. But why was he sent here?

"You mean to tell me where I just was is an entire different world than where I was born."

The Sage nodded. "That is correct. But, before you assume anything further I wasn't the one who wished for your arrival."

"Then who?" Obito asked with a frown. "Who still wants someone like me alive?"

"It was your teammate; Rin."

Rin. It was Rin. She wanted me alive. Her last words to him rang in his head. 'Save the world Obito! I know you can do it this time!' She was the one who sent him here and prevented him from dying a death he deserved. Obito could only look down. He had no words that could describe the feeling traveling down his entire body.

"I know it's hard to believe but that is the true." Said the Sage. "She requested you be sent here. Furthermore the world you are now apart of is filled with the same problems your world faced. Perhaps even worse. The most I can tell you is that their are different races of sorts. One could be a multitude of things but the mains ones are Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels. Normal Humans are quite common as well."

Obits slowly raised his face. He'd already accepted his position but now he had a question. "If you know nothing of this world then why are you my guide."

"I'm not that sort of guide." The Sage answered evenly. "This world, even for me, is almost entirely inaccessible. It's very hard to gain information because i had no pathway into this world."

"If it's so inaccessible then how are you able to send me here? You said she requested it but you never said she was the one to send me here."

The Sage nodded and Obito narrowed his eyes. "I was the one to send you here. Tell me, have you heard of the multiverse theory."

"More or less."

"Basically, it's a theory that multiple realities exist and move by their own set of rules. That theory is true and each reality that do exist have both similarities and differences from our own. Their are a lot but the most important one is that we all have a path that sort of... connects us to each other. Something that binds are universes under a similar law but very different ideals. Even I myself don't have that insight."

It was a lot to take in for Obito. The Sage was saying a lot. It was almost enough to make his head spin.

"It's a lot to take in, Young Uchiha. But I feel that you can be the one who will save this world."

Obito broke his gaze on the Sage and looked down, his hands clenching into tight fist. "There's no reason for you to feel that way. The most I've done is try to destroy a world. I don't see how you would expect me to save one."

"You were misguided, Obito. But I'll be your guide throughout this journey of yours. My first thing I'll tell you as your guide is to enroll in Kuoh Academy." Light began to eve lope around Obito and he was surprised, wondering what was happening as the Sage continued to speak. "I'll see what type of person you become...with my own eyes."


Obito woke up to a dull ceiling above him and despite his state he scowled. Why just why couldn't he die? He had every right to be dead and yet he came back like a nuisance. Again.

He let out a breath but it was shakier than he wanted it to be. He decided to give his surroundings a look and saw nothing too noticeable. The room was quite bare and a bit on the small side. Someone had moved him, to where he didn't know.

The door to the room opening caught his gaze and he saw a teenager. She looked rather dignified and the way she held herself only helped that image. She had short black hair styled in a short bob and violet eyes.

"Hmm," she hummed, closing the door behind her. "Seems you're awake. I didn't expect you to for a couple of weeks the way I found your body. You're quite durable."

"For better or worse," Obito groaned, sitting up in the bed.

She laid a hand on his chest, slightly bringing him down to the bed. "Rest. You still have not gained your strength back."

"How long have I been unconscious? Where is this place?" Even though she had saved her he didn't trust her at all. The only reason her hand still laid on his chest was that he was using all his energy just to stay up.

"To answer your questions, this is a building that my family owns. To your second question, you've been asleep for almost two days. But I expected it to be much longer. You have an interesting body." She pushed up her glasses.

She had a calculating look on her face but that wasn't why Obito had been staring at her. It was because she looked a little bit like Rin. He broke the gaze by simply looking down at his covered feet.

This wasn't Rin. She carried herself in a more laid-back and upbeat manner than the uptight, almost regal manner that was before him.

What was he doing? This is a different world, he shouldn't be comparing it to his own. Especially not the people. He grabbed her by the wrist and removed her from his chest before turning so his feet would dangle off the bed.

"I appreciate your help." Obito started nicely as possible. He wanted information so being rude wouldn't help. "I'd like to be pointed in the direction of Kuoh Academy."

She looked like she was staring him down while she crossed her arms over her chest. "Why?"

"I'm going to enroll." He said slowly. The look she gave reminded him too much of Kakashi. Of course he was able to shake it off.

"Why?" She asked again. He looked the age but that was not the problem. He had just survived a fight with a Fallen Angel and she couldn't even put an evil piece inside of him. He was a flight risk, letting him run around was dangerous but she felt killing him was a bit much.

He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds before a fluent lie escaped his mouth. "I was informed of the school by someone. Said something I needed to learn was there. I'm simply trying to see what that is."

"Oh, is that so?" She had a face that made him think she knew he was lying but he couldn't tell. For her to be so young she was surprisingly hard to read. "Hmm, then you are in luck because I'm the Student Council of Kuoh Highschool. And I can give you access to the school." Uncrossing her arms she held up a single index finger. "On one conditions however."

Obito knew something like this would happen. "And, l what would that condition be?"

"A game of chess, of course."