

... Cole Leighton, a human mage goes on a dangerous journey through life in the Lands Of Oberon on a long quest to get the 3 Magical Rings Of Oberon. Of course he’ll run into many powerful enemies and obstacles. Oberon is a massive world filled with dragons, magic users and gut wrenching demons that lurk in the shadows. There are some parts of the world that are just peaceful and beautiful though. For Cole, the worst consequence awaits for him at the end of his exciting journey. If have managed to survive to tell the tale, his name shall be etched into history. Only time will tell. ...

UNBROKEN · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3 - Mysterious Person

"It's a favor for another time. Try not to worry about it." Cassiel would say

She'd suddenly take off the robe, exposing the rest of her fairy wings and slim body before gently flying upwards just barely off the ground, lending a hand outwards to the boy. "Well? Whatcha waiting for? Let's go to my home. I'll teach you spells there." Cassiel grinned

Cole nervously nodded and firmly grabbed her hand, being lifted up into the sky while the two would take off flying away above the kingdom's houses until reaching outside of the kingdom's walls a distance away, eventually reaching her grassy tree home. She lives in a tree house near the enchanted woodlands with several smaller fairies that fly all over the place.

They would land on the peaceful grassy empty fields filled colorful flowers in front of the tree house that's just off to the near distance to the left.

"Whoa. Nice place.." the boy would say looking around, shocked that she'd be living there by herself out of all places.

"Let me get the book.. I'll be back." Cassiel says before leaving to retrieve the magical spell book from her house and quickly comes back a minute later with it in her hands. "Book Of Spells" is on the cover of the dusty old book, there was a heavy lock on the book itself and it seemed to have it's own demonic eye that looked at them curiously.

Cassiel would use magic to make the book gently float in front of them while she used a key to unlock the book's lock.

"You ready to learn some magic?" she'd sternly say with her hands out, enticing the boy even more. Cole would say "Heck yeah I am."

For hours on end, Cassiel attempted to teach magical spells to a human which is of course hard but not impossible. Eventually he would envision his true potential, making it possible to learn spells now so they stayed there until late night time. Cole ends up learning a couple of really basic spells such as floating and animating objects.