

... Cole Leighton, a human mage goes on a dangerous journey through life in the Lands Of Oberon on a long quest to get the 3 Magical Rings Of Oberon. Of course he’ll run into many powerful enemies and obstacles. Oberon is a massive world filled with dragons, magic users and gut wrenching demons that lurk in the shadows. There are some parts of the world that are just peaceful and beautiful though. For Cole, the worst consequence awaits for him at the end of his exciting journey. If have managed to survive to tell the tale, his name shall be etched into history. Only time will tell. ...

UNBROKEN · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 - Prologue


[Heavy rainfall sounds]

Cole Leighton would be seen walking outside in the rain within the safety of the kingdom's walls. His face has a blank expression as if he's slowly dying of boredom after a long day. He'd walk inside the nearest tavern, being all soaked.

"Hmph." he says before standing at the bar, pointing at the alcoholic bottle in front of him before putting two coins on the bar's table and grabs the drink for himself, drowning himself with it until passing out. Some people would stare at him.

Cole grumpily wakes up in the morning with a hangover, someone enters the bar as soon as he did. Cole would lift his head upwards and attempt to stand up straight, looking over to see who it was. A group of three knights had entered the tavern, sitting down at a table nearby with each other. The knights looked over at him and laughed at him for being such a drunk loser who clearly has no life.

Cole didn't take that too kindly. He'd get up from his seat and slurred threats at the Astoria Kingdom's knights. He'd say "You guys are nothing! Alright!? Little tiny specks of dust to me! Think you're bad huh? I'll show you tough.." he yelled out at them. The group of knights just shrugged their shoulders and ignored him, watching Cole walk away and exit the tavern himself.

Once outside the tavern, Cole found a bucket of water sitting nearby and drenched himself with it, this helps wake himself up from the hangover last night.

"Much better.." he'd mutter to himself.

Cole would head towards the barracks of the Astoria Kingdom. Once there, Cole gets on his knees in the middle of the knight's training plaza and pledges himself to the Kingdom. He'd quickly catch the attention of King Asteron after knights alerted the king to what was going on outside their barracks. "What's all this about?" King Asteron would ask.

Cole looks up at Asteron with a tightened fist on his heart and while on one knee, saying "Knight me. I'll prove myself worthy." Everyone sort of crowds around them at plaza, seeing what was happening. One mysterious person appeared to be watching this unfold from the shadows nearby, intrigued by Cole's actions and words.

"What's the reason for this huh boy?" King Asteron would question him.

"I have nothing left to loose, I want something more to my life." King Asteron would simply refuse the boys offer to become one of his knights, thinking that he is too young for that type of dangerous career.