1 Chapter 1: Tragedy And Despair

The world it's absolute hell it's pandemonium and it drains everyone of everything. That's what my father always told me that is the one thing he repeated over and over and over he hated his life he hated this world he hated my mother and he hated me. My mother ever such a dedicated woman diligent and strong she did her best to hide me and shield me from my father which is such a shame having to protect a man from his own son. She shelter to me she sheltered my brother she sheltered my sister. With all of her strength, with all of her heart, with her very life.

You see my parents polar opposites of each other my mother was a strong charismatic woman who could've been anything but she fell in love with the wrong man as I would hear her often murmur. My mother was known as the renowned beauty envied and fawned over. And my father he had all the makings of your typical sad anime hero origin story. Poor household shunned from society what is took the more realistic turn hated society he hated God he hated the world. My parents met each other in college my father had to work himself to death as a teenager and through college just to finance his education because his parents refused to do so. My father saw my mother fell in love with her instantly and my mother was the same she fell in love with him. Overtime my father became more aggressive and more hateful of the world and as time passed my mothers ability to calm him bring him joy and bring him delight worked less and less. By the time I was born my mother had gone from seeing him as a person she had to help that she could help to a person that she no longer recognized.

And it was this person that she no longer recognized this man that she had loved and lost who killed her.

Yes my mother was murdered by my father during one of his murderous rampage us he was going to kill us all she hit me and my siblings in the back of her car she told us not to move she told us to be safe she told us to only come out when all the screaming had stopped.

The screaming start eventually hi being the oldest told my siblings to wait in the car I was only 16 at the time. I entered the house in old House passed down through my father's family it was dilapidated in need of repair due to my fathers poor background it wasn't taken care of for a long time. I peaked into the house and there it was my father a knife in his chest my mother stepped up against the wall bloody a hole in her stomach she could barely breathe what she could get short whispers out and it was in the short whispers that we said our final words to each other.

I rushed over to her side I didn't like it but all I could wasn't enough she would've been dead by the time we made it to the hospital she would've been dead by the time the ambulance arrived to the house she would've bled out faster if I moved her there was nothing I could be done her fate had been sealed.

She whispered words to me words that are etched into my mind my very soul the essence of who I am.

She said

" Live a happy life stand up for what you believe in be ambitious do not doubt yourself care for others teach the next generation to be even stronger it's these principles that I want to pass on to you with these last words that I have I love you I love your heart I love your mind I love your soul.." she began and she gasped for air soon after.

" A mother falls in love with her child after they're born and I am not immune to that all three of you the centers of my world the loves of my life I don't want to go but if I'm leaving because I made the choice to protect you well then I'm perfectly happy that way.." I've always gotten weaker she no longer gasped for air I know her twilight was in pending within the second house she imparted onto me her final words.."

" take them far away from here your siblings care for them and love them it's a shame I have to impart this on to you such a young man but I don't want any of you financed into depravity despair because my mother will always be with in your heart my well now you're well do not let your dreams be limited by the seal of the sky-" and with that she died they're leaning against that wall.

I wonder often how I survived this first 16 years of my life.

And I find my answer inbox escaping to an idealistic world of fantasy and fiction where I don't have to worry about anything else.

But there I stood needing to be a man when I wasn't fully ready yet I walked back out to the car my siblings asked me what happened and where we were going all I was was silent my mothers words never left my mind in fact they still ring their echoing forever.

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