
Oath of Seduction

Warning - R18 Amanda, an orphan is offered a job as house maid by a mysterious man, in the city of Hellwood. Little did the girl know, that she was shifting to the house of a dangerous and seductive vampire. Adam has many dark secrets and one of them is to mate with Amanda and protect her from other vampires. Amanda has her own powers, which she is unaware of..... What is so special about Amanda that an army of vampires are ready to kill each other, just to spend one night with her? Adam's brother, the strongest vampire also has his eyes on Amanda, and he will do anything to make her his own... even if it means killing his own brother. "I want to devour your body and leave my bite marks everywhere." The man whispered in her ear and he inhaled her alluring aroma. "Why don't you start from my breasts?" Follow me on instagram - Alaheeza_3 or contact me on discord - Alaheeza#1978

Alaheeza · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Royal family

Amanda's eyes constantly travelled from left to right as she walked behind the elderly man, across the hall. He entered a giant glass cabin and sat down on a seat, next to a large wooden table. Amanda hesitated a bit to enter the royal cabin. There were several shelves placed in one corner, while a majestic antique statue was placed on the other corner. Right on the middle was the elderly man's chair and table. "Please come inside Miss and have a seat."


"Thank you sir." Amanda nodded her head and walked towards a chair, placed opposite to the man's chair. She now felt extremely intimidated due to the ambience and how intelligent the man looked.


"So tell me, what did you want to ask?" The man smiled politely, as he could already make out that Amanda was utterly confused and nervous.


"Actually sir, I had been offered a job by a man named Adam, at the bar. And he gave me two cheques as the advance pay. I accepted the job, but now I do not know of the authenticity of the cheques." Amanda quickly fetched out the two cheques from her pocket looking at them nervously.


"I see. Can I please have a look at them?" The man held out his hand, signalling the girl to handover the pieces of paper.


Amanda looked in the man's grey eyes and handed over the 5000 cheque, not able to trust him enough.


The man frowned a bit and then looked at the girl. "I see, you have been offered a job by Mr. Adam Andrews the third. You must have some great skills to get such a job." The man nodded his head  looking at the girl impressively.


"Umm... Adam Andrews the third?" Amanda frowned as she had probably heard of this name somewhere. Suddenly her eyes popped open and she gasped in shock. "The royal family?? The only heir to the entire loyal lineage!? Who is also invited to our farewell ceremony as chief guest???" Amanda suddenly remembered reading a bit about his family in one of her text books and how the royal family died in a tragic road accident.


"Well, yes. I am surprised he himself came to you for a job and you did not even recognize him." The elderly man smirked looking at Amanda's shocked face.


"I am surprised too... I... I mean.. I had not seen him earlier and I do not have access to the daily paper mails. So, I had no idea, how he looked." The girl pursed her lips in a hit of shame.


"I understand Miss." The man once again studied the piece of paper and smiled looking at Amanda. "Only a Braveheart can dare to pose himself as His highness Adam and forge his signatures. By all means, this cheque is authentic and you can handover me the other cheque too and I shall open an account for you right now." The elderly man was now more than vigilant and polite as the girl turned out to be the royal employee.


"That would be amazing. So can I have the money in form of paper notes, whenever I want?" The girl handed over the second cheque too, this time without any hesitation.

"Of course. Just sign these papers and you can get access to your account right now." The man quickly stood up on his feet looking at the huge amount of money written on the two papers. He then fetched two paper sheets with a few typed words on it, and signalled the girl to sign.


Amanda nodded her head and picked up a pen placed on a long stand. She quickly signed the papers, handing them back to the man. "Very well. Here is your key to the wallet. We will deposit your money in your locker, in form of coins. You can come to the bank and get those coins converted into paper notes, when ever you want. Do you want some money right now?" The man handed over a golden key to the girl.


The girl's heart raced as she held the key in her hands. "Right now? Can I have money right now?" She asked in much surprise.

"Haha. It is your money. It is bank's duty to give you the amount whenever you want. Just tell me how much you want and I shall deduct it from your account." The man smiled, taking out a few paper notes from his closet.