
oath of blood

story is about a vampire that's has awaken in a time that he is not used to a time where magic and swordsmanship has expoded he must overcome the language barrier that is his a lost language as well as this new vampire system that he is not used to watch him grow not only with age but in power he will raise to the top

DeathsWork · Fantasy
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A Time Long ago...

it's was 1456 mid winter the sky was starting to darken a voice could be heard it's was the sound of a man that seemed to be rushing" ayy mate we need to move the horses and get to the bottom of the house that's the look of razor rain it won't look good everything will be destroy" another voice that sound not to far from where the man was said"your right get the others it won't be to long we have at least 1 hour at best worst case is 30 minutes hurry get everyone in the chiefs bunker after this we will need to move on there's madness at play stay alert"

the man moved quick rushing to get everyone one kids mother's father's there was 30 people in this village while most were farmers and some where blacksmiths all in all they work together so they wouldn't starve the trees blowing men and women were wearing fur blanks to not freeze to death after one was in the man closed the doors and when to the bottom of the chiefs that was a bunker an start the head count cheif and is brother was doing the same the man finished before the chief and his brother" sir t-theres only 28 it seems your son is missing " the man at the height of 6'3 beard that could be mistaken for Odin's an body maid from aries god of war himself parted his lips" what would u have me to the rain can start any minute now i-i hate to say it but I can risk there life for my son we only pray that Gods have mercy" the man then walk then lay down covering him self with his blanket made from sheeps wool


through the forest a blur passes by the trees of the forest snow ankle deep all around a boy no older the 20 years of age passed by the trees in hast the boy could only think-looks like I'm not gonna make it in time if I can just get to the cave that's 2 miles away then I can make it- the horse was moving fast passing tree after tree the boy took a deep breath before he got startled by the howels and hot worse as he was heading to the cafe he was walking into someone else territory the wolves howls only got louder and louder then he looked back" by the gods this can't be be" the boy was smiles but out of fear there was more then 20 wolves right behind him a getting closer there size they could only be dire wolves " but why is there a pack and then sum chasing me" he could believe his eyes he was close to the cave just a bit more a he can fight them off 10mins later he saw the cave but at what cost a wolf had gotten his teeth on the leg of the horse and and the boy jumped off and ran for the cave the wolves were hungry so the let him go.. except one the chased after his the wolf seemed malnutritious like he was the weakest he was gonna get his fill it chase after him before it's stop at the entrance of the cave then ran back after the others as they disappeared in the snow he was breathing hard and his heart beat was so load he could swear it was out of his chest he played on the wall of the cave to catch his breath his clothes from the village in all tattered from the fall from his slowly started to move deeper with each step not knowing it was gonna his last well as a mortal.....