
oath of blood

story is about a vampire that's has awaken in a time that he is not used to a time where magic and swordsmanship has expoded he must overcome the language barrier that is his a lost language as well as this new vampire system that he is not used to watch him grow not only with age but in power he will raise to the top

DeathsWork · Fantasy
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the vehicle moved at a alarming rate the driver pushing the vehicle to it's best with time they reach the the town's gates the guards saw the vehicle before the Vince could go forward the guards raised there hands telling the the person driving to halt there movements the guards move to the driver side an began to speak

sir what's your business the town's curfew is up as of now so we can't let u in

while the guards was talking vince decided to speak up he was hungry and his group was tired beyond belief

sir to be honest we will start moving tmrw at noon we are honestly tired and would like to eat we won't disturb the peace of this town if u can let us thru then would beyond helpful I just hope that we can get some rest

the guard that was speaking to vince was thinking they didn't have a problem with traveler's but alot of criminal activity has gone thru the roof as of late so he didn't let just and body in vince handed the guards some money so that he could have a little more love in his heart to let them in an by the looks of things it worked!

guard looked back an told the men by the gates to open up they did as they were told and let them threw vince made his way around slowly getting view he was looking at in the town wasn't the best but it wasn't bad either he pull up to medium sized building with big letters saying braves end he parked this and got out his group there way in as well he first to say something when the reach the inside was the orc hey boss this is nice has nice feeling to it mostly because when the stepped in the inn the first thing they saw was to or 3 groups of people bar fighting the eyes off the orc gleamed as if he wanted to join in but vince caught quick

no it would be bad not only because I said we wouldn't. cause a disturbance but also for the fact you don't know how to control your strength let's get our beds and rest we have to leave in the morning

they quickly bought there rooms a got there individual keys and head to sleep vince drunk a lil a tried to close his eyes he didn't need sleep but it's was helpful as his mental was tired as he drifted off he saw a familiar sight


the razor rain stop and the man started to move where was he he forgot the way he ran but he was sure he could make his way back ass he new the general area he drew his dagger by his side to be sure he had protection he made his way to the village own his way got some rabbits and vegetables to go with tonight dinner

with this at least they won't be to pissed right?

at least I hope so" the closer he got his face started show horror he saw no one and the smell of iron was strong so strong in fact that he nearly puked he ran into the chiefs home were the smell was coming from noticing bits ice laying around And glass and holes on the roof as well as the floor he searched everywhere but to couldn't find a thing all he find were ice and glass he walked around the house untill the smell was so strong he looked down seeing a wrong half ass placed and the door under it he slowly pulled it back just to find himself vomiting heavily the smell was to strong he calmed himself the best he could and made his way down covering his nose what he saw was beyond cruel could the gods be he fell to his knees and gasped in he saw everyone ripped to streads ice melted and the blood turned to pools ankle deep