
O my succubus!

Hanzo Masamune, a regular salary man, lived a relatively uneventful life—until his globe-trotting parents sent him another of their monthly peculiar parcels. Amid the usual oddities, this time, it's an unconscious girl with long ears! Masamune, the expert at downplaying weirdness, brushes it off as a realistic-looking doll. Yet, as night falls, the girl throws him a curveball. "—Isn't it just fair if I eat your dreams as compensation for kidnapping me, the superior of all the succubi!" Fate sure knows how to shake up Masamune's somewhat regular routine. Welcome to a world where dreams become snacks, and succubi laze on your couch! [Cover image does not belong to me! If you are the original owner and want it changed then please message me on instagram: @Moaaz_Khan904 or if you know the original artist then please let me know asap!]

BluePenguin007 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The box of nightmares

Masamune's startled voice echoed through the living room, mingling with the erratic tremors of a box that seemed to be doing a wild dance. Clinging to his phone in a desperate attempt to maintain a safe distance, he couldn't help but demand, "Dad, did you accidentally ship me a panic attack or something?"

On the other end of the call, Hiroshi Hattori, an unlikely jungle explorer with fair skin, plump features, and a signature white mustache, kept his cool amid the chaos. He wielded a pair of garden shears, effortlessly slicing through vines and plants to carve a path in the dense jungle. The background soundtrack featured a casual ensemble of yellow snakes and spiders, seemingly unfazed by the Hattori's impromptu intrusion. It was as if the venomous critters had found new hiking buddies.

"Hoho! Parcel delivered safely, then? That's a relief!" Hiroshi chuckled, sporting the classic forest ranger look—complete with a hat and shorts that showcased a disregard for any jungle fashion faux pas. His wife, Yukiko Hattori, matched his adventurous spirit. With black hair tied in a practical ponytail and glasses perched on squinting eyes, she followed her husband's lead through the wilderness, both donned in matching backpacks. In the Hattori family's world, navigating jungles and delivering mysterious parcels went hand in hand, making for just another day in their chaotic adventure-filled lives.

Amidst the jungle obstacles, Yukiko skillfully maneuvered overgrown roots and stones, posing a question about the ongoing phone conversation, "Is that Masamune on the phone?"

Hiroshi, undeterred by the jungle challenges, responded, "Yes, dear! Want to chat with him?"

"IN HELL!" Masamune's vehement protest reverberated through the phone, leaving Hiroshi with an exasperated "Oh my God..." in response to his son's colorful choice of words.

Back in Masamune's living room, the jitterbugging box continued its relentless dance, driving Masamune to crouch in a corner, his fear palpable. "Okay, I'm sorry for the curse, but I'm running low on time... I think," Masamune hastily apologized, uncertain whether his survival depended on containing whatever lurked within the vigorously shaking box.

Attempting to resume the conversation, Hiroshi began, "So, what's the matte—"

Interrupting him, Masamune urgently cut in, "WHAT'S INSIDE THE BOX?" Impatience echoed in his voice, revealing that the living room chaos had reached a suspenseful climax.

"Oh! So you still haven't opened the box yet?"

"Of course not! Now answer—" Masamune's words were abruptly halted as a greyish, slender hand with claw-like nails burst through a hole in the box. It waved and slashed in vain attempts to escape the confines of its cardboard prison.

Masamune, gripped by fear and shock, gasped at the unexpected sight. His face drained of color, and cold sweat broke out as his heart raced, rendering him temporarily speechless.

"H-help..." he stammered in a low voice, struggling to find words.

Meanwhile, Hiroshi and Yukiko exchanged a small glance before succumbing to laughter. The jungle adventure had taken an unexpectedly hilarious turn for Masamune's unsuspecting parents. Their son's predicament had become the punchline to a jungle-themed cosmic joke.

"Haha, son! Don't worry; that thing is completely harmless! It won't hurt you... Probably," Hiroshi reassured his panicking son.

"Harmless, you say?" Masamune retorted, anxiety seeping into his voice. "It's got damned claws! A-and what's with that uncertainty in your response?" Panic mode engaged.

"Son... Don't curse. And as for what we have sent—" Hiroshi began, only to be abruptly cut off by Yukiko.

"Dear! You're about to hit 30! Isn't it about time you start thinking seriously about giving us a grandchild?"

"—G-grandchild?" Masamune echoed, wide-eyed and bewildered, his attention torn between the unnerving appendage in the box and his mother's unexpected segue into family planning. The surreal blend of danger and domesticity left Masamune questioning the sanity of his parental units.

"Honey! Asking for grandchildren is still too early, or perhaps too much! Our dear son has been kind enough to handle our travel expenses! What we should be asking for is a daughter-in-law! Having children while he just got a job in Tokyo isn't fair," Hiroshi diplomatically reasoned with his wife.

"—Oh," Yukiko responded, understanding the unexpected turn in the conversation.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!?" Masamune unleashed a barrage of curses, unable to comprehend the bizarre exchange.

"And with that, Mom and Dad are currently exploring the Amazon jungle, so we'll talk some other time. As for the courier... You'll find out at night!" Yukiko declared before decisively ending the call.

Amidst Masamune's mounting concerns, questions about how his parents managed to get signal in the Amazon and the nature of their jungle escapade flitted through his mind. However, these queries paled in comparison to the immediate and grim situation unfolding in front of him—namely, the mysterious and potentially hazardous contents of the vigorously shaking box.