
Nyanko da! (ft Natsume): A Brothers Conflict Fanfic

It's just Mai's luck when the water pipes burst at her apartment. Forced out of her rental, Mai's friend Ema offers her a place to stay. At first, it seems like a luxury to stay at Sunrise Residence, the esteemed home of the Asahina family. But all good things come at a price. Mai soon learns that the house is full of boys, all of them Ema's chaotic brothers! As she learns to adjust to her new life, Mai is pulled into the everyday antics of the Asahinas, especially those involving Asahina Natsume and a pair of adorable cats! ---------- A Brothers Conflict Fanfic ft Natsume x OC It'll be slowburn so all the brothers can get some screen time!

MintMatcha_Long · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 4: Third Floor

Oh, how long has it been since I've heard the familiar sound of brotherly bickering? Though, usually, it's me and my brother bickering. Heh.

Ema and I step out of the elevator. To our right there are two boys about our age arguing in the hall. One of them I recognize as Yusuke, the red-headed delinquent-style brother. The other I don't recognize. 

"You are so fully of it!" shouts Yusuke. He slams his fist against the wall, making Ema and I jump. "Just because it's in your laundry basket doesn't mean it's yours."

"Well, it's not like Yusuke-nii will mind his little brother borrowing it?" coos the other boy. He tucks a strand of brown-pink hair behind his ear and gives a sly smile. It's a look that sends shivers down my spine. I know that look. It's the look you make when you're enjoying provoking someone.

Sadly, or rather predictably (knowing Yusuke's strong sense of justice), Yusuke doesn't stand for being teased like that.

"You're always taking my stuff. And stop calling me that!" He yanks at the other boy's hair. 

"Oi, you're gonna mess up my hair! Let go, stupid!" 

"Grow up and take it, you entitled prick!"

"I have a shoot later, baka! My agent is gonna murder you after he kills me!"

As we watch the scene unfold Ema and I just stand staring. Ema must be used to it by now, but she says nothing. She's frozen to the spot, trying to decide whether or not to intervene.

I, however, don't care in the slightest.

"So, Ema, should we continue the tour?"

"E-Eh?" Ema glances at me, then back at her brothers. 

"Brothers fight," I say. "I'm sure they'll work it out. Besides, I don't want to get involved in that." I nod to the boys, who by now have gone full physical. Yusuke has grabbed the other boy in a headlock and dragged him into the nearest room. I heard thudding noises, a fight I'd rather not watch.

Ema looks absolutely mortified. It's curious seeing the sisterly side of her. Usually, I only see her interact with Yusuke. I wonder who the other brother is.

But there's no time for that now. Ema reluctantly shows me to the other wing. We come across an unsuspecting door, which Ema opens with a key. The door swings open to reveal a very simple room.

The slippers Ema has lent me for the house are a size too big, and I trip over them in the genkan. Ema squeaks and hurries to steady me.

"Thanks," I say. "I'm still so clumsy."

She breaths a sigh of relief. "Well, this is the room." 

There's a narrow hallway that leads to the room at the end. On either side of the hall are storage closets, way too much space for me to even think about filling up.

In the actual room there's a bare twin bed set against the wall. The window at the back is open, with blue curtains swished to the side. A skeleton of a desk stands opposite to the bed, along with a grey desk chair and lamp.

"Okaerinasai," Ema says. "Welcome home." 

We stand there in awkward silence for a few minutes. I'm hesitant to fly into the room, worried I'll look too eager to stay. Ema doesn't want to pressure me, but her just standing there avoiding eye contact is weird.

Our gazes suddenly meet, and we burst out laughing. It feels good to laugh today after what happened. 

"Ah, when did we get so serious?" I wipe a tear from my eye. 

"I don't know," Ema laughs back. "I'll text Masaomi-san to bring your things up. While that happens, do you want to see the fifth floor? I'll be starting dinner soon, too."

Right. Food. 

"Hey, Ema, would it be possible to use your kitchen sometimes?" I ask tentatively. "I could cook after you're all done, so I won't bother you."

Ema's eyes widen. "Eh? Aren't you going to eat with us?"

"I wouldn't want to intrude. You're already letting me stay here."

"It's honestly no bother. My brothers and I are happy to host you. They keep saying how it'll be nice to have another person in the house."

A family of thirteen saying "What's one more?" makes me laugh a little.

"Well, if you're sure they won't mind," I say. "Actually, if you want I can help you with dinner. I'm not a bad cook."

Ema turns toward the door. "Hai, I'll talk to Ukyo-san. He does most of the cooking, so I'm sure he'll be happy for another helper."

Is Ukyo another brother?

"Great. I also need some tea." I wipe my forehead. "It's been a long day."

Ema nods. "I think we have some green tea in the cupboard."

We make our way back to the elevator. By now the hallway is quiet, so I guess Yusuke and the other boy have straightened things out. Either that or one is sitting on the other, though it's hard to imagine Yusuke losing to anybody.

Wait, on second thought, I can totally see it.

Ema doesn't ask why I suddenly burst out smiling in the elevator. She probably thinks that I'm finally getting more comfortable around her. 

The doors open two floors up into a loft that overlooks a living room. My eyes nearly pop out of my skull at the vastness of the space. Compared to my place, this is a palace.

The large windowed walls let in natural light, illuminating the living room, kitchen, and dining room. The other half of the floor is closed off, so I'm guessing that's where the bathroom and toilet are.

"This way," says Ema. We go down the stairs and behind a wall to the kitchen. It's no more than a little nook in between the stairs and the dining room. 

A long table is spread out in the latter, complete with more chairs than I can count. At the end of it is a television built into the wall. I swear I saw another one of those in the living room.

In the kitchen a man with blonde hair and glasses stands at the counter. When he turns to face us I nearly choke. Wasn't he the guy I saw arguing with someone on campus? I think it was in the legal studies department.

"Oh, hello," he says cheerfully. "You must be Ema's friend."

"Mai," I say quickly. "Are you..." What was the name she'd just said? "Kyo?"

Needless Commentary: I hope Yusuke's argument sounded realistic enough. I don't have any brothers, myself, so I've never been in a fight with one (;╹⌓╹)

Mai's finally arrived at the house, and the brothers will all be introduced slowly. Fingers crossed we'll get there soon so the real drama can begin, harhar...

Thanks for reading up to here! I'll work hard to bring you more fanfic chapters! m(_ _)m

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