

What can make peace a redundant word?

Node1um · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Perfect World

Long, lose hair swirled eagerly around her eager face, a gentile breeze gathers itself up and blew her lightweight hat straight into her awaiting hand.

Tall and proud skyscrapers stood tall over the crowd a of smiling faces, she entered the first non-glass walled buildings, marked simply by a small sign, " Turner directory" , and proceeded to the same desk that she had worked at for the last 4 four years without any change with the determination and eagerness of a first day employee. A loud voice called over the microphone, announcing that it was "the 1208th day of all employs being at peek performance".

She stroked her gentile finger over the see through panel in front of her and is lit up in a blaze of energy, she connected a thin cable from the small quantum computer that rested on her desk to a port above her right ear and took a deep drink from the bottle of government-issued "nuro-stabilisers" that where on her desk every morning without fail and began to make frenzied hand gestures to the computer, guided google it through her thought patterns as she materialised words on the page at a immense speed.

The director had a certain air about him, and if everyone was not undeniably on the same side many people would quickly flock to rebel on him due to his overly controlling complexion, but no one could deny his effectiveness in seeking resolutions to the problems they faced.

Such was his charisma when he strode into the room, grasping a large folder of paper, sealed with the mark of the upper directory and beckoned Alison and up to his office. He swiftly made his instructions clear.

"I know it is out of your normal expertise, but I also think that you can handle it, the hydro dams at the Gleaning falls have been sowing some disturbing readings, and I need you to make sure it's safe before I send the large engineering teams in, besides; you do specialise in this sort of thing by training"

" well I am qualified for this, sir"

" there always is someone Alison, there always is right person for every job, and given that you can do literally whatever you want as your profession I call it a miracle that it always turns out this way"

"I'll make sure you don't retreat that statement, sir"

"I'm sure you will"

Alison scooped up her lightweight bag from her smear-less glass desk and gesturing the computer into idle mode set about making ready for her trip with great haste and eagerness, haste and eagerness present in every human in every task in the Castonian federation's territory.