
Number One Ranker

#Entering in the Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2020 ( LitRPG ) Jaycee Kim, a prodigy of the newest generation. Not only he had good looks, but also excelled in various fields like sports, academics and even in wealth which made him stand out above the rest. Hidden behind those masks was a cold psychopathic guy who desired nothing but his desired peaceful and quiet environment. With the release of the very first VRMMORPG game called 'Phantasy Realm Online', Jaycee was forced by his father to play the game. His father wanted him to relax and enhance his social skills as he greatly knew that his son was poor in that aspect. However, due to unexpected circumstances, he gained almost everyone's attention as he unexpectedly rose and became the country's rank 1 player on the very first day of the game. You can buy me a cup of coffee! https://ko-fi.com/Zeertified You can support me at Patreon https://patreon.com/Zeertified or Paypal https://paypal.me/Zeertified1 Please don't hesitate to 'vote' and add this novel to your 'library'! I'll try updating as much as I can! Thank you for reading!

Zeertified · Games
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter 17

The canteen was flooded with unlessening crowd like any other days. Friends eating to their satisfaction while having great conversation with their friends. However, among that crowd, only one guy stood out as he ate his food with such a dreadful look on his face.

"Hey Jaycee …," a hesitant shaky voice was heard. "… are we still grinding those disgusting monkeys in that jungle later?"

Denver barely even touched his food. He was known for his unyielding gluttony but particularly at that time, the look on his face was as if he was disgusted by the plateful of food right in front of him. He can't even stomach seeing that food for a long time. On the other hand, Jaycee was as normal as any other days. As always, he doesn't give a damn shit about everything. He just gobbled up his food with such innocence on his face. Busy with the food, Jaycee didn't answer.

Out of nowhere, Denver acted as if he's about to throw up. "My goodness, I feel like dying."

He pushed his plate away from him and turned around and swallowed the disgusting feeling he just felt. "Why am I suddenly reminded of those bastards," he mumbled.

For the past days, after receiving the quest from the baron, Jaycee and Denver wandered around the forest where the missing guild leader was supposed to be before he went missing. Enticed by the high level monsters, Jaycee dragged Denver in battling the Forest Apes in a particular part of the forest. Forest Apes had low physical damage and defense, and also gives high EXP for successful slaying; however, what made it difficult for others to kill them is that Forest Apes had a skill where they inflict users 50% chance of gaining a debuff lasting for about a week or two in game time. Aside from that there's also that stagnant, filthy smell attached to the players who came in contact with that skill. Unfortunately, while battling the Forest Apes, a super unlucky guy named Denver came in contact with the aforementioned skill. That's why everytime he saw something particular to how that skill looked like, he can't help but feel disgusted as he kept on remembering how enticing that aroma was. It was so enticing enough for one to faint in joy (disgust).

As if he was heard, Jaycee answered with a swift, "Why are acting like you're so disgusted? Did you finally see yourself in the mirror?"

Denver turned around and faced him with a glare as he yelled, "How could I not be after what those shitty bastards did to me?! And also, isn't it basically your fault that it happened? Not only having a decrease in my physical damage but also ugh …" Recalling the fragrant smell of himself made him puke in disgust.

Jaycee placed down his spoon in a very noble-like attitude and meet Denver's eyes as he asked in a very serious tone, "What's your class again?"

The sudden question made Denver restless.

'What's with this slightly uncomfortable feeling?'

Flustered, Denver amassed himself as he pulled back to his seat and replied, "Musketeer …"

"Then, what class am I?"

'What's with him? Why is he asking me all of this?'

Denver began having cold sweats.

"Of course, a spell caster …"

Jaycee gave him a sharp gaze and said, "Then among us, who do you think has the capability to do heavy damage?"

"Huh? What are you saying the obvious? Of course it's-," Denver reciprocated his gaze with a confused expression and a brief pause. "-me …," he continued.

'Huh? What's with this conversation? It's kinda weird.'

"I know right. Then, why do you think those monkeys attack you and kept on ignoring my presence?" Jaycee continued his weird questioning.

"Because I do the damage and take the aggro?" Despite his suspicions, Denver answered his questions nonchalantly.

'Okay, why do I suddenly feel like I'm eating my own shit?'

"Then you have your answer," Jaycee sighed as he grab the finished food tray and stood up.

"Huh?" Denver was totally clueless on what's happening.

Jaycee gave him an icy gaze and said, "It's your fault, not mine."

'What the actual fuck?'

Denver was flabbergasted to not even utter a single word after that. He just watched Jaycee walked away from him and disappeared with the wind.

"Huh??!" he exclaimed. He stood up in abrupt as he slammed the table hard enough for the plate to obviously shake. "He's the one who proposed to go there and level up so why am I getting blamed for that?!"


That night, right after logging in the game, the lively town filled with energetic players welcomed them like any other days. Just then, a sudden pop up screen took Jaycee by surprise.

[ You have obtained the first light of the Zodiacs. ]

[ The Zodiac of Capricorn, Aigokeros acknowledged you as his master, Albus' successor. ]

[ You have unlocked one of the 'Twelve Celestial Servants'. ]

[ After acknowledging you as his new master, all of its stats will be reset. ]

"Huh? What's this now? The twelve Celestial Servants?" Jaycee mumbled.

Heard his sudden mumbling, Denver asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's something you won't even understand."

Ticked by his words, Denver frowned as he said, "Are you looking down on me? Despite how I look, I'm still known for being quick-witted."

Jaycee looked at Denver with a sharp gaze and a cunning smirk.

"Oh really? Then you already know how uncomfortable am I being with you, right?"

Hearing Jaycee, Denver felt like being stabbed with a knife in the back. He suddenly felt the urge to cry on a corner and reminisce back in the days. That's what he internally felt however, despite that; he just smiled back at him. He was gritting his teeth behind his fake smile along with a popping nerve somewhere around his face.

"Ohohoho~ that was so funny," he sarcastically said.

Busy with something, while swiping his fingers in the air, Jaycee bluntly replied, "It's the truth though."

Denver was stabbed by another knife in the back. Imaginary blood began flowing out of his mouth.

"Ey~ don't be like that Jaycee. We've been friends since childhood.I worked very hard to the point where I already know what's going on in that tiny brain of yours."

"That's a shame then. It looks like you need to work hard even more."

Upon the third knife stab, Denver ended up defeated. On the other hand, Jaycee was preoccupied by the pop up screen in front of him.

[ The Zodiac of Capricorn, Aigokeros ]

Current Level: 1

Magic Affinity: Dark

Battle Type: Offense / Crowd Control

Nature: Loyal, Opportunist

Loyalty Points: 50

General Information:

*One of the twelve Celestial Servants that serves the God of Magic, Albus.

*Rank 2 among the Celestial Servants.

*A mighty black eagle in its true form.

*??? ( Not enough loyalty points. )

"An eagle, huh?" Jaycee whispered.

He remained silent for a moment but then end up brushing up the silence with a hopeless sigh.

"Well, whatever. I don't know what's with this game anymore. Strange pop up screens appears here and there saying that I got a weird skill or something."

'I wonder if dad was involved in this ... Did he perhaps rig this game to my advantage? Now that I think about it, back when we where in the dining hall days ago; he mentioned some very important investment that he must succeed. A very important investment that even my father; the president of the country, was desperately wanting to have. Is he planning to become the major stockholder of this game?'

While pondering deeply, his attention was suddenly caught by the sulking Denver.


"What are you doing? Did you finally lose your mind?"

Denver never answered.

With a sigh, Jaycee grabbed Denver by his back collar, dragged him with him and said, "Don't sulk like some lost kid in an amusement park. Let's go. We need to level up and find that guild leader."

Jaycee dragged Denver like some kind of a pet dog. Players around town had these confused look in their faces as they suspiciously watched the odd pair. Despite these curious eyes locked onto them, Jaycee was never bothered by it and just continued dragging Denver towards the town's gate and outside of town.


Golden fibers of her hair were casually slipping out of her grimy, worn out hood as she hastily strode her seemingly weak legs on that rowdy street. Right after passing by the suspicious odd pair, she abruptly stopped from walking and followed their movements with her pair of golden eyes. She just blankly watched the pair until the distance between them grew farther. However, her eyes were only fixated onto one person.

"My lady!"

A female also wearing a worn out hood called out her attention. After noticing that she wasn't following her, she immediately hastened towards her and grabbed her hand.

"There's not much time left. We must hurry."

She dragged her with her however that woman immediately released herself from her grabbing.

"What's wrong my lady?" The other woman who appears to be a maid worriedly asked.

"Amy, you know what …"

That maid named Amy swallowed in tense as she waited for her to finish her sentence. What Amy saw after that made her teared up.

"My lady …"

A smile that both embodied sincerity and exhaustion; that woman's tears slowly ran down from her face.

"I can't run away anymore. I'm already exhausted."

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