
Null Reincarnation - Return Of The Fourth Primordial

In a pitch-black void, a creature regains consciousness after centuries of sensory deprivation. Initially resigned to despair, a sudden flash of light brings hope, and the creature discovers itself now occupying the body of a young noble named Arlen Vesper. Revitalized, Arlen prepares for a journey into a fantasy world filled with magic, sorcery, and dungeons. However, before fully embracing this new existence, Arlen is determined to uncover the identities of those who imprisoned him in the void. Note: I kinda messed up when locking the chapters, originally I wanted to close off at around chapter 33 but I accidentally set it to one chapter before that. If you do end up reading this story, then I'd like to hear your thoughts on it up to that point. You can share them in the form of a review, mentioning what you did and didn't like about the story, I'll try to get through as many of them as possible. - cosmicslime

cosmicslime · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Lessons To Learn

As we approached the main house, I heard the metallic resonance of the main gate being opened and soon after, a large figure began heading in the same direction as us, and in no time, it had caught up with our lackluster pace.

"Arlen, how was your first day of tutoring lessons?" Calling out to me now was none other than Michael, who was decked in a metallic suit of silver armor that only seemed to guard the core aspects of his body.

There were silver gauntlets on his hands, his chest had a silver breastplate of the same color and his shins were also covered in the very same metallic matching guard. It seemed as if the full suit of armor was meticulously taken a part and only the core aspects of it were used to maximize his defenses and given how easily he had caught up to us despite our separating distance, the pieces of metal must not have weighed very much. It was an effective combat tactic to say the least and was also one of the many ways I was able to get a direct glimpse at humanity's creative potential.

"It was a lot better than expected Father, Chelsea's a really good teacher."

"E-eh, oh um....I-I do try to make it easy for Arlen to understand and he's a fast learner so it's not like he's particularly hard to teach."

She fumbled her words with beet red ears.

"Heheh, Is that so? Well then Chelsea, I hope your tutelage of my son continues to go well."

"L-leave it to me." With a fidgety nod she swiftly changed the direction of her focus, clearly the girl was unable to make eye contact.

I could tell Michael was being somewhat kind with his words, but the stubby beard he'd grown was making it hard for Chelsea to see past his initial menacing look.

"Arlen since you're almos-"

"You two wrapped things up at exactly the same time huh? You really are father and son."

Now cutting in was Shiina, who was dressed in a flamboyant pink dress that reached all the way down to her ankles. The garments she now wore seemed oddly out of place given that we were simply standing outside the house; and to me it seemed too extravagant for one to wear when simply taking a stroll, but even though she had seemingly just got back from running some tedious errand, she didn't seem to mind at all.

Despite the questions swirling in my mind about her outfit, I was slowly getting used to seeing these people wearing fancy clothes for seemingly no reason, while I had yet to figure out if it was something all humans did, seeing it around here was definitely becoming an everyday occurrence.

"Mother you look lovely in that dress, it suits you perfectly."

"Oh, why thank you Arlen and here I thought this wouldn't fit as well as it used to." Shiina's expression was now brimming with vitality, to the point where her tone now sounded completely different.

Since there was hardly any wind right now her dress barely fluttered as she approached us, and as soon as she was in range, her attention was immediately diverted over to the man clad in the semblances of armor.

"Michael, don't you have anything to say about my outfit?"

Even though he was suddenly being pressed for an answer, Michael didn't even need to think about his next retort.

"Of course, I think you look beautiful in that dress as well, but unfortunately our witty sun had just beaten me to the punch earlier, so I was simply admitting defeat."

"Fufu....well the both of you can have my thanks."

Exchanging looks with Michael, he earnestly flashed a wink at me after this recent triumph. We had a conversation not too long ago where he suggested I start minding my manners around these human females and started complimenting them on their looks.

It seemed to be a standard part of their courtship and was somehow also a large part of their formal etiquette, so even though I didn't quite understand the purpose of it I decided to follow his lead using Shiina as the first example and now I see why.

This had gone exactly as he'd planned.

"Oh Chelsea, it's already this late. Will you be fine going back on your own or would you like an escort?" Now fully satisfied with the praises she'd just received, Shiina began expressing concern for the girl's well-being. I suppose it was her motherly nature shining through even now.

"That won't be necessary ma'am, if I hurry, I can make it back before six and if it really ends up getting that late then I'll just hire a wyvern transit."

"Oh how resourceful, you really know how to get around don't you?" Chuckling with her question, Shiina had lost some of the overflowing concern that previously plagued her mind about the girl's safety.

"I'm used to it, that's all. But I really should be going now, so I suppose it's time I take my leave." She gave them a gentle bow before dusting herself off.

"Well, you do sound like you know how to handle yourself, so I suppose it won't do any good to pry any further."

"Thank you for your concern ma'am. Now then it's time I bid you farewell for today."

"Give Lina my regards will you."

"And Mine as well."

Both Shiina and Michael had suddenly asked her to deliver some good faith in their stead, while I had no idea who they were referring to, it was clearly someone well established given the expressions they now wore.

"Chelsea stopped in her tracks before turning around to stare in blank amazement, soon after a smile gently began creeping across her face.

"Yes, of course." Leaving her lingering answer with a radiant smile, she swiftly turned towards the gate on the other side of the estate before promptly beginning her curious journey. Even though she was supposedly in a hurry, her strides didn't seem rushed in the least and still contained the elegant mannerisms they were prone to.

"Arlen why don't you follow her to the gate?" To my surprise it was actually Shiina who'd made that prompt suggestion.

"Why is that mother...?" I asked with an oblivious expression.

"W-why? Well don't you want to see your tutor off after her first day? She's probably tired you know and its getting dark so-"

"Arlen listen to me very carefully...." Cutting off Shiina, Michael chimed in.

Placing his hands on my shoulder, he stared at me like he was about to instill some cryptic message onto my very soul.

"........It's always a man's job to escort a lady off after spending the day with her, and that goes for both manners and etiquette so you should start learning these things as early as possible. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father, that was actually a lot easier to understand."

Hearing my reply, Michael smiled warmly - "Alright, now since you understand, go say goodbye properly."

"Okay, I'll be right back." Following Michael's directive, I followed somewhat hastily after the girl now leaving the premises.

As I headed off, I heard a fragmented bit of their ongoing conversation.

"Men really do prefer simpler explanations for stuff like this."

"He is still a child, so it's best for us to keep it simple for now, he'll catch on in time."

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