
Null Reincarnation - Return Of The Fourth Primordial

In a pitch-black void, a creature regains consciousness after centuries of sensory deprivation. Initially resigned to despair, a sudden flash of light brings hope, and the creature discovers itself now occupying the body of a young noble named Arlen Vesper. Revitalized, Arlen prepares for a journey into a fantasy world filled with magic, sorcery, and dungeons. However, before fully embracing this new existence, Arlen is determined to uncover the identities of those who imprisoned him in the void. Note: I kinda messed up when locking the chapters, originally I wanted to close off at around chapter 33 but I accidentally set it to one chapter before that. If you do end up reading this story, then I'd like to hear your thoughts on it up to that point. You can share them in the form of a review, mentioning what you did and didn't like about the story, I'll try to get through as many of them as possible. - cosmicslime

cosmicslime · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Crests And Classes - Part 1

"Hello....?" A soft sounding voice called out after the dull knocks abruptly ceased travelling through the wooden door. Looking at the clock positioned on my right, it was now exactly 10:00 – what remarkable timing. 

"Arlen, it's time." 

Following behind Shiina as she removed the only obstacle standing between me and my target- the same wooden door that served as the entrance to the outside world, it slowly opened and the light that shone through flickered in my vision and seemed much brighter for just a brief instant. 

".....A girl.....?" 

"That's right Arlen, this is Chelsea Knight..... your private tutor." 

Now standing before me was a girl that only seemed older than me by a few years at most. Her hair, done in a twin tail style was dyed in a light shade of silver that was treading the line of silk white, while her skin held a darker tone than usual, a mix between brown and white that complimented her hair and gave off an unforgettable impression. 

I believe the correct word for it was "caramel". Now wearing something of a light blue pleated skirt with a courteous white top, she seemed somewhat mature despite her appearance. 

"A pleasure to meet you....Arlen Vesper." With that introduction, she did a curtsy and lightly bowed, holding up the hem of her skirt that stopped a little ways past her knee. 


With my dull response, she tilted her head cutely before asking her next question. 

"He seems a bit shy doesn't he ma'am?" 

"Well, I'm not quite sure what to say, he's not usually like this." 

The luster that was once present in her eyes began to fade, and her gaze was starting to lose the steadfast appeal it previously had. My demeanor was obviously the cause of all this, and it was spurred on by the contradicting appearance this 'tutor" possessed. It had nothing to do with her physical characteristics but rather, a slight feeling of uneasiness. 

This girl didn't appear to be anything more than a well-mannered child....was she really versed in the art of magic? 

With a sudden jolt, I quickly snapped out of the never-ending torrent of thoughts circling my mind – it was one of my few lingering bad habits, but right now it was best I didn't leave any bad impressions, so for now the only thing I could do was trust the process. 

"Excuse me, Chelsea Knight. As you are aware, my name is Arlen Vesper, I apologize for my startled behavior earlier, I was just a bit surprised someone so young could be so talented – I'm looking forward to your tutelage." With a hand behind my back, I performed a subtle bow, calling upon the memories from my mandatory etiquette classes, I executed the precise movements required for the motion. 

Their faces lit up the instant they witnessed my honest gesture. 

Whit a slight hint of redness now showing on her cheeks, Chelsea's mood seemed to perk up immediately after my brief introduction "How polite!" 

With a blinding smile Chelsea extended a hand towards me and continuing with the formalities, I firmly grasped it. Her palms were strangely warm, like they were radiating some of the excess vigor she was currently doused in. 

Strangely enough, I also felt a strange sense of accomplishment, after all this had been my first official "handshake." 

"Fufufufu....seems like you two will get along just fine." 

"I'll teach him everything he needs to know ma'am, so you can leave it to me." 

"Then I'll do just that Chelsea, and Arlen, mind your manners and do your best." 

"Of course mother, I'll definitely produce some noteworthy results." 

"How reliable, I'll look forward to that." 

"Then Arlen, shall we get to it?" Chelsea asked with an expression of pure confidence. 

"Ready when you are." That swift reply contained just about every bit of determination now present in my body. 


The sound of splashing water reached my ears, even though the estate was usually quiet the faint sounds of the miniature waves and ripples always had a smooth, comforting effect on me. We were now a little ways in front of the main house, and by a pond that caught the attention of just about anyone who entered the property. Since the estate held the rough shape of a large circle it was hard to describe the exact location of this pond, but it was close to the main gate at the front of the property and eastward of both the house and the courtyard. 

The calm body of water wasn't placed here for recreational purposes, but much like everything else, it was simply a decoration. It was about half as big as the house itself, and polished stones lined its circumference to act as a decorative barrier. 

On the water's blue reflective surface, were a collection of scarcely spaced lily pads that didn't obstruct the view of the depths beyond. Swirling inside the clear blue water were a collection of creatures that were apparently magical in nature. Some were fishes that emitted faint blue glows, some could perfectly camouflage with just the sheen of the water itself, and some weren't fishes at all but held strange spherical shapes that merely floated atop the drifting lily pads. 

My very first lesson of magecraft would be given right here, while under the influence of this tranquil body of water. 

"So Arlen, tell me what you know about magic." 

Starting off the lesson with a question right off the bat, Chelsea was now sitting cross legged, atop a sublimely polished wooden table provided to us by none other than Lewis. 

Sitting in a chair of the same polished build – I immediately crafted a typical answer. 

"Well for starters, you need a crest to use it right?" 

"Yes, that's right. Those who possess a crest are called magus, and these crests are what connects us to the cardinal, the one who bestows people with classes and the skills that complement their respective crests." 

"So.....who is this cardinal?" I asked the question just for clarity's sake. 

"Hmm well....that's hard to answer because there's more than one way to go about it. Most people say he's a god of the land that bestows humans who are worthy with crests and the power to use skills, while others think he might be a demon god intending to spur conflict and use humans as pawns by giving them this power." 

Chelsea's gaze had shifted to something off in the distance and her expression, for just a brief instant held a somber appeal as she spoke 

"So then, what do you believe professor?" At my word she whipped around to look at me before bursting into laughter. 

"Professor?.....pfttt hahahahahahaha..." 

I stared at her with bewildered eyes, still recounting our last exchange. Though I had begun to mimic the customary practices of humans like smiling and laughing, their humor hardly ever inspired that genuine reaction from me. But now I was at a complete loss, I had no idea what I'd said to warrant that reaction from her. 

Did I use the wrong word? As I watched her ongoing fit of laughter, I couldn't help but raise that question in my mind. 

"Arlen....you don't have to call me professor you know, I mean I'm only thirteen." 

"Oh you're younger than I thought.....I guess you must be what they call a prodigy then...." 

Puffing out her modest chest she responded in a way that clearly indicated how well she had received my comment. 

"Well, something like that, but thanks for the flattery." Even though she'd said that in a proud tone, her cheeks were still beet red right now. 

"So what should I call you then?" 

"Just Chelsea is fine, I mean I already call you Arlen after all." 

 "Alright...Chelsea." A thin smile stretched across my face as I slowly began to understand the girl now sitting before me. 

I wrote another series called "Kinshura" So you can check that out too if you're interested!

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