

I had no friends to talk to. I walked alone in school and also go home alone. I am Emmanuella Berry but everyone calls me Nuella. A teenager who lives with both parents in a luxurious mansion but still had no real friends. People just wanted to become friends with me since I was super rich and my parents had the latest things in the market. I at the other hand just wanted a simple life but could not get one. Let's move on and know more about me. I'm in grade 11 which means I'm in high school and soon be going to grade 12 and after that college. I'm 17 years of age and also I'm a black not a white. I have 11 other siblings. I'm the 8th born. I know you are surprised. My mom is Katrina Berry and also my dad is Oscar Berry. In spite of my parent being a millionaire, they have time for each and everyone in the family isn't that cool!. Oh! I almost forgot I'm also the school's need. That's why I don't have friends in school besides no one even knows that I'm super rich. They all think that I'm from a poor family and that I got a scholarship to attend a school full of rich kids.