
Nuclear Martial Myth

Stepping beyond the limits, the scenery is vast as the sky! The northern wind rises blowing away clouds and fog revealing a clear sky stretching for millions of miles. And below the skies…lies the corpses of gods! Legends tell the story of the first mortal to break the limits pioneering the prosperity of martial arts. His name was Dugu! History books later write that his eyes were like the bright moon, his flesh and blood resembled the stars, and his punches were the descent of the bright day sun. A single breath from him could create a forbidden zone filled with radiation. Sages of later generations tried to recreate the charm of the martial myth through a painting. In it, a giant stands between heaven and earth, his muscles knotted like steel wires. His bronze skin was littered with scars and hot red-gold blood dripped onto the world boiling the rivers and lakes. The steam escaping from his body coiled around him like vengeful dragons. The giant opened his mouth and angrily roared at the kingdoms of gods in the sky and threw a shocking punch. The world was torn apart. Continents shattered, stars burst, and the sky cracked. The aloof immortals in the sky wailed and were shredded to pieces with no dregs left. During his era, no gods or demons dared to violate the sovereignty of the little creatures below the sky. Each one obediently descended, followed the law, and paid their taxes. The majesty of the human alliance could not be violated! The man hailed as a martial myth! The limit breaker Dugu! With his supreme insight, millions of martial arts are superimposed on his body. With a physical body so powerful the gods, demons, and succubuses dare not approach. He seemed…no longer human! But that was a tale for the future. Among the banks of the eternal river of time, the pages of a book quietly lie. A mysterious figure approached, his upper body obscured by the gentle force of destiny. With a tender smile, the figure picked up the book and turned the pages…bringing the eager audience watching to the very beginning. To a story a long long time ago. During a time where the martial myth was still a young boy. A time where Dugu was a just little liar whose reputation far exceeded his abilities. A time when the poor helpless reincarnator realized that all travelers were nothing without cheats, a system, or plot armor. (please dont attempt to practice the martial arts technique listed in this work. the author IS NOT responsible for any injuries!!)

arthuronuranus · Fantasy
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15 Chs

What's Worse Than The Mafia? A Civilized Mafia! (1865)

Very soon, Dugu and Rubia finished their meals. The sun had dropped past the peak and started falling towards the horizon.

The evening rays casted a candlelight orange shade against the city.

Dugu reattached the various groceries to different parts of his body. Some were hung on his shoulder while others were grasped in his left hand. He even made a makeshift backpack and draped it on his neck.

There were still a few remaining bags but considering the room on his body, Dugu simply hung the rest on the handles of Rubia's wheelchair.

"Hehe, I'm troubling you." Rubia snickered.

Dugu didn't mind though and simply rolled his eyes. Hmpfh, I'll spare you this time, cousin.

Dugu pushed the wheelchair and exited the restaurant.

Unexpectedly a situation occurred! 

As soon as they exited the restaurant there was a commotion.

In the distance, several rough gangsters approached the ramen shop.

Each of them were burly with traces of martial arts on their bodies.

Before he could react several gangsters surrounded him, crowding near the ramen shop entrance.

At first glance there were at least dozens of them, each showing a menacing aura and wearing…

Strange hats?!!

Dugu: "...."

There were various strange items covering the faces of every gangsters ranging from trash cans to socks with no specific pattern at all.

Instead of a gang, it was more like a circus performance and the intimidating atmosphere instantly dropped several points.

In the most conspicuous position, there was even a particularly tall gangster wearing a swirly melon.

The melon resembled a pumpkin but several lines grew in a spiral shaped fashion. Two holes were even thoughtfully punched out on the pumpkin in order to make room for the eyes.


Rubia couldn't help but laugh and several eyes instantly turned to her. 

Instantly an awkward silence spread.




Somewhere in the group of gangsters, Scar who was wearing a super sized banana peel cursed inwardly.

Earlier a brother had just spotted the duo, Dugu and Rubia, preparing to leave the restaurant. 

Before they could depart in a mighty manner, their boss stopped them.

Luke Anchovy: Our reputation as fruit sellers cannot be tarnished!

The boss wanted them to hide their identities. Apparently he was self aware enough that he realized people wouldn't dare buy fruits from gangsters.

Motherfather! Why didn't you speak up sooner then! (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ彡┻━┻

They had no time as the duo were about to leave and could only grab the nearest items to cover their faces.

Thus leading to the present awkward scene.



Due to the sun's departure, a cool evening breeze blew in the summertime. A stray leaf was picked up by the breeze blowing between the ground and the Yun family duo.

Along with the breeze, something else in the hearts of the Overlord Gang members seemed to be blown away.

For a long time there was a deafening silence.

At the critical moment the pumpkin wearing gang member stepped forward.

Under the mask, Luke Anchovy spoke. A deep masculine voice echoed loudly.

"Boy behind that wheelchair."

"You're Dugu right?"

To be honest, Luke wasn't a native to this city. So unlike the residents, he had to make sure he didn't beat up the wrong person. 

Dugu Yun briefly considered denying but given his status it seemed that it wouldn't work.

So he nodded.

"I am."

"What about you guys?"

The pumpkin head man narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. Puffing out his chest he shouted:

"We are the Overlord Gang!"


"We are the Overlord Gang!"

At this moment the streets of the market were empty. The people had long evacuated except for a daring few watching the show.

But presently everyone had a common question in their hearts…


If they were to be asked about the Yun family, they might still have a few vague impressions. But as for the Overlord Gang?

Sorry, they really didn't know.

Amidst the nervous faces of the ramen shop diners, the shopkeeper Mr. Ryan was surprisingly calm. After swimming in the food industry for several years, what big waves had he not seen?

He was just a little nervous for the Yun boy and the furniture in his store.

Dugu's grip tightened on the wheelchair handles. His facial expressions were as steady as mountains but only he knew his inner turmoil. 

It wasn't that he was scared. In turns of escape methods, Dugu was confident he was second to none. It was just that he was afraid his cousin would innocently be involved in his matters.

These local ruffians seemed to be targeting him.

Dugu frowned. Dammit, I haven't finished building the gun yet!

In the past three days, he had been at home guarding against possible demon attacks while refamiliarizing himself with the world and investigating the whereabouts of gun materials.

After three days without sighting a demon, he had unintentionally relaxed his vigilance. He had become too comfortable at home and even forgot about the force value of this world.

He should have at least brought a flintlock when leaving home. 

Damn. Careless!

Dugu Yun secretly admonished himself for his arrogance. A reborn person was nothing special. Any accidents could easily end his life.

In the distance Luke Anchovy glanced back and forth between the silent Dugu and the paralyzed Rubia. Was his introduction not shocking enough? 

The eyes hidden behind the melon pumpkin hat flickered for a few seconds. He seemed to perceive Dugu's dilemma.

"Dont worry. We have no interest in a disabled weakling. We just want to…collect some interest from you.``

Veins in a hashtag pattern popped out on Rubia temples. (╬≖_≖)

Disabled weakling? B*@&#, your mom is the real disabled weakling! 

Believe or not, one more word and she would pull out the double flintlock pistols hidden in her wheelchair?

Although Rubia secretly greeted several generations of Anchovy mothers, but on the surface she always kept her gentle elegant smile.

She had enough faith that her cousin wouldn't need her help but if he dared to utter another word she wouldn't mind dual wielding at the cost of her own image.

Fortunately Luke's next words weren't about her.

"Let's talk over there." Luke Anchovy(pumpkin form) pointed at an open space near the streets. As a fruit seller himself, he felt that it wasn't appropriate to disturb the business of this ramen shop.

Under the leadership of the pumpkin wearing gangster, all the ruffians moved to the open space. 

Everyone strode forward with large strides carrying a domineering momentum. It seemed that at any moment a big battle could break out.

Especially the vigorous steps that Luke Anchovy took. With every movement his abnormally large pectoralis major would jiggle with each step.

"Come." While walking Luke Anchovy(pumpkin form) motioned for Dugu to follow.

Dugu was expressionaless. There was no trace of fear on his face despite the current situation which caused several onlookers to marvel in astonishment. This boy is so brave!

(quotations need to added)

Dugu's brain spun quickly, rapidly analyzing the current situation. These gangsters didn't look like they wanted to extort money. So did they have any higher pursuits besides money? But judging from their appearances it couldn't be anything serious….

Fortunately a deathmatch breaking out was highly unlikely unless they wanted free rent with the city guards. There was also nothing of value on him either except maybe his current "status".

After eliminating several possibilities, there were only a few left. Either the martial arts brought by his "status" from his "background" or perhaps could it be?.…his unworldly beauty only slightly less than the readers of his novels from his past life.

Well…it could also be the first wave of mobs after coming to "test" his strength after a few days of his reputation fermenting. After all this was something Dugu and his father had expected.

His father Ling Yun, had assured him that it was up to him whether to respond to these tests or simply sweep the city with unparalleled demeanor.

But obviously that wasn't an option…so if the melon..erm pumpkin looking man wanted to compete he could only….(even the author doesn't know if it's a melon or pumpkin TvT!!)

Frowning in thought, Dugu decided to follow and see.

Along the way he brought his cousin. He felt more secure with her by his side. After all she was a weak woman without any self protection power. It was easier to protect her and they could run together should any trouble arise. 

Soon the gangsters and Dugu stood on opposite sides, their gazes clashing. Invisible sparks seemed to blow between their sights.

On one side was a group of fruity men with menacing expressions showing through their masks. And on the other side was a young boy standing in front of a "weak" woman.

"What do you want?" Dugu went straight to the point.

"Nothing really." The Boss Luke crossed his muscular arms and sighed. "You're just a little unlucky. Don't worry we'll make this quick."

With a signal from their boss, the various gangsters grinned under their masks and cracked their knuckles, slowly approaching Dugu from all sides.

Suddenly Dugu spoke, "Are you aware of the consequences?"

"The Yun family sends large amounts of taxes to the city governor annually. We have connections with the government. Is it really worth eating prison food over this?"

Hearing these words, the approaching gangsters momentarily paused and turned to look at their pumpkin boss.

"He-tui~" Luke Anchovy scoffed under his pumpkin mask not taking Dugu seriously at all. "According to article 51 of the Human Federation's Imperial Law, martial artists have special privileges."

After speaking Boss Luke patted his chest sending tremors through his massive pectorialias majors and continued proudly, "I am a dignified Innate realm martial artist!"

"As long as we don't kill or severely disable you, at most it would be a misdemeanor."

Dammit! Dugu Yun was immediatly or secretary or inwardly shocked. ∑(; °Д°) even gangster learn law these day is threshold so highs** did he have nothing to do?** gangster actually learn law sit down to learn law** one more**

A gangster that actually knows the law? Are villains so high IQ nowadays?

And what did he say…innate realm? He was only in the official realm….

With a sullen expression, Dugu pushed his cousin's wheelchair out the way standing alone under the siege of the Overlord gang. The surrounding gangsters took the initiative to make way for the rolling wheelchair. Rubia also cooperated and steered her wheelchair out of the encirclement.

After hearing the Boss's mighty statement, all the gangsters eagerly stared at Dugu.

What they were looking at now was no longer a simple upright monkey but a fat two legged sheep!

Just poke a little here and there while avoiding the key parts. Then they would be able to collect the deposit from their employer!

In an inconspicuous area in the crowd, a ruffian secretly shed tears under his large banana peel mask. Today! They, the overlord gang, finally returned to their previous profession!

Dugu glared at the surrounding people. From the current situation it appeared a fight was inevitable.

If that's the case…

Hehe :3

I pray for your wellbeing and health. May the winds of fate bring us back home! <3

"Get some good rest! Ya know... Use the bathroom and flush your anxiety dookie away"

--Genshin Impact (Nahida the Radish)

arthuronuranuscreators' thoughts