
Ntring My Friends

Have you ever wished to fuck you friends girlfriend or wife? No? Now you do no Yuri, no ntr. just netori

NOTAKING · Realistic
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24 Chs

Chapter 7

Travis sat in front of her and tapped her face. Seeing that she wasn't moving, he assumed she was unconscious. But then she suddenly sprung up.

"What  happened?" she asked in surprise, looking down to see that her pussy was exposed. She turned to Travis, who was sitting next to her with a sly smirk.

"I should have taken a picture," he said. She blushed, turning away from him as she covered her face with a pillow. Travis chuckled and spanked her ass gently, causing her whole body to twitch. More of her juices dripped down her thigh, which piqued his interest.

"Is she into that, or is she just sensitive right now?" he thought.

Serena's eyes glowed again as Travis held her sensitive ass. She turned around, sat up, and pulled him down as they kissed passionately. She wanted to get revenge on him, but first, she needed to learn how to please him.

[Two hours later]

Travis and Serena were dressed up and laid back on the bed while watching some anime on his laptop. She had never watched it before, but since Travis was so into it, she decided to give it a try. She was already hooked.

"Hey Travis, we're still going tomorrow, right?" she asked.

"Yes, why? Do you not want to go?" he replied.

"Yes, I think that I should try finding a job so that we can at least depend on each other. I don't really like the thought of relying on you for everything. You don't mind that, right?"

"Of course not. If you want a job, I'm not going to stop you. If we both have income, we might as well go on a vacation at the end of the month."

"No, let's do that three months from now. We'll at least have some time together. I don't want our relationship to become boring," she said.

"That's alright. Do you want me to sleep over?" he asked.

"Nah, I don't think you'll let me rest without us doing something before that," she said.

"Wow, you already understand me. Well, I'll see you. Have a good night," he kissed her forehead, making her smile, and then he left.

"Now I have to get ready to suck the soul out of him two days from now," she thought.

"I can't wait," he thought.

[The next morning]

Serena came into his room and got his clothes ready. He woke up and saw her ironing his things. She had really put herself in the wifey position. Travis got up and sneaked up on her, wrapping his arms around her waist, which caught her by surprise. He kissed her neck and licked it.

"Ah! Travis, stop. I need to get these ready," she said, but she didn't do anything to stop him, so he continued. He nibbled on her earlobe, making her moan even more. Her mind focused on the place his mouth was, making it feel even better. Her pussy started to moisten bit by bit.

"You know, one day, I want to wake up and see you wearing nothing but an apron," he said.

"When we get our own house, you might get that luxury. But while we're in this small, comfortable apartment, that'll never happen."

"Well, I guess I'll have to save up then. Did you find any places nearby that are looking for employees?" he asked as he walked to the bathroom and took a piss.

"Yeah, there are a bunch of small businesses around this area. Some are even hiring people with my qualifications, so I hope I get that position."

"I hope so as well."

"I think I need to strengthen my sources of income. The money I'm receiving now is not enough. I guess I have to start my dream of owning apartment buildings," he thought.

Travis had a ton of money saved up to buy several broken-down apartments in the area. After seeing a high demand, he planned to buy them all. Yesterday, he went on a site that showed what people mostly searched for in the past month, and the third search was "places to rent an apartment." Especially since many freshmen would be joining colleges, and this place had many, it was the easiest way to make money.

He just needed to inspect these buildings before buying them. Luckily, he knew someone who was good at building inspections.

"This will take time, but I'm willing since the outcome is a vast amount of income. I'll make my tenants pay their own water and electricity, so I won't have many expenses. All I have to worry about is maintenance and taxes," he thought.

"Are you alright, Travis?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, I'm great. Just thinking about the family we'll have to make after we're married," he said as he pulled her by her waist.

"We'll have a maximum of three or fewer kids. That's all," she said.

"Why, though? I've always had a goal, you know, and that goal was to beat my dad with the number of kids. You can guess how many he has."

"How many?" she asked.

"Five, so get ready for six or more. Don't worry, we'll have the money to support them. We'll be able to have unprotected sex after we get married," he said.

"Oh, that's what I wanted to ask about. Should I start getting birth control and stuff?" she asked.

"That would be wise. This is why I like you. It's like you read my mind. I've never really liked using a condom, you know," he said.

Serena flinched a bit, sighed, and said, "I mean, I am your future wife. I need to think one step ahead."

*It's not a surprise that he's had sex a lot of times before. I don't know why that kind of bothers me,*

"I guess I need to watch my words. She doesn't seem fond of knowing that I've been with other women. Unsurprisingly, I would feel the same if I had a girl I liked," he thought.

"I'll make sure to fuck you like there's no tomorrow. You might even have to ask for a day off after we fuck," he said.

"I already planned for that. We'll be having uncontrollable sex every weekend. During the week, we'll only have a couple of rounds. Not more than three, and that's final," she said.

"I love it when you take control. It makes me want to put you back in your place," he said as he pinched her pussy.

"Travis, stop surprising me like that. One day, you'll really give me a heart attack," she said angrily. Travis chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Calm down. I'm just getting to know your body," he said with a smirk.

*I really did put myself in this situation, didn't I?*

"Yes, you did," he thought.