
NTR SYSTEM: Newlyweds To Loyal Maid (SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

(SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

Yurii_sensei · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 - Exclusive Maid Contract

Arthur awoke from his sleep.

Amid his dim eyes trying to wake up, he remembered the past incident about himself and the beginning of the NTR System that was embedded in his body.

"Strange dream, why do I dream back to that nightmare?" Arthur held his head and got out of bed and towards the bathroom.

"Who would have thought that killing a Succubus would gain this power." Arthur looked at his body shape. Thanks to the abilities provided by the NTR System, Arthur's appearance changed drastically. He has unique skills and magic that can subdue women with just a look in his eyes. However, he chose to use a persuasive approach to conquer his victims.

For Arthur, the ability to use magic to conquer woman was too easy for him. Creating a sense of comfort, giving affection, and planting semen in the deepest part of a woman's vagina are Arthur's favorite things.

The feeling of love from the affection that arises because of love can break the moral boundaries that have been embedded in society. "It's not an affair if you enjoy each other", those words prompted Arthur to have sex with other women around him. Regardless of their status as someone's wife, fiancé, or girlfriend.

The effect of the Morning Wood hitting his penis made it stand up straight and hard. This biological phenomenon that often occurs in men will seem pointless if it is not used as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he had to endure that desire for the night. After taking care of his morning needs, Arthur got ready to open his little shop.

Before that, he thought of his childhood friend's wife.

"Yuuki Shina, huh .."

"I'm curious to her current status."

[NTR Target: Yuuki Shina]

[Status: No Interest]

[Like: Cleaning, Lovey-dovey, Cooking]

[Dislike: House Bugs]

[Affection: 0]

"Niko, how did you find a perfect wife like this?"

"She's too perfect to be your wife, especially with her status as a virgin."

"Such a beautiful wife is still untouched? I have to thank you, Nico."

"Let's see, how much love she has to stay by your side."

[NTR Target: Yuuki Shina (In-Love with her husband: 100%)]

"Hey! This is high enough for you, Niko."

"I didn't think she loved you with all her heart."

"Nice job, Nico. I am proud of you!"

Arthur opened the contract from his trouser pocket. The contract contained a guarantee for Niko who lent his wife to become an Exclusive Maid. Without Niko knowing it, Arthur's NTR System was able to change the contents of the contract that had been forged by the magic of both parties. It's just a bullshit contract that Arthur can change the content.

"I guess .. Exclusive Maid Contract is enough."

[NTR Method: Exclusive Maid Contract]

An exclusive Maid Contract is a contract that limits a Maid to have one Master during her lifetime. Regardless of her status as someone's wife, fiancé, or lover. As long as they are bound by the Exclusive Contract Maid, they are forbidden to refuse the Master's orders.

"Maid huh... It's been too long since I sleep alone. I can't wait for tonight .." Arthur muttered with a small smile.

[Deploying Exclusive Maid Contract for NTR Targets!]

[Installing Exclusive Maid Contract for Yuuki Shina...]

[Success! Good Luck... My Master!]

"Right now, I'm just waiting for Yuuki Shina's arrival and tasting her tonight."

Arthur continued his small activities to open the "Rabbit Hole" store. Rabbit Hole is a small shop that runs an alchemist business. Because Arthur had deepened his petty hobby too much, his alchemist skills soared far up to the Master Alchemist stage.

In the records of the royal alchemist, Walter Arthur Sylvester is known as the "Rabbit Hole Alchemist". The unusual title was due to Arthur's discovery opening a new leaf in the alchemical field that was as deep as a rabbit hole. A path full of twists and turns to create new potions that were not thought of before.

Rabbit Hole may look like a small shop, but the owner has unusual customers such as members of the royal family, nobles of neighboring kingdoms, and even other races who purposely come to Rabbit Hole in search of certain potions.

When Arthur opened the door of his main shop, he saw a woman covered in black cloth standing at the door of his shop.

"Yuuki?" said Arthur.

Yuuki's appearance was very different from the night before. Messy hair, empty eyes, and a tired look on her face. Arthur wasn't a fool who didn't understand the situation. He uses the NTR System to find out Yuuki Shina's condition.

[Current Mood: Depressed, All assets confiscated by the Bank]

"Ah, so it seems .." golden opportunity wide open in front of Arthur. Yuuki Shina's condition is following the Exclusive Maid Contract that was re-forged by the NTR System.

"Yuuki .. come here .." Arthur held Yuuki's hand and pulled her into the house.

With a downcast face and no zest for life, Yuuki was silently enjoying the food Arthur made. Arthur's homemade food should be pretty good if only Yuuki's condition was normal.

"So, something has happened .. again ?" said Arthur who started the conversation.

"..." Yuuki Shina's tightly closed mouth had explained everything.

"Let me guess, your assets are guaranteed by the Bank?" Arthur asked.

Yuuki was surprised when Arthur's guess was right on target, Arthur sat in front of Yuuki and handed her a paper containing the contract letter between Arthur and Niko.

"More or less, Niko had expected this incident. For that, he entrusted his wife in my care. Do you want to see the contract we made?" Arthur handed over the amended contract.

An ancient tradition that has continued to this day, contracts that use magic mana identities have legal rules that bind both parties to each other. If one party violates the contents of the contract, then the magic mana in his body will explode and kill him. Luckily, the NTR System was able to change the contents of the contract in favor of Arthur's condition.

"Exclusive Maid Contracts? Huh? Eh?" Yuuki's languid face turned to one of panic after reading the contents. The contract contains information about Niko handing Yuuki over to Arthur during his imprisonment. Even though it lasted for three days, it was enough for Arthur to taste Yuuki Shina's body.

Realizing that very strange magic contract letter, Yuuki stood up from her seat and walked away from Arthur.

"T-This is a lie right ?" Yuuki crumpled up the contract letter.

"Calm yourself, Yuuki."

"Since childhood, Niko has had a very high sense of responsibility. He tried to protect you after your assets were confiscated by the Bank. He had predicted that this would happen and asked me for help."

"Besides, look at the last part of the contract."

Arthur's explanation sounded relaxed and calm, and Arthur's simple manipulation went smoothly. Seeing Yuuki's response who read the entire contents of the contract letter, Arthur smiled sinisterly.

The last part of the contract was very simple, Niko put all of Yuuki's needs into Arthur's hands and allowed Yuuki to be Arthur's Exclusive Maid.

Tears slowly rolled down Yuuki's cheeks, she felt the gentleness of her husband who cared for her.

"Next .. you will decide to fulfill your husband's contract or reject the contract."

Arthur got up from the chair and approached Yuuki.

Arthur stretched out his hand to await Yuuki's decision.

Yuuki looks confused by her husband's decision, she understands the contents of the contract made by her husband which aims to protect herself who has nothing.

However, putting her body into the arms of another man than her husband made her hesitate.

" Etto...Arthur .. "

"Um .. can I refuse the night service? " Yuuki asked hesitantly.

"Of course, but .. can I hug you now? Based on the contents of the contract, I'm allowed to have physical contact with you right?"

"Aaahh .. Errr .." Yuuki looked panicked by Arthur's request and bit her lips.

The contract letter from her husband was just a tool to protect herself. To survive this situation, she must accept Arthur's request to become her Master.

"Umm .." Yuuki gave a small nod and turned her body over.

Arthur walked towards her and hugged Yuuki's body. As Arthur embraced Yuuki's body, he stroked her hair gently and said, "You can cry all you want, it feels heavy right?"

The soft words that came out of Arthur's mouth made Yuuki cry.

The little misfortunes that befell her new household weighed heavily.

Behind the tears full of suffering, Arthur smiled satisfied with the development of this situation.

Slowly, Arthur will change Yuuki's love for him and turn Yuuki into a maid who thirsts for her master's affection.