
Time with Charlotte

It was already morning and Han appeared in his mother's room. Charlotte slept peacefully with no sign of waking up.

He opened the door to her room and then walked towards his old room. Arriving there he realized that everything was the same as he left it the last time he was here, he didn't have many possessions and most of the room was full of small boxes coming from gifts that his family received after people knew he was getting married with a princess.

Han started to think about the recent missions

He initially would like to slowly seduce his mother, years ago he gradually made physical contact between the two as something normal and nowadays he can even massage Charlotte's breasts that she doesn't look too weird.

But the mission forced him to speed up, he also made the mistake of offending the system and now he had 9 days to complete.

'I need to increase our intimate moments, the best time for this would be during a shower where I can massage her again. There's no reason to change something that's working

'I could use the potion of lust but I don't like the idea of manipulating my mother's mind this way' (Author's note: I don't like stories where the character uses some skill and just breaks the character's mind and starts to fuck her. This should be used on enemies, not allies)

'I also need to recharge the stone to then strengthen it. Although when the system identifies her as my wife I can empower her directly'

Han was lost in thought and then he was awakened by the sound of footsteps. His mother was walking through the door.

When Charlotte approached and noticed that the door to Han's room was open, she was initially startled before becoming completely embarrassed. She hadn't dressed properly and when she woke up she remembered last night. She felt like taking a shower again in the same bathroom and figured she'd be alone.

At the moment she was wearing a simple bra of simple and transparent fabric and a pair of panties that disappeared between her ass and pussy.

Seeing his mother like this Han's cock instantly became hard. She was extremely sensual. he was speechless

'' Good morning son, I didn't think I would show up here so soon ''

''Good morning mom, I didn't want to take too long, I spent time with Aria and quickly came back. She misses you and soon I will bring her here too'' Han said that while trying to avoid looking at his mother's body, but her attempt was failed and she realized.

''Oh! I miss her too, I need to thank her for putting up with my son without shame''

''If I'm shameless it's the fault of whoever raised me'' Han replied while lifting his chin as if he was proud of what he said

''You brat, you should respect me, I always gave you love''

''Hehe sorry mom, just kidding. By the way, where are you going?"

''I'm going to shower and before you ask, no, you can't come with me''

She then without waiting for an answer turned her back and left towards the bathroom.

Han quickly got up and hugged her from behind.

''It's okay for me not to go, but you can't leave without getting a good morning kiss.''

Han then placed a kiss on the back of Charlotte's neck and quickly pulled out of the hug.

Feeling him coming and going quickly, she got a little irritated with this son who didn't seem to respect him as a mother. But she laughed, Han made her feel young and this closeness aggravates her.

''Bye'' She just replied

Han just watched that ass get away with a panty that was swallowed in the buttocks.


He then continued going through his things while thinking about his next actions and remembering his mother's ass just now.

Then Charlotte appeared again and the two went to breakfast. Whether it was Han or Charlotte, neither of them needed to eat every moment, but she liked to keep those common habits when she was with her family, it was one of the only ways they could be together.

On the table

''Any news from old zou mother?''

''No, since his father left he only sends messages saying he's alive and close to reaching his goal''

' ' And my sister Sophia? She is a powerful mage but the world is dangerous right now.

''Your sister is safe, she left months ago with Mage Norton towards the Mages' Guild. In all of the red domain this might be the safest place. But she had said that she would return in two or three months''

''That's good, now with my skill I can return home quickly when she appears''

''By the way mom, let's train soon. You must get used to its power and it's not good to be rusty with your skills.

''Yes son, now that I've leveled up I really feel like stretching my muscles and getting back to training''

Without taking too long, the two finished their training and quickly went to a training camp.

Once there, Charlotte quickly changed into a mage's outfit, a simple blue tunic.

''Mom, just to tell you, the Gods have again blessed me and now I am level 15 Knight and 13 Mage. You can use your skills carelessly. I won't get hurt.''

''How is this possible? Yesterday you weren't even on the 10th in each one and now you've already surpassed it by a lot?''

''Do not doubt the Mother Gods, if they can make the heavens cry they can make me level up like child's play. Soon I will be the strongest in the family.''

''That's good, now let's get started''

Han smiled, knowing it was time for Charlotte to explore her abilities with water magic. They walk to the middle of the field and Han urges Charlotte to use magic without restriction. As she concentrates, a small sphere of water forms in her hands, spinning gracefully.

Charlotte began to feel the energy of the water, molding it to her will. She made different moves to manipulate water, from creating small waves to launching powerful jets.

Han was off to the side just giving advice on how to use spells. As the system had given him experience now there was no difference between Han and an old mage who spent years inside a library. He was already an expert in each of the spells. Fixing some of her flaws as she got used to her new power he saw the progress happen quickly.

Some time later he sensed that Charlotte was ready for a real fight.

They position themselves on opposite sides of the field, preparing to show off their skills in a magical clash. The energy in the air is visible, Han was just waiting for Charlotte to use the first spell.

''Ok mom, don't be careful. I will limit my power to the same level as yours. Just start''

She then closed her eyes feeling the familiar energy run through her entire body. It had been a while since she used magic. Since she became a mother and took care of the family, she almost forgot that she was once a mage. A ball of water formed in front of her and with speed rushed towards Han.

''Aqua Sphere''

If it was him, he had the same power as yesterday, that ball could pose some danger to him. But today he can calmly dodge or hold with his own body.

''Earth wall''

With a basic spell he blocked the magic ball and then launched a pen-sized beam of lightning towards Charlotte.

The beam went towards Charlotte and then she felt a very weak shock in her body, but it was enough to make her hair stand on end.

''Son, what are you doing''

''I told u mom. Let's fight seriously. Just so you can get acquainted. Watch. I took it easy now but don't get used to it.'' Then the wind condensed in front of him

''Wind throw''


Han then threw a swift air spear towards Charlotte who quickly created a water shield that easily broke. When the spear approached her chest and she did her best to deflect her body and successfully managed it. But that cost some of the tissue in the chest area. Now the mage tunic had a slight tear, showing part of the bra.

''Hehe, be careful disciple Charlotte. Your hair is already messed up and now your clothes are tearing. I don't know what would happen if it was a normal battle'' Han said with a teasing look.

Charlotte then formed a mirror in front of her and then looked at her own reflection, seeing the messy and spiky hair.

''Do you think that's funny, Han?" she says in a nasty tone, her eyes flashing with irritation.

Han didn't answer, he just laughed before raising his hand and then small balls of fire formed in the sky surrounding Charlotte

When the hand was lowered they all fell towards it and it did its best to escape.


At each sound Charlotte did her best to dodge, her face had an irritated look but you could also see the excitement growing.

Suddenly Han stood there distracted and a ball of Water doused him. Just now he received a notification along with a mini screen appearing in the corner of his eye. He started getting points from the system and seeing Aria's lewd image made him lose focus.

''Hehe son, I think now you have to be careful''

Turning his eyes to Charlotte Han decided to do his best to focus on this fight.

He then proceeded to use 6th and 7th level spells which were enough to warrant some warning for his mother.



''Thunder Throw''

''Ice Spike''

At every skill poor Charlotte was seen flying from one end of the field to the other. She wasn't hurt, the only thing to notice is that little by little her clothes were torn and showing more and more skin.

She had noticed but the fight was too exciting for her to stop for that mere detail. Besides, that shameless son had already seen her naked.

''Aqua Blast''

''Tsunami Wave''

''Aqua Spear''

She used every possible spell but Han was still calm.

"Oh, you're almost there, Charlotte. Are those the best spells you can cast?"

''Come on mom, I didn't even use skills at your level but you still can't retaliate''

For hours Han's teasing and laughter continued to echo through the training grounds. He was now able to dodge all of Charlotte's attacks with ease, keeping one step ahead of her.

Despite Charlotte's initial frustration, she can't help but smile. She eventually realizes that Han is just playing around, taking the opportunity to spur and challenge her. She accepted the challenge and decided to channel her energy into honing her skills even further.

She intensified her efforts, focusing on a powerful spell. With a determined move, she summons a powerful torrent of water towards Han. She knew she couldn't defeat him but at the moment it was the most powerful skill she had.

However, in a surprisingly quick move, Han conjures a magical shield, blocking Charlotte's charge.

He looks at her, with a mischievous smile, and says, "You almost had me this time Mom. But there's still a long way to go."

Charlotte then fell onto the grass breathing heavily, this spell had used up all the mana she had. She felt that all the training was worth it as she now felt able to defend herself.

She was also feeling an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time. To be young. When she was at the wizard academy battles like these were constant, every day a different new emotion that made her feel alive. That was one of the reasons Han was her favorite son.

After the married life and mother of a family, some things were left behind. The friendships all became important or relevant people who treated every word or act with care.

Gradually she felt alone and her only distraction was dealing with family matters or with her children.

Han, who was always different, made her feel alive, always a comment, a compliment, a hug. It wasn't meaningless that he was her favorite.

Feeling that emotion she felt she needed to demonstrate. Calming down some she called han as she opened her arms.

''Honey, come here''

Han then teleported and then lay with his head on his mother's chest. He didn't know the reason for this sudden hug but he wouldn't be the one to complain. She had her clothes ripped and one of her breasts bare, with the nipples out. He just rested his head on those massive breasts and enjoyed the smell of her chest mixed with sweat. He closed his eyes and transferred his attention to a screen in his mind. An erection that already showed signs thanks to Charlotte's exposed body was now at its maximum level.

Charlotte then stroked Han's hair as she looked up at the sky and enjoyed the emotion flowing through her veins. She was happy for her son's company and to feel alive. Even the hard member she felt against her legs also gave off a feeling of joy. Today, she felt alive and desired.


A few hours earlier. After Han's departure


Aria was left alone in the room and put the necklace that Han had given her around her neck.

In the plan he whispered he would have an important role depending on the power he had.

She now needed to test the usage and she was sure vigorous men were about to visit her.

Now that Han knew everything and had said he would take care of the situation, she decided to enjoy the sex. Initially she was enjoying it but still had a heavy heart for the blackmail and for doing it in secret. That heaviness showed when she wasn't horny. But now that's gone. With her husband's support she felt confident.

She went to the bathroom and took a long shower, cleaning her entire body and making sure she smelled fresh.

Looking at her clothes she chose to wear a simple robe that was open in the front and had a little bow. This would keep her from having yet another one of her clothes ripped.

She then lay on the bed on her stomach while she waited. The rob was also so small it did nothing to cover her ass and it was easily visible her pussy and asshole.

She relaxed and ended up falling asleep and was awakened by voices.

''Look at this, she's already ready and waiting for us.''

I will dedicate two or three more chapters to Charlotte.

If you haven't seen it, join the discord. There are some images of Aria there and soon I will put some of Charlotte

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