
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Status window

Looking at the tree, his eyes trembled, the cold sweat started flowing onto his back, he could not believe what he saw.

" Lizzy, what happened to that tree? "

The tree vanished, encompassing everything from leaves to branches to the trunk, as well as everything that was present in the vicinity.

[Host, Lizzy recommends you to run away]

" That right "

He sneakily turned around and was ready to leave, but suddenly bumped someone.

" Young master, where are you running "

Ray was startled when he saw a beautiful woman wearing a maid's outfit standing in front of him.

" Aunty that I.... I was "

He had to admit that he was not skilled at making up excuses.

Looking at his clothes covered in mud, Vivian sighed.

"If you want to practice swordsmanship, you should go to the training ground"

She then bent down and using magic cleaned his clothes.

"sorry aunt, I ended up ruining the garden"

Ray was apologetic, he didn't anticipate causing such a mess here.

" It's alright, aunty can take care of it "

Caressing his head, she smiled softly.

' That's good, it seems like Aunty is not angry. '

But just as Ray's tense face was finally showing some relief, Vivian said something that made him more concerned.

" Oh.. Since the young master is still recovering, I decided to make a special soup. "

Hearing soup his throat become dry, he gulped down a few times, if he could he wanted to skip today's lunch.

"Aunt, I'm perfectly fine and fully recovered, I don't think I need special soup"

Vivian picked him up in her arms and headed towards the palace

"It's nice that you're already over it, but you can still drink the soup, it's healthy."

" And you aren't just going to waste your aunt's efforts, are you..? "

Suddenly Ray felt a hand on his head, and he knew it was his aunt Vivian.

' what are you talking about lady, what efforts..?, you haven't even started preparing lunch yet '

The way Vivian stroked him was strange and somewhat frightening, but the smile on her face was even more.


Ray was cold as he gazed at her smile.

" Sure aunty "


Ray was back in his room, sitting at the desk with a book in front of him, but he wasn't even paying attention to it.

He was completely lost in his own imaginary world, and who knows what he had in mind.

[Host, what you did today was reckless, what if your mother get's suspicious]

Ray was distracted by Lizzy's question while he was thinking about other things.

" What are you talking about Lizzy..? "

His expression was clearly confused, and his face was also evident as he pondered.

[What if she came to know about you being reincarnated and having memories of previous life]

" She already knows "

[ Oh.. that's....]

[Wait, so why are you so chill about this]

"I mean what can I do about it anyway "

[Aren't you concerned that she might do something to you thinking that you are not her child]

Ray couldn't see why Lizzy was asking such a ridiculous question.

" Then I would have been dead by now"

[But...., but]

He noticed that Lizzy was more concerned about this matter than him.

" Hehehe.., Looks like Lizzy is worried about me"

" That's sweet of you, my dear Lizzy "

[Nobody Cares About You]


Just a few minutes into the book and he was already bored, it wasn't because he didn't like arithmetics but rather it was too easy.

*Yawn..! *

" so boring "

" Lizzy, I want to use my skill "

[Use it on your own, don't bother Lizzy with everything]

Hearing this he eye twitched, there was a creepy smile on his face, and if he could he really wanted to spank this bitch.

" I would have done it if I could "

[Okay, Lizzy will assist you]

[so which skill is it, host]

After scratching his head for a bit, he eventually remembered the name.

" Eye of origin was it, I don't remember its name correctly "

[Use it, but you may experience a severe headache afterward]

" That's alright "

[Host must either look at this person or think about their appearance and then use the skill]

[ After that, you can view the status window. ]

He closed his eyes and contemplated the person he desired to know about, and suddenly a screen popped up in front of him unexpectedly. Surprisingly, he didn't get any headache.


Name :- Evangeline

Level :- 583+

Race :- Angel

Class :- Archangel, Grand Priestess, Mage, Holy swordsman...

Title :- Priestess of the Twin Goddess temple,

Queen of the Rhinehart kingdom....


Favourability :- #ERROR#

Fetish :- Ray

Erogenous Zone :- Anything Ray likes

Archetype :- Overly Obsessive Yandere Mother.

Character Type:- Capture target(5 star)

Capture Difficulty :- Conquered


Looking at the status of Ray's mouth was wide open, he couldn't even pronounce one word.

" ...."


He expected it to be absurd, but this was beyond comprehension.

" That's absurd "

" That guy I fought was hardly level 200 "

" Then doesn't that mean "

Strength does not have a linear relationship with the levels, but an exponential one, so even a 100 level difference was almost 10 times stronger.

" She is almost a thousand times stronger than that guy "

A sudden absurd thought came to his mind, causing him to become tensed and startled.

"Lizzy, what is the level of the strongest person in the world"

His tone of voice was evident in how anxious he was.

[The person..., rather the twins that made the system are Lvl-1000]

The reality is that while his mother was strong, there were also those, who were even stronger, and he had to face this reality.

" I... I need to get stronger "

[Host, Lizzy thinks strength should be the last thing for you to worry about]

Looking at Ray tensing up for something unnecessary, Lizzy was trying to calm him down.

[The twin goddesses are stronger, but this is inevitable due to their power over the world.]

[You should be more concerned not to fail the mission]

Lizzy was right getting stronger was a long-term goal. He didn't have to be stronger tomorrow, but there were things he had to do as soon as possible.

" I understand "

While he wouldn't be entirely focused on becoming stronger like a maniac, he didn't plan on ignoring it either.

" Lizzy can I use my other skill "

[Which one host]

" Both of them "

[You can do it, but it will be difficult. If you were more powerful, you could have directly used them, but currently you may need a significant amount of mana stones and life sacrifices]

" That's bothersome,

" Mama probably wouldn't mind helping me if I asked, but bringing such materials in large quantities is bound to attract attention"

"huh... I'd rather do it myself."

He had already been aware of the drawbacks of his skills, and now he needed to find a solution.

" what can I do "

Ray sighed, placing his head on the desk, he closed his eyes and started thinking.

" Ahuh..."

Even with his eyes closed, the status screen was still there, and it was a bit of a hassle.

" Lizzy...."

He was about to ask Lizzy to close it, but suddenly his eyes caught something.

" Favourability, it shows error "

[It cannot be measured by the system]

Suddenly a glamour smile appeared on his face, he remembered something that could really help him.

" Lizzy I wanted to say something"

[ Yes host ]

" hand over my points "

Greed was clearly reflected in his eyes.

[Host, What are you talking about.?]

[What points, I don't remember anything]

The reason for making his mother a capture target is probably because that goddess wanted to involve her in the mess as well, But in this case it backfired.

" Don't play with me, hand over my SP "

[But Host, technically you didn't capture her here, so Lizzy's got nothing to pay you]

" I don't know anything, I want my SP "

[Ok..ok.,..stinky cheep Host]

" Why am I stinky..? "


[ Successfully captured first 5star character]

[ Reward :- 1Million SP ]

" just this much "

His face plainly reflected his dissatisfaction with the reward.

[That's all you get for now, the rest will be after you capture her body]

He sighed, though less than he expected, but that was still enough for what he wanted to do.

" Well that will help a lot "

" Lizzy, get me some Healing, Mana and Recovery potion "

[What grade do you need?]

" What ever is the highest grade "

[That would be 5000SP for one Ultimate grade potion]

[How many do you want]

" 30 of each type "

[That would be 450K]

In just a minute, he's already about to lose half of his funds.

" Can I get a discount..? "

[What discount..., no discount here, if you want take or else leave]

[ Healing Potion (Legendary)

Type:- Potion

Rank:- S

- A healing portion with 100% purity, made from the world's rarest herbs.

- A world-class healing potion that can cure every injury. Restores dead cells, but cannot recover missing organs or limbs

-Excess consumption does not have side effects]

[ Mana Potion (Legendary)

Type:- Potion

Rank:- S

- A Mana portion with 100% purity, made from the world's rarest herbs.

A world-class mana potion that can completely regenerate one's mana, but if it's not completely absorbed, the person can explode like a bomb.

-Excess consumption does not have side effects]

[ Recovery Potion (Legendary)

Type:- Potion

Rank:- S

- A Recovery portion with 100% purity, made from the world's rarest herbs.

-A portion capable of clearing all the negative status effects like poisoning, fatigue, curse and others.

-Excess consumption does not have side effects]