
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Recollection of Past

Nightmares, the manifestation one's most frightening memories.

Even I had one such scary memory.

People say that the memories of their childhood become blurred as they age, but for some reason, even after living two lives, I still remember that night perfectly like it was all yesterday.

That horrible night, no matter how hard I try to forget, it haunts me through every sleep, and for some reason even after being so frightening, I still don't want to stop seeing it after all that's the only recollection I have of her.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just insane.

* * *

* Drizzle..! * * Drizzle ..! *

On a dark, cloudy night, a luxury car pulled up in front of a gate. Inside the car was sitting a beautiful lady and besides her was sitting a little child who was no more than 5 years old.

The bodyguard came out of the front door, unfolding the umbrella he was holding, he opened the door behind to let the lady out.

As soon as she got out of the car, the bodyguard gave her the umbrella and made a small gesture of respect.

Seeing her mother leaving the car alone, the child was taken aback. His mother usually used to pick him up before going out, but to his surprise, she didn't even worry about him today.

With a little difficulty, the child got out of the vehicle and followed behind.

As always, he wanted his mother to hold his hand.

" Mama hand "

Raising his hand, he made a gesture calling on his mother to hold his hand.

" Walk by yourself "

Hearing the cold response that was really contrary to his mother usually acts, he was really surprised.

" Ugh... ok "

He was a little unhappy but more worried because it was the first time he saw his mother act like this.

' Is mama sad ' He couldn't help but think about her abnormal behaviour.

" Mama, where are we going. "

Ray was really confused about where they were going so late in the night.

" Orphanage "

Her answer was fairly short and her tone sounded as though she didn't want to bother with his questions.

" Orphanage? "

The boy had no idea about what orphanage is.

" A place where children without parents live "

" Mama, why are we going to an orphanage "

" You will know about it once we reached there "

After walking a bit, they came to the front door of the orphanage. There was an old man with a strange coat at the door.

" Welcome, my lady. " When the lady arrived at the door, he greeted her.

" Have you completed the paperwork?" She asked the old man.

" Yes, my lady, only your sign required and it all will be done. "

She nodded and gave the umbrella to the guardsman and entered the orphanage.

" Good let's go "

The old man led the woman towards his office.

After arriving at the office, he took a futuristic looking tablet off his desk.

Handing over the table to the lady the man said.

" My lady, please sign here "

Although he only said it was a sign, it did in fact contain a number of proceedings.

She first performed her retinal scan followed by a fingerprint and finally her signature.

" My lady, it's his turn now "

The old man said, pointing towards the kid.

" Yeah, I know"

" Ray come with me "

Saying that she led Ray out of the room.

" Ray, you wanted to know the reason I brought you here, Right. "

" Hum.." Hearing what she said, Ray nodded.

" You are going to stay here from now on " Contrary to her usual smile, Ray noticed that his mother looked really cold.

"Are we going to stay here, mama? "

He couldn't figure out what she meant by staying here. Never in his life had he been far from her so he thought they were staying here together.

"Not us, only you are going to stay here. "

" But I want to stay with mama " The woman realized that if she took this approach, there would be no end to their conversation.

She sat beside him ensuring that she was level with his face.

" Ray do you love me " She asked looking straight into his eyes.

" Yes, I love mama the most " Saying that he gave her a sweet and gentle smile.

" Is that so "

Hearing his word for some reason her face started getting even colder.

Abruptly closing the minimum distance she had between them, she stepped forward and with one of her hands she held Ray's chin.

Looking straight into his eyes with a crazy smile on her face, she said.

" You know how I feel about you "

" I hate you, I hate you more than anyone in this world "

" I detest you to the core, that's how I feel about you "

Her were like knives stabbing his heart.

He was devastated, he couldn't understand why it was happening, his world was falling apart in front of his eyes.

Tears were continually pouring into his eyes.

*weep..! * * weep..! *

" Maa.."

*weep..! *

He was so traumatized, he couldn't even get the word out of his mouth.

" Mama... did I... Did I do anything wrong? "

* weep..! *

Ray wanted to know what did he do to anger her so much.

" Your birth was the biggest mistake of all. "

" And if that wasn't enough over the years, I had to behave like a good mother. "

What she said clearly reflected her anger and hatred.

She clenched her hand around her face, to the point that her fingernails began to pierce his cheeks.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was for me"

" I had to give birth to you when I didn't want to "

" Do you know how painful it was, I had to put up with the filth inside of me for nine months. "

"And even when I hated you, I had to raise you like my own child."

Her words have been all the more devastating to Ray.

* weep..! * * weep..! *

" Mama I am sorry , but please... please don't leave me "

" please...."

* weep..! *

Letting his face, she stood up. Then Looking down at him, she said.

" You should be grateful I'm not going to kill you. "

* weep..! * * weep..! *

" but... but.... "

"You said yourself that you love me didn't you, then if I ask you to fulfill my one wish, won't you do that much for me. "

" Stay away from me and never try to interfere with my life. "

* weep..! *

" But... Mama "

Ray wanted to tell his mom that he was fine with any punishment she would give him, but don't leave. But she wouldn't even let him say anything.

" The mother you knew is dead, so stop calling me that. "

" And don't cry, it makes you even more detestable. "

* weep..! *

" A... okay "

At that time, Ray was hoping that all this was just a nightmare, a dream and when he gets up, he can cry in her mother's embrace.

" After you are done with you crying go to that old man and do as he say "

" I'm leaving, hopefully we'll never see each other again. "

* weep..! * * weep..! *

" mama ... don't leave me .... please.... "

" please..... don't "

* * *

(Inside Ray's room)

On a luxurious bed, a child about 5 years old was lying. By his side was a mature woman in her thirties.

She seemed like a Goddess descended from above. Everything about her, be it her golden blonde hair, her silvery blue eyes, her extremely charming face, her voluptuous and lucid body, all was sculpted to perfection. One could argue that even her beauty was enough to cause world war.

But beyond her beauty, she had around her a motherly aura that would make everyone feel peaceful.

While Ray was asleep, Evelyn kept an eye on him to make sure everything was all right.

All of a sudden, she realised that the peaceful smile Ray had on his face got distorted. He was struggling in his sleep as if he was having a nightmare.

Holding his tiny hands between her's, she whispered.

" Soothe the mind and cleanse all Evil "

{Status Recovery}

The spell was powerful enough to convert a Zombie back into a human, but to her surprise, it didn't help Ray in the slightest.

He was struggling even more and looking at him Evelyn was getting more worried.

" mama... don't... don't leave me.... please "


Frightened, Ray suddenly rose from the dream and before he realized anything, his mother hugged him firmly.

"Baby don't worry Mama her here, Mama will never leave you"

" It was all just a bad dream "

Saying this, she began gently patting his head.

* weep..!* * weep..!*

Feel the warmth he has desired for years. Ray started crying uncontrollably.

" Ray, what happened, don't cry "

" Is it because of the nightmare "

Seeing her beloved son cry Evelyn was getting more and more worried.

" Mama, do you love me..? "

"Yes, baby, Mama loves you, Mama loves you more than anyone "

" More than myself "

When he heard that, Ray tried to back out of her embrace.

Feeling him struggling, Evelyn loosened her arms and let him out.

" then..."

* weep..! * * weep...! *

" Then promise me that you will never leave me, never ever "

* weep..! * * weep..!*

"Dear, Mama will never leave you"

Even if the whole world is against you, I will stand behind you.

"Whether good or bad, right or wrong, mama will always support you"