
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Emotions Running Rampant

' Slave to my ass, is this why you ate up my wish, because you wanted to play a game with me and my mother '

Ray was well aware that his thoughts would be heard by the goddess, but for some reason his emotions were out of control today.

[A Game, hehehe...]

[That's right a game, that's what you are going to play]

[But Ray, it's not fun to be the only one playing, so I decided to add more players.]

Hearing her words Ray's Eyes began to tremble, he was already worried about dealing with those playable crap characters, but this bitch goddess had already planned to add something new.

" What, aren't the playable characters, already vying against me "

[That's right, but they are no fun, so I decided that, instead you are going to compete against transmigrators from Earth]

[To be more precise, they are players who have played this game many, many times before]

[They possess extensive knowledge about the characters, Quests, treasures, and even the storyline itself]

" Why...?"

Ray was confused, he couldn't figure out why this goddess was so focused on transforming his happy life into hell.

"Why are you messing with my sweet, happy life?"

[Why..., Well coz it's fun]

Her reply was like a matchstick in the essence, Ray's temper broke out.

" Fun my ass, bitch why don't you let me live a happy life with my mother "

"Just because you have power, you think you can mess with my life"

" You are not worthy of such power "

Lizzy, who was quietly watching this from back, was really surprised, her usually calm Host, was spitting out fire today.

[Hehehehe... Ray, you should watch your mouth, or who knows what I would do if I got angry]

[Maybe one day, you will find your mommy riding a new Daddy]

[Hehehehe...., or maybe Your mother might be getting slammed by a group of men]

[ Wouldn't that be fun ]

Ray's anger was palpable, causing his eyes to redden, his anger was evident on his face, and he screamed.


Realising what he had just done Ray's mind become chaotic, this was completely contrary to his calm demeanor.

The only thing he could do was apologise, he just did that.

" please "

[Oh... is that how you beg, shouldn't you be more respectful]

Pride, dignity, honor, pride, these were the things that mattered to ordinary people, and for some reason, transmigrators like him, cared too much about it, but for Ray, nothing mattered to him, all he wanted was to live a happy life.

" Please I beg you, Why can you just let me live a happy like with my mother "

" I didn't ask much, did I..?"

" I.. "

For some reason, his emotions were overflowing again and he couldn't control them, causing tears to fall down his face.

* Weep..! * * Weep..! *

[Wait, did I go too far with the prank, Why did he suddenly start crying]

[ What do I do, what do I do..... Agagagag.... ]

Seeing Ray cry, she was baffled, she wanted to stop him from crying but couldn't think of how to do it.

[Ray...., Ray I was just kidding]

[Please do not cry, please]

[Don't cry, nobody is going to harm your mother]

[If you want I can even kill all those guys, you don't have to play any game]

[Just don't cry, please]

Seeing him cry like this, you might not disagree with executing the person who caused it.

* Weep..! * * Weep..! *

"I... I'm sorry, I couldn't control my emotions"

His face was stained with tears, he attempted to wipe them off with his sleeves.

Though the tears disappeared, but the smile that was previously present on his face was no longer there.

" were you saying anything..? "

Maybe because of crying, or maybe for some unknown reason, but he heard nothing of what she said.

[ Nothing, I didn't say anything ]

" I am sorry, I won't be rude from next time "

In the end, Ray knew she was the reason he could even meet his mom, despite her messed up character and cruel actions, he was still grateful to her.

" I am okay with this game, but please refrain from doing anything to my mother "

[ Anything you say, just don't cry from next time ]

" ugh... ok "

[ sigh...! ]

" Did you say anything..? "

Ray could tell that the goddess was acting strangely.

[No.. No... Nothing, now that we're done talking I will take my leave]

" Can I ask you one question? "

[Sure, anything for my dear apostle]

" I understand that you are keeping things from me, but if I finish this game, can you tell me everything you know about my past life? "

[If that's all, I'll take my leave]


After the goddess left, Ray wiped his eyes again, making sure that no tears were left behind. He knew how upset his mother would be if she saw him crying and he didn't want that to happen.

[Host Lizzy had a doubt, would you mind if I ask..?]

" Hum.."

Ray nodded, but he was taken aback to see that Lizzy had something to ask him.

[Host, how did you find out she was your mother? ]

Frankly, there was no resemblance between her present appearance and that of the previous world, and it was really surprising that he still recognized her.

" Honestly, I don't know "

Ray didn't think that she would ask this, and he didn't even have any answer for her.

" when I opened my eyes, I knew immediately that she was my mother "

" why, Is it unusual..? "

Right now, Lizzy wanted to yell at Ray, and ask if he thinks that's normal. There was no way he could tell that she was his mother, unless he made a random goddamn assumption, which again could only be considered an absurd chance.

[No, it's alright]

Sitting under the tree, Ray took a moment to reflect upon what had happened today, and he realized that he was the one who caused the issue to escalate.

He shouldn't have gotten worked up.

" Lizzy, why couldn't I keep my emotions in check today? "

" I was unable to keep my composure, it was strange. "

[Host, Don't worry, it's likely because of the new body]


In a more desolate part of the realm, a church stood at the top of a hill. Amidst dense vegetation, there was fog creeping around the area, encircled by thick foliage, creating a natural ambiance.

This church had been neglected and abandoned for a long time, and the doors and benches were all fractured and splintered, and had been rotting for centuries, with mites feeding on them.

The cemetery next to the church was even more terrible, with all the tombstones crumbling, and it was a truly frightening sight.

Inside the church, there was a lady who was sitting over a crumbled statue of a god and wearing a white dress. A glance at her would give you chills.

" How was it Lizzy "

[It went well]

[Despite some mistakes, Lizzy was able to handle the rest of the situation]

" That good "

" Hehehe.... "

" Hehehehehe..."