
Love WoW

Do you often find yourself pondering, "How can I touch her heart with words?" Below are a few love messages for her from the heart if you're going to make your girl see how special .The thought of having your love to myself inspires me towards winning my battles, and every time I want to give up, I am reminded that you are cheering me on loudly and unashamedly. Your love has helped me discover who I am and what I will do to love you with all of my breath. The stars and the moon do not compare to you; for what it is worth, I would hunt them down and give them as a present if you would just ask. My love for you shines brighter than a billion fireflies floating across the galaxy. I'm so in love with everything about you.

Dearest love of mine, there is not a star in the expanse of the universe that could shine as bright as you do. I hope that you have the best possible day and the sweetest dreams tonight.