

<p>Olivia's p.o.v<br/><br/> I couldn't wait for Dimitri to arrive home , today Mark's exactly 10 years since we left England and decided on running away and starting a life together... But before that let me take you down on our story<br/><br/> Dimitri and I meet in North London international high school and he was an exchange student in his final year while I was a freshman , we meet at one of his basketball game which my friend Tony was on.<br/>Dimitri was the most handsome guy on the team with his platinum blonde hair (dyed) , and his brown-golden eyes which simmered like the sunrise , he was the most attractive guy in school even though he's wasn't from a rich family like everyone else in the school but girls still flont themselves around him<br/>"Dimitri Alma Randall, is the name and who do I have the pleasure of talking to..." Dimitri asked me and i knew he was the one from there <br/>"Olivia Morgan .h" I said not realising my checks getting really red , like my God who wouldn't melt looking into those beautiful eyes."and I am Olivia ,Tony's friend "I said as I could hear my friends and Tony behind me laughing, don't get me wrong I may be a freshman but I have been in a relationship before but I don't know , let me say Dimitri felt like a breath of fresh air compared to all the other guys in our school and I really liked that. <br/>" Could this beautiful lady grant me her audience if I win this game today " he asked making my friends snakker <br/>" I presume I could make that happen "<br/>" then it's aDATE " Dimitri asked making me blush even harder before leaving without even getting my own opinion on the entire matter. <br/>" oh my God olive ,I didn't know you where such a playing "Emily teased me about <br/>and that is how Dimitri and my relationship started . <br/>Right now Dimitri and I leave in a small apartment in New York city and I work in a little cafe down in Manhattan while Dimitru worked at a Tech company. I wouldn't say my life turned out the way I thought, I wanted to study design and had a scholarships to a great design school in France but at that very moment Dimitri asked me to move with him to the Us for us to start a life together. <br/><br/><br/>Right now it has been 10 years since I left my family back in london to stay with Dimitri and after all my prayers Dimitri finally had a promotion meaning we could now get married.<br/>I waited for Dimitri who was returning today from a two month work trip to dubia and I was excited because before he left I saw a pretty ring in the pocket of his coat and I knew this was finally my moment , the moment I've been waiting for and it was finally here .<br/>Then I heard the doorbell making me jump out of my day dream, I hurried and put down the knife I was holding and dashed towards the main door of the apartment, I wasn't expecting anyone but maybe it was Dimitri and kept my Hope's up.<br/>as I opened the door I saw Dimitri <br/>"Babe "I said as I jumped up on his body rather happy seeing him and kissed him before taking his suit cases into own apartment .<br/>"oh my God , I thought you forgot cuz I know your work was gonna be over next week but am so damn happy you came back home for our anniversary, mmmmh you are really the best , just wait I was making your favourite , let me get it from the kitchen so we can have dinner" I said all exited but to my surprise Dimitri wasn't exited, instead he had a face of fear and uncertainty written all over his face .<br/>" Olive please can we talk I have something rather important to tell you " he said in a rather questionable tone <br/>" I heard you babe , we can talk about it over dinner "I said about to leave him to move back to the kitchen when he held me down and stood up and started walking up and down , it looked like what he wanted to tell me was really important and really had to say it , then it looksd like he finally found a way to say what he was feeling .<br/>"Olive , am really sorry ... but I think we should break up" Dimitri said looking at me <br/>" hahaha babe so funny , I'll go get dinner " I said knowing he was jocking<br/>" no Olive am serious , it's not you it's me and I know well that am the one ....."<br/>before he could finish I just had to butt in <br/>" After all I did for you Dimitri , I can't believe you would want to leave , but after all we have been through together , I gave up my family ,my friends, and I gave up my future, my entire life and stayed with you all this while for you to come and say 'Olive let's break up , you most have gone mad or this is a prank "<br/>I said getting up and about to move towards the kitchen again when he held me again <br/>" Olive I am not kidding , this just isn't working for me , the sparked died years ago" he said trying to defend himself, <br/>"but you still lead me on Dimitri , I stayed with you all this while thinking we could get married and live together " I said as I started crying hysterically. <br/>"am sorry Olive "<br/>"leave , I said leave " I yelled at Dimitri in a tone of range that the entire apartment building is sure to have heard me <br/>" am sorry Olive ,"was all Dimitri said before leaving me there wrapped on the floor to wallop in my sorrow, I gave up ever for him and he had to leave me like this ,like this I said to myself all wrapped up on the floor with my head in between my knees,refusing to acknowledge my reality.it couldn't be could it,or was this just an annoying dream all soon wake up,I hope and repeatly told my self conscious to see if I'll be better,no family,no love, and soon no one left for me , I thought and the only solution I came up with was suicide, I couldn't go back to my family in England,I just couldn't. I picked up my cell phone and called the only person I knew would miss me <br/>"Hello,Olivia,what's up did dimitri pop the question?"she asked in an excited tone as I had told her about the ring I found in dimitri pocket few weeks back<br/>"Am sorry Emily,I should have believed you about Dimitri ,I should have" I said as tears started following more and more " and am more sorry for what am about to do, take good care of your self and always remember I love you so so much" I no said ignoring Emily worried voice at the other end of the call line.<br/>I went up and locked my door shot tussling the keys into the trash and picking up some rope from the backyard and attaching it to the siling and as I was about to commit the unthinkable a received a video call on my laptop with an unknown number,my heart raced at the thought of it being Dimitri calling me back to apologize and say he wasn't serious about what he said and that he is ready for us to get married or even for us just to be together for ever, and as I picked up the call my jaw literally dropped at the other end of the screen was another <br/>Another complete a different version of me,she had shorter hair and looked rather well maintained,I couldn't believe what I was steering at until she spoke and my suspicions where proven that she was indeed me<br/>"Oh,Olivia,it's exactly 6pm,and your at your apartment and you just got dumped and are trying to commit the unthinkable right,and your also thinking about how I look exactly like you,well to tell you exactly am you but from a few years in the future, you will become if you decide to move on with your life and not go depend on that man who just dumped our sorry but" she said as she sipped he glass of red wine<br/>"This isn't real, I told myself , my mind was playing tricks on me right " I said </p>