
Novice Forensic Doctor

Forensic Doctor Zhou Ning will take you into a series of thrilling, stimulating, cruel, and perverse crime scenes! Seeking the truth of the facts, challenging the psychological threshold, exposing the ugliness of human nature. Conspiracy! Mysteries! Doubts! One after another, bizarre and eerie cases continue to unfold.

Princess Xue'er · Urban
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293 Chs

Chapter 225 How is this such a coincidence?_1

Translator: 549690339

Mr. Zhao and Mr. Yang opened the passage and waved at Zhou Ning from the second floor.

"I'll go up and take a look too," Zhou Ning said.

Xu Dayuan finished chatting with Mr. Liu, put on shoe covers, gloves, and a mask, and joined them.

The metal handrail of the stairs had been removed, leaving bare steps covered in thick dust with visible footprints, nearly all marked with signage, indicating that evidence collection was complete. They went directly to the second floor via the investigation mats.

The structure of this small two-story building was common in the Qindao area, with three rooms on the first floor—two small side rooms and the largest living room in the center, with a bathroom and kitchen on the north side. Upstairs were three south-facing bedrooms side by side.

The two arrived at the room at the far end of the east side and upon entry, they could hear the continuous clicking sound. Inside, in the northeast corner, lay a corpse.