

A NOVELETTE is a series of short stories of different genres. Romance, family,friends,love,dreams, fantasy, adventure, fiction, vampires and werewolves, history,comic, humor and horror included. A series of amazing and wonderful short stories which will be of perfect plot and storyline... happy reading

Snwrites_3NS · Teen
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Is being yourself is easy? You made your choices & opinions which for you is correct but the "four people" in which society, and your so called well-wishers thinks that you are too bad at your choice. AHH! Reason is, we are girls or we connot persuade our dreams further like we want....The problem is unique opinions on  things connot be digested by our society. If we are different,we have our own mindset than we are wrong. Why, they dont think that we are a living creature not the aliens from other planet.

We have facing this problem since childhood, dress like that & always respect others while they do or not blah blah blah. Similarly,like us another girl is facing the same issue in her life but she is too ignorant to care, because she was not like the shy girls,she was confident  on her views & opinions & doesnt feel guilty about it. Basically she loves to be herself. Her appearance was the one for which she got critized,she wore loose shirt & ripped jeans. Her hair were short & had a cap on them. She can be best defined as a TOMBOY which least bother her but the people around her not leave a chance to critized her.

"Common Megan,you connot win in this arguement" A voice came from the scenario.


"Really and why you think that my clothes is not appealing. I wear to feel comfortable,not to show others like you" I snapped back.

"Yeah & your comfort is more important than your dirty clothes." Sia taunted.

"Leave it I dont want to waste my energy on this useless talk" I said & went away.

"One day you will regret on your opinions." I heard them saying behind my back.

Its not new for me, I always get blamed for my clothes,for my opinions. Why? Because they are different or they cant be done by a girl. I still remeber the day that I told my parents that I want to an astronaut but instead of encouraging me they laughed & blew my thought. I shared it with my friends but they said ITS NOT A GOAL OF GIRL." I realized that nobody will consider my opinion until I show them achieving it. Next my apperance,whole collage laugh at me when I chose to dress for myself,not make society happy. But the say


And here I am thinking about the harsh words people used to say when they cant accept the change. My phone rang & it was my mum.

"Sweetie,come home fast" mum said.

"But why I have an extra class today." I whinned.

"Oh leave that class,we have guests today on our house." She said excitedly.

"And who are those guests for which I miss my class" I taunted.

"OH comeon,you will definately want to meet them,come fast & please dont wear those simple clothes" she said & cut the call without listening. Who are these guests for which I change myself? No way, I am going to attend them the way I want.


I went home & change my outfit to another comfortable dress & went down to attend those guests,but intead I found My best friend & would be husband there. I was soo happy that I shouted & cling onto him. Damn! I am meeting him after 8 long years. He is my bestfriend thats why our families decided that we are a great match,even we both didnt denied.

"Stefan,finally I met you" I screamed joyfully. He was looking a bit confused.

"Who are you?" And this made me shocked and alittle ache in my heart, he didnt recognize me, I am that changed?

"Stef,I am megan,why the hell u didnt recognize me?" I asked on which he was looking at me with utter shock.

"Nobody can recognize you megan,you are changed too much" He said cringing his eyesbrows,I thought he like this change but instead the scenario was different.

"You are looking like a tomboy,where is my girly megan" the words shooked me to the core,so he is just like others.

"What do you mean?" I asked controlling my emotions.

"Simple,he means why did u changed yourself into a boyish look." His mother said while noticing me from tip to toe. Forgot to mention she doesn't really like me much.

"Because I love myself like that, I feel comfortable & contented." I replied honestly.

"Oh so you mean to say that you are happy in this now,U will changed this kind of look after our marriage. Right?" He criticized me while tiptoe his fingers towards my clothes.

"No,no way I am not gonna change myself to make other people happy,I dress for myself not to make socity happy." I replied making all of them shocked. "But" my mum tried to ease the suituation but I said in between.

"Please mom let it be clear today itself, I dont want them to feel any regrets!" I taunted.

"Megan listen, Please stop this nonsense coz if i didnt like you in this way nobody ever will. So just cut the crap!" He said in a dead serious tone holding my shoulders.

"You know what I thought you will understand your "friend" but I totally forget that you are a man too,and no men in this world will like a woman who dress to make her satisfied,who have a goal which she wants to achieve before the wedding itself,who have a different mindsent & views, if you cant like me the way I am,I am sorry you definately are the wrong choice for me!" I knock some sense in them.

"You are not doing it,Are you?" He said in a frustated tone.

"Guess what,I am!" I said & remove my ring from the ring finger & left from there. How could someone be so judgemental,they dont value our views,nor our opinions. And dreams, they dont even consider it...Why? Are my opinions that bad or I cant achieve what I dream for? I felt like crying & my eyes brimmed with water. The view of sunset is witnissing my misery & I just cried my heart out.


I called ELSA my friend & told her everything that happen an hour ago,I was expecting her to console be but instead she said breaking my heart completely,I doubt that how could she be my friend. "One day it was meant to be happen,not everyone will accept your TOMBOY attitude." She said I cut the call not wanting her to insult me more. Am I that bad looking? Are my dreams doesnt worth in their views? I started doubting myself rather my choices & views. I saw a man coming towards me. His appearance was good but he had earpiercing that was different. His body was full covered with tatto & he wore four rings in his hand.

"Hey beautiful,why are you crying?" He asked.

"Am I beautiful, I dont think so" I chuckled.

"Well I think you are beautiful the way you are,and beauty is not on your face its in the heart." He explained wonderfully. Oh someone was on my side that day,thank God or else I will be broken soon.

We talked for a while than I went home for studies, because semester will be soon &  I had to work hard for achieving my goal. I went home & saw the environment fully tensed. Dad was scolding Mom for spoiling me. Oh I got that he get to know the stunt I put in the evening. Before they could notice I made my way to the stairs

"Where were you till now?" Dad asked spotting me near the staircase.

"I was with a friend" I answered which was half truth & half lie. Yeah he is my friend coz he respect my choices & motivate me to achieve it but on the other hand I really don't know his name after all we met only once.

"Who was that friend of yours? Tell me coz I called Elsa, you were not with her." He pressurised the word friend.

"I was with my collage friend." I lied convinently.

"Will you tell me what did you done in the evening? Tell me you didn't mean that" he was soo angry but what I did I felt it right.

"I mean everything I said in the evening & you know that Megan George never get back on her words." I replied calmly but the atmosphere didn't remained calm after my this sentence.

"You know I thought this whatever you are doing is your childness but I never knew that in this foolish act of yours, became an astronaut & dressed like a tomboy you will go to this extent. I was proud of you but today I feel ashamed to have you! Just get out of my house right now & never come back." Dad spitted every harsh word that come into his mind.

"Okay I will go but I will never leave my dream unfulfilled. Today you are saying all this in society pressure but the day I will achieve everything you will be proud of me & that's my promise." I said & walked out.

"Don't go Megan please..." My mother cried.


"I need to go,if this cost my dream losing my family I will sacrifice it but one day you both will be proud of myself."  I said & left with my luggage. I was walking on a road suddenly I saw flyer of the famous  singer who was none other that stranger whom I met today,SETH PHILLIP,oh god I didn't knew that he is a famous singer. I went to his concert which was nearby & saw him singing with full passion. His voice shows passion,emotions that nobody can see behind this cool avatar. He was different from others. He ended his concert & started taking selfies with his fans. He spotted me and come out from the crew.

"I don't think you and music get well along,howcome you here?" He taunted.

"Ah,very funny,I didn't recognize you doesn't mean I don't love music,it's just I don't have information about the singers." I clarified myself.

"Let's have some hot chocolate,the weather is cold." He said and we went to nearby restaurant having some drinks.

"So wanna tell me,why a pretty girl at this time of night is here with a suitcase" He asked and I sighed, doesn't want to remember those previous hours.

"Well following your advice,that if you want to achieve something everyone will try to stop you but believe yourself & work on" I stated.

"Oh so you left your house for your dream?" He asked,is he a astrologer.

"Nice guess,but sounds like you actually gone through it" I suspected.

"Not bad,you caught me,well I will say that my dream costs everything I loved, but after achieving I got everything I desire!" He confessed.

"What's your story?" I asked curiously.

"I always wanted to be a singer but my family specially my father refused because he wanted me to join his business,I denied coz singing is not my hobby but my passion too. My dad said to chose between family or dreams" He said with sadness.

"You chose music right?" I was literally biting my nails.

"Ofcourse or else I won't be here" he again taunted. I glared at him & nodded to continue further.

"I knew after achieving that they will be proud of me,I knew that I made a different choice,which many people doesnt like specially our relatives,but for achieving the goal you have to lose alot & I realized it soon when my fiance left me saying that I am being stupid leaving a well settled business in search of an non achieving carrier, we broke up & I left to show the world that I can achieve whatever I want,and now whole world knows that SETH KING is a well renowned singer." He said raising his collars.

"You never doubt your choices & opinions & most of all yourself beacuse the accusations?" I asked on which he smiled & said

"People's work is saying,its up to you that you will let it affect you or show them that you can do it." He was determined on his words.

"Its true that you will find difficulties but you should try again & again to accomplish it! My start wasnt that great but I was determined to persue my dream at any cost.." He said & I felt speechless,the hardwork he did was remarkable & what did I do? Started doubting myself,my opinions. I am different its not my fault,its the fault of those who couldnt see the good in me.

"You know our story is little similar,I am unique & has a different goal to achieve,I believe in myself & my opinions so people..." he cut me off

"So people start criticizing you & u started doubting your worth,right?" He put words of mine.

"My personal experience says that you never lose until you have decided to give up" He said.

"Will I ever be able to become astronaut?" I questioned not only him but myself too.

"Why you want to be an astronaut?" He asked

"I always have a dream to go to space,to explore how the upper world is, I know for a girl it's near to impossible but I really want to achieve it since I was a kid…I always say this to my father that one day I will go to space,my parents laughed at me for my "selection of goal"but I was determined to achieve it. My late brother always motivate me for my dream & on every birthday he gave spaceship or something related to space. I got happy that somebody care my opinion & love  me the way I am,but after him no-one was there to help me achieving my goal." I got in tears while talking about my brother.

"First,never ever rely on anyone, nobody will be with you forever! Second,the ones who really like you will always respect your opinions & goals. Third, In search of a bright future,you will definitely lose something from present!" He elaborated.

"Thanks you are impressive" I  said and stood up & started to head towards my goal. Now nobody can stop me.



"Megan Mam,you have a seminar to attend regarding the importance of astronomy in a collage. You will be asked about some questions. It will last for 2 hours." My assistant informed.

"Okay I will be there after the meeting with other astronauts." I Informed her and she nodded and left.

I left for the Landmark Collage from the meeting to attend the seminar,being proud of myself. These four years not even a single night went where I dream to become an astronaut. And finally after achieving it at very young age I am on cloud nine. These four years were filled with my hardwork & today is the day my hardwork pays it off.. I am going to my collage only where people hated the idea of a girl being an astronaut and now there ambition is to become one. They put a seminar for me to share what I have gone through regarding these years.

"So let's call on stage our very own Megan Seth Philip for this wonderful achievement at this age." Did I told you people that I get married to Seth 2 months ago? Nevermind,he was the only one who became my support in those difficult times,we both worked hard for our carrier & the day I was awarded by the government for young achiever of the astronaut agency and a very first girl to become an astronaut, Seth made my day more wonderful by proposing me and I was delighted. I went to stage & saw people especially girls looking at me with pride. My eyes become widened when I saw a couple cheering and have tears in their eyes,none other than my parents. I was shocked would be an understatement,they knew that I will come here and they came here for me. My eyes started watering with happiness. I missed them every minute of these four years,now I can say that I achieved everything.

After the seminar I went towards them and hugged tightly. They were sobbing hard but I make them quite. After a long silence Dad said,

"The day I told you that I am ashamed of you,I curse myself for that. And I am so happy that you didn't have up on your dream."

"Thanks dad! I just wanted to make you proud and I think I did" I completed

"Proud is a small word honey,you make us feel out of the world and I am so happy for your marriage too. Congratulations sweetheart" My mum squealed in happiness.

"Hello people,how was the surprise gorgeous" My husband asked.

"You did it, didn't you?" I asked Seth on which he smiled and nodded. I truly love this man so much. I achieved everything because he believed in me.

"Ok now stop thanking me in your mind,your parents are there and they need your attention more than me" he whispered in my ear and winked at me & definitely earned a glare from me.