
DanMachi fanfic

You can write where the main character has a guaranteed progress for example every time he moves at max speed his speed stat goes up with at least one, every time the person is hurt the endurance goes up with at least one and every time he cast magic the magic stat goes up with at least one etc. Of course as the person becomes stronger its harder to be hurt and because of that harder to increase endurance etc. Then the same can work on abilities such as skills, when used seriously they will grow and when they've grown to a certain extent theyll level up. Outside this can there be a system there shows ones stats, it could be the current stat and skills, while in parentes the stats and skills after level up would stand.

You can also choose whether to awaken after getting fafna or before. If you write before you could write how the person grows strong even before getting the gods blessing or don't even get the blessing and still becomes a strong adventure. You can write how before the blessing since you are "a normal being" will get the grow immediately.