
First fight

Eric heard multiple howls echoing around the camp, accompanied by shouts from other miners. It was evident that this wasn't just a single stray monster attacking them but rather an organized pack. However, Eric couldn't afford to check on others; he was already preoccupied with the level 9 viperwolf.

His heart raced, and his hands trembled with adrenaline. Despite his confidence in his ability to fight the monster, given their similar levels, he couldn't shake off his nerves. Reading about how Levi fought and actually facing monsters were two entirely different experiences. It had been years since he had been in a fight.

"Stay calm, stay calm," he muttered, taking a deep breath without taking his eyes off the monster.

Running away wasn't an option; maybe if he was surrounded by a horde of monsters he might consider it, but for now, he had to keep going—for his sake as well as Gus'.

He didn't want to abandon Gus while he still had the strength to save him. The old man had been kind to him, so as long as he didn't risk his life, Eric wouldn't hesitate to save him.

With a deep, calming breath, Eric took a defensive stance, making sure Gus stayed behind him. The viperwolf immediately sensed his movement, stopped circling, and let out an enraged howl before charging at him like a runaway train.

Eric held his position until the last second before ducking as the monster lunged at him.

With swift movement, he grabbed one of its legs and, with a swing, threw the wolf away. 

Before the beast went flying, it managed to latch two claws on Eric.

He gritted his teeth as the blood gushed from his wounds, and he could hear Gus screaming from behind, but he didn't have time to listen. He finally managed to create enough distance, so without wasting any time, he quickly ran, grabbed the pickaxe, and returned to Gus' side before even the monster got back on its feet after being slammed to the ground.

Eric noticed that one of its six legs was curled up, and his eyes lit up as he guessed that it must have broken on impact.


Knowing the wolf was injured, Eric wasted no time, kicking the ground as he charged the beast. The wolf extended its front paw and tried to strike Eric as its prey charged directly at it.

 Just as Eric was about to reach the wolf, he suddenly stopped and jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the wolf's claw. And he tightened his grip on the pickaxe, and with a violent overhead swing, he struck the center of the wolf's back, severing its spine at the lower back. 

With his improved strength, it felt like hitting rocks in the mines, and he easily embedded the entire fifteen-centimeter axe head into the beast's back. 

With a jerk, he tore it from its body, accompanied by a gush of blood. The wolf let out a scream of pain, and just as Eric was about to strike again at the beast's head, the wolf was suddenly awakened by the intense pain. With a painful roar, it tried to turn around and catch Eric in its huge jaws, even though its spine had been severed, leaving only its last two legs.

Seeing the wolf dangerously close, Eric knew it was too late to swing his pickaxe. Instead, a blue aura appeared around his leg as he used mana to strengthen it. Without wasting any time, he kneed the wolf in the head, the impact hitting its chin and knocking some of its fangs to the ground. 

As the wolf shook its head to clear its vision, a pickaxe plunged into its head, killing it instantly.


A deep breath escaped Eric's mouth as he calmed his heartbeat. However, when he turned to check on Gus, his eyes widened in alarm. He saw a wolf biting Gus's arm while the old man struggled to break free from its grasp.

"Old man!" Eric shouted.

With Mana circulating through his legs, Eric burst towards the wolf in no time. Sensing his approach, the wolf turned its gaze towards Eric, attempting to release Gus and confront the approaching threat. But before it could do so, Gus grabbed its head with his other free hand.

"Crazy old man," Eric thought.

Without hesitation, Eric wasted no time, and with one swift swing, he cut right into its neck.

The wolf's grip on Gus's arm loosened as it let out a pained whimper, its body collapsing to the ground. Gus stumbled backward, clutching his injured arm and gasping for air with a pale face.

"Eric, you came just in time," Gus gasped, his voice strained.

Eric rushed to Gus's side, offering him support. "Are you alright, old man?"

Gus nodded weakly. "I'll be fine, thanks to you," he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

"Here, put your hand around my neck," Eric insisted.

"I'm fine," Gus replied stubbornly.

"You're a stubborn old man," Eric muttered, forcibly taking Gus's arm and wrapping it around his neck while he wrapped his arm around Gus's waist.

Gus yelped in pain and tried to protest, but Eric ignored him.

"Good, maybe a little pain will knock some sense into your shiny bald head," Eric thought, his expression turning serious as he faced the old man.

"What the hell were you thinking, old man?! Why didn't you shout when you were attacked by the wolf?" Eric demanded.

"It's... it's nothing; I must have forgotten due to shock," Gus stammered, averting his eyes.

"Don't lie to me, old man. I know when someone is not telling the truth. Enough with the bullshit; tell me the real reason," Eric said seriously.

Gus felt uncomfortable under Eric's intense gaze, and in the end, he couldn't bear the tense silence.

"I didn't want to distract you while you were fighting. If I had called out, you might have gotten hurt or even died. That's why I didn't ask for your help. I couldn't risk that possibility," Gus admitted.

At first, Eric was stunned by Gus's reason, but soon a smile spread across his face before he looked forward.

"Stupid old man," Eric muttered before addressing Gus. "I wouldn't have been hurt even if you had called me, old man. After all, I have awakened."

This time, it was Gus's turn to be stunned. He turned his head, surprise apparent on his face.

"Awakened... Did you say you'd awakened? This means you can use Mana just like those hunters," Gus exclaimed, his eyes widening in realization. Seeing Eric nod, Gus continued, "Then you have to help the others. They're powerless—"

"I won't do it," Eric declared, cutting Gus off before he could finish.

"Huh, why?" Stunned, Gus could only ask, while a thought slowly formed in his mind, "Is he perhaps afraid... That could be it. He was lucky to have just awakened. He only managed to kill the wolves because of the surprise. It's unreasonable for me to ask him to risk his life to help others."

"There's no way I'm going to leave you on your own in your current pitiful state. What if another wolf attacks you while I'm away? I really don't want your wife to blame me for your death, especially after all the meals she cooks for me every day," Eric said, leading the old man toward the group of miners huddled together.

"Besides..." Eric said, looking forward. "There's someone more competent than me protecting the others."

Eric's gaze fixed ahead as Levi dispatched monsters with swift and precise movements. Each strike was executed with a finesse that spoke of years of experience and training. The sound of steel meeting flesh echoed through the air as Levi moved effortlessly through the battlefield, his every action calculated and efficient.

As Eric watched Levi in action, a sense of awe at the main character's sheer skill washed over him. But along with the admiration, a feeling of inferiority crept in. It wasn't fair to compare himself to Levi; after all, Eric had never fought a monster before coming to this world. But he refused to accept that he was less than Levi.

No, he resolved to become even stronger, not just to survive but to thrive. On Earth, money equaled power, but in this new world, strength holds that title. As long as he surpassed others in strength, Eric knew he could achieve anything he desired. With determination burning in his heart, he vowed to become a force to be reckoned with, determined to rise to the level of Levi and beyond.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Floki_Starcreators' thoughts
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