
Novel's Extra Villain Devoured The World

After losing the battle against cancer, Eric wakes up only to find himself transmigrated into a novel that he used to read. This world is where the system users are treated as devils and the enemies of the world, chased and killed. And Eric was one of those devils. In this cruel world where death is close by, Eric must keep his identity a secret and quickly gain enough strength before The Order finds him. [Ding! Does the host want to absorb the protagonist's ability] [Hell yeah!] With a unique ability to drain abilities from the monsters and people he kills, it is only a matter of time before he can reach the top of the world and transcend! **** Daily update!! 200 Collection= 1 bonus chapter 300 Collection= 2 bonus chapter 500 collection= 3 bonus chapter 100 power stone = 1 bonus chapter 250 power stone = 1 bonus chapter 500 power stone = 1 bonus chapter

Floki_Star · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The camp descended into chaos and screams as it turned into a battlefield, with guards fighting the monsters. Unfortunately, the guards were not only outnumbered, but they were ordinary people, only slightly stronger than the miners. They focused on saving themselves and neglected to help others.

Eric had heard rumors of an increasing number of monster attacks, leading to a shortage of hunters at the temple about a week ago. As a result, the awakened guards were recalled, leaving only the regular guards without cores.

Unable to rely on the guards for protection, the miners had no choice but to wield their pickaxes and fight for their lives. Chaos engulfed the camp as it became a battleground between humans and monsters, with blood and torn limbs staining the ground red.

Despite the miners' increased strength from daily exposure to mana crystals, they were unable to hold off the monsters for long and quickly succumbed to critical injuries or death.

Just as despair began to grip the camp, one figure stood out from the rest: a young man with silver hair drenched in blood. He moved like a killing machine, slashing through the chaos with a sword in his right hand and a pickaxe in his left, harvesting and dismembering the monsters.

He resembled a mad demon in his ferocity, terrifying humans and monsters alike. Even more frightening was the smile that never left his face after each kill, as if the monsters posed no threat to him.

Eric watched the battle between Levi and the monsters from a safe distance, dispatching those that came his way. He had originally planned to join the miners in a group, but when he noticed that the high-level monsters were targeting large groups, he decided to keep a little distance, though not too far, to take advantage of any opportunity to increase his level.

Fortunately, the highest level of the monsters was 15, and they were few and far between. As long as he didn't attract too much attention like Levi, he believed he would be safe.

Strangely, Gus didn't protest his arrangements and followed him without a word, a gesture Eric appreciated. It was reassuring that Gus understood their situation and remained calm, not pressuring him to protect the others as he had done before. Otherwise, Eric would have had to knock him out if he resisted and tried to help others.

Even though Eric helped some people, There was an important reason why he didn't use his full strength or try to save as many people as possible. Besides his lack of experience in dealing with monsters, he wanted to avoid drawing the temple's attention toward himself.

Now that he was pretending to be someone who had just awakened and could use mana, showing excessive strength would arouse suspicion. 

When a person awakens, his physical abilities are only slightly enhanced due to the mana infusion, but he lacks the ability to freely manipulate it without sufficient training due to the lack of a core.

Eric's reluctance to display his strength, especially in front of the guards, stemmed from his certainty that they would report any notable displays of power after today's battle.

If the guards reported him, the temple would undoubtedly summon him for investigation. Any hint of suspicion that he was a system user could seal his fate. This was an outcome he was determined to avoid at all costs, despite the guilt that gnawed at him and churned in his stomach. He slapped himself to strengthen his resolve.

After a while, a high-pitched howl echoed through the camp, followed by others. Slowly, the ViperWolves began to retreat, dragging away the bodies of those they had killed.

As the ViperWolves retreated, dragging the fallen with them, Eric's heart raced in his chest. He surveyed the devastation around him, witnessing the aftermath of the brutal attack. Bloodied bodies littered the camp, and the air was heavy with the metallic smell of blood.

Gus stood by Eric's side, his expression grim as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle. "Is it finally over?" he asked in a low voice.

"It should be," Eric replied before making his way to the largest group of miners, with Gus following close behind. Together, they navigated through the chaos, making sure to avoid any remaining monsters. The distant howling served as a chilling reminder of the danger that still lay ahead.

As they approached, Eric noticed Gruff, the captain of the mining team, barking orders.

As Eric approached Gruff, he witnessed the captain's commanding presence. Gruff stood tall amid the chaos, his voice cutting through the clamor as he barked orders to the miners.

"Clear a path!" Gruff's voice boomed, his tone authoritative. "We must get the injured to safety!"

The miners scrambled to obey, hastily moving debris and creating a makeshift path through the rubble-strewn camp. Gruff's eyes swept over the scene, his expression hardening with determination as he directed the rescue effort.

"Move those crates over there!" he shouted, pointing to a nearby pile of supplies. "We'll use them as makeshift stretchers."

With Gruff's guidance, the miners worked quickly and efficiently, lifting the injured onto the improvised stretchers and carrying them to a safer area of the camp. Despite the chaos and devastation, there was a sense of unity among the survivors as they came together to help those in need.

"You over there!"

Just as Eric was scanning his surroundings, he heard a shout. He turned to see Gruff looking at him.

"Are you talking to me?" Eric pointed at himself.

"Yeah, come here for a second. I want to tell you something," Gruff called.

Confused as to why Gruff wanted to talk to him, Eric hesitated. He looked at Gus for a moment.

"Go, I'll be fine," Gus said, noticing his hesitation. "You shouldn't keep the captain waiting."

Eric looked at him for a moment before nodding and walking towards Gruff. But after a few steps, he heard Gus's voice from behind.

"Hey, kid!" Eric turned to see Gus looking at him with a smile. "Thanks for saving me." His tone was filled with genuine gratitude.

"Don't mention it, old man," Eric said, turning and continuing on his way. "Consider us even for pushing you away from that monster."

Eric approached Gruff, his heart pounding with anticipation. He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling of wondering what Gruff wanted to talk about in the chaos of the aftermath.

Did he see me fight the monsters? Does he suspect something?

As he approached, Gruff's stern gaze met his, and Eric braced himself for whatever awaited him.

"I saw what you did back there," Gruff said.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Eric replied calmly, even though his heart was pounding. His eyes darted, scanning his surroundings for any guards that might attack him, suspecting that Gruff was suspicious of him despite his efforts to remain inconspicuous.

Gruff's stern expression softened slightly as he continued, "I saw you fight off those monsters, risking your life to save others. You've got guts, boy."

Eric let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, relief washing over him. "Thank you, Captain. I only did what I could to help."

Gruff nodded, his gaze pensive. "Did you awaken your Mana?" he asked hesitantly.

Eric raised an eyebrow, surprised that Gruff had come to such a conclusion, but he didn't correct him. That was exactly what he wanted people to think.

"Yes, just as I was about to die."

"Haha, I knew it." Gruff laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "I know this may sound strange and hasty, but we could use more people like you around here. If you're willing, I'd like to recommend you for a position on the guard team. We could use someone with your abilities."

Eric's eyes widened in surprise; he had not expected such an offer. However, he had no intention of staying here and working as a guard any longer.

Just as he was about to refuse, Gruff patted him on the shoulder, a rare smile gracing his features. "Think about it. I know that people like you who have just awakened would normally join the Hunters, but you could make your own choice. The temple won't force you. We could use someone like you."

After a moment of silence, Eric replied, "All right. I'll think about it." Deep down, he knew there was absolutely no chance he would agree. However, he didn't refuse outright so as not to leave a bad impression, knowing that Gruff would be the one to submit the report of today's incident to the temple.

"Oh, by the way, I don't see the guards here. Did they go somewhere?" Eric asked, scanning the camp.

Hearing his words, Gruff's smile vanished, his face contorted with anger, veins popping out on his forehead.

"Those cowardly bastards ran off in the middle of the chaos," Gruff spat hatefully, clenching his fists.

"Well, you can't really blame them." Eric shrugged, not surprised by their actions. "They're just normal people like us, and they don't get paid enough to fight monsters."

"Even if that's true, they're still heartless bastards for leaving those people behind," Gruff said angrily. "Wait till I report them."

Gruff didn't seem to care about the guards' circumstances as he spat curses, drawing a few chants of agreement from nearby people who joined him in cursing the guards.

Eric stood awkwardly, smiling amidst the cursing crowd, before thinking of something.

"Huh, where's Levi?" Eric took a moment to scan the camp but found no sign of Levi.

Don't tell me. His eyes widened as a certain thought crossed his mind. But he didn't want to believe it, so he asked the other miners.

"Hey, did anyone see where Levi went?"

"Huh, who is this Levi? Is he your friend?" said the nearest person.

"He's that silver-haired young man who fought the monsters and saved us."

"Huh, so that brave young man's name is Levi," said the man. "I'm sorry, but I haven't seen him."

Shit. Eric didn't give up and kept asking until someone answered.

"I know where he went."

When Eric looked at the source of the voice, he found it was John, the blond guy from his mining team.

"Where did he go? Tell me."

"He ran into the woods!"



I want to apologize for not updating chapters lately. I was really sick and the words just didn't come to my mind. I sincerely apologize for that, and I hope you continue reading the story.

It won't happen again, I promise.

Floki_Starcreators' thoughts