

TRIGGER WARNING: This story features abusive relationships, psychological manipulation, Anger issues, anxiety issues, etc. Basically this story is really dark. A story about three supposed friends as their relationships change due to life struggles. One struggles through the anxiety of speaking and being in public places, another hopelessly tries to overcome her PTSD from an abusive relationship, and the last one suffers the downfalls of having anger issues.

Strawbaby · Urban
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Pain and Comfort

TRIGGER WARNING: This story involves an abusive relationship, if you're sensitive to this topic then please don't read this.

Avani abruptly slams the door shut, locks it and runs to the window to open it. It was jammed so it took a lot to open it. Carter starts banging on the door and kicking it to break it down. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU B*TCH!" He continues to kick the door, trying to get in to reach Avani. She pulls the window up with all her might until it finally budges and barely opens enough for her to slip her petite body through. She slides down the side of the house into the backyard and runs towards the fence to jump over. Carter finally breaks down the door and searches the room, only to find that she escaped through the window.

"GODDAMMIT!!" He screams as he runs back downstairs to chase her outside. Fortunately though, by the time he reached the backyard, she was gone. "FUCK YOU DAMN WHORE!!" He then angrily storms back into the house.

Avani ran as fast as she could without stopping for a breath. With tears swelling in her eyes and her mind racing she naturally made her way to Noah's house. She'd been best friends with him for 3 years now and he was always someone who could comfort her whenever she fought with her boyfriend Carter. She rapidly knocked on his door and rang the door bell until he opened the door and when he did, she threw herself into his arms. He hugged her back with confusion and guided them both inside to the couch.

"I'm sorry to barge in at this moment in time but I need somewhere to stay for the time being." She paused for a moment to read his expression. He was asking what happened.

"Ah.. Carter lashed out again.. But I think he's gotten worse lately. He really needs to go to anger management therapy." Avani flashed back to the moment it started as she explained what had happened.

Avani came home from college and went straight to the fridge for something to eat. A quick snack of course because making food takes too long and she doesn't have the patience for that. Carter came downstairs and stared at her for a bit and it became clear that he had been drinking again.

"You were fucking around with them guys again weren't you?" He asked angrily.

"What? No, I had exams today."

"Then why did it take you an extra fucking hour to get here?"

"I was held back by my professor. He wanted to talk to me about my gr-"


"Wh- What are you talking about?! You're clearly drunk! Come here, you need some water." She pulled at his arm towards the kitchen but he shoved her away instead. "You damn bitch!! You're always being a fucking whore and making excuses and lying to me!! I know you're a fucking rotten bitch!!" He went to grab her bag and hit her with it but she quickly ran past him and up the steps.

"Calm down Carter!! I'm not fucking cheating on you!! You need to stop being so insec-"

"SHUT UP BITCH!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR SHIT!!" He screamed. Avani's adrenaline kicked in as she ran into her room and locked the door. She quickly made her escape after that and well, here she is now.

She finished explaining and Noah patted her head. He sighed and then signed that she doesn't deserve this and she needs to leave Carter.

"I know.. It's just that.. He wasn't like this before.. And I just want to help him get better before I leave him so he doesn't do anything he regrets.."

Noah signed and asked why hadn't she called the cops, and then started braiding her hair.

"I didn't think to.. I just.. reacted y'know?" She looked down at her hands, feeling conflicted about what to do.

"You know.. Your hair is really beautiful Ava." He said as he finished braiding her hair. He had a quiet, gentle tone to his voice, which would always calm her nerves. She looked at him and smiled.

"So does this mean I can live with you for a bit?"

He nodded and led her towards the kitchen table. She knew he was going to cook up

something for her to eat, as he usually would whenever she would come over. After some time goes by, he finished cooking. He brought over a single plate of chicken Parmesan with wine on the side. He sat next to her rather than across and waited for her to try the food. She cut a bit of the chicken and tried her best to get pasta on her fork and ate it.

"Jesus, why're you so damn good at cooking??"

He smiled and signed that he learned from the best, aka his mom.

After eating dinner, Carter took Avani to his room to allow her to sleep there while he would sleep on the couch. He gave her some baggy pajama pants and a baggy shirt to wear after she showers and put some low music on from a playlist to help her sleep. After talking for a bit, they both decided to get some shut eye.