
Nothing Accidental About Love (Nalu)

Nalu story with dragon mating, royalty, some fights, and LEMONS. SPOILERS likely! I do not own either fairy tail or the pictures. I will leave watermarks so that you may see who did the amazing work. As everyone SHOULD do! I do not give permission to copy or distribute my fanfiction. The world and characters are not mine but the story is so please respect that! If you have not watched all of fairy tail you need to hop on it! it is amazing. By the way I will not turn Lisanna or Sting into bad guys. I like their characters and do not wish to corrupt then. My updates are kind of long but they are frequent. Also this is my first fanfic I hope you all like it! I'm 27 years old and nervous about finally letting people see my writing.

Kilanna2016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3

Natsu's POV

We spent the next two days locked up in Lucy's apartment. Hungrily devouring each other in bed. Neither of us wanted anything else but each other. I think we got up once for a PB and J but otherwise only for water and a shower. We did not stop when we got into the shower. In fact we had just reached our release while in the shower when we heard knocking on the door, kind of a mood killer.

Confused we looked at each other we had another two weeks before the rent was due so it wouldn't be the landlady and neither of us were expecting company. We quickly dry off and I pull on a pair of pants while Lucy ran into the bedroom.

I answer the door, "Hello?" Before realizing it was Grey and Levy at the door. Confused why the two of them were together and further confused as to why they were here, I stepped aside letting them into the apartment.

"Hey," they greeted coming in. Grey looks at me and smirks pointing to his own neck while Levy turns a bright red looking away. I look into the mirror by the door and see that I am, again, covered in hickeys, from my neck clear down my abs all the way down to the V disappearing into my pants. I sigh and shake my head. 'oh well,' I think to myself.

"Hey Luce, it's Grey and Levy!" I call out. I motion that I will be right back and enter the bedroom to find Lucy completely dressed. Her own hickeys already healed. I point at my own and she giggles healing them. I finish dressing and we both head back into the living room where I had left the two wizards.

"I'll make some tea," Lucy happily chirps and almost floats to the kitchen. Levy close behind her, her face still as red as a cherry.

I look at Grey, "Is this better?" I move my head around showing my neck and much of my torso to him. Now that wearing all my clothes.

He grinned knowingly at me, "Yeah, to bad Levy had to see that though."

I shrug, "You guys are the ones who came over unannounced and uninvited." Grey laughed at that for some reason.

"So be honest with me," Grey looks me straight in the eyes. "Did you knock her up?"

My rage was very visible at such an awful question. Implying that the only reason I would marry her would be that we accidentally made a child. Steam had started to rise off of me as my body was slowly engulfed by my own flames.

I see Lucy run in and wrap her arms around me extinguishing the flames on impact. "Dragon Slayers are not like that," I hiss at him, venom dripping from my words.

Lucy calmly looks back at the now terrified ice mage. "Grey, Dragons and Dragon Slayers mate for life," I hear her explain calmly.

"We do not do one night stands, or 'fun' we do not 'knock' anyone up," I all but bite out at him. I try to remind myself over and over again that he is only human and he wouldn't know any of that. Trying hard to extinguish my rage.

I feel Lucy grab my chin and lift it up so that I was looking into her eyes. I feel myself calm almost unnaturally quick as I stare deep into her honey brown irises. Her eyes large, full of concern but steady as she took me into her arms.

I sigh, finally calm again I smile at her. "What do you do to me, my queen?" I ask as I rub noses with her and nuzzeling into her neck. She just giggles.

"What the hell was that!?!" Grey exclaims. "Your flames were blue, and you were, hell you were floating!"

"Awww you were controlling yourself that much? I'm so proud of you! You kept it to only blue" Lucy exclaimed hugging me closer. I smile and relax deeper.

I look at Grey and begin, "Marriage is a human custom, not a Dragon's." I let that sink in before continuing, "Lucy is mine and mine alone. Our marks," I pause pointing at our necks, "Prove that we are bound by ancient, powerful magic. The wedding is only charade to appease our human sides." My voice low but soft as I purr, gently holding Lucy.

Levy is the one to speak up first, "Human sides? You make it sounds like you are both Dragon Slayers."

I look down to see Lucy smile before she responds, "When I became his mate I began turning into a Dragon Slayer as well. I can use all of Natsu's magic and my own now." I hear a soft giggle.

I continue to purr, "True but you are way stronger." I chuckle aloud.

"Wait!" Grey interrupts him, "Lucy is more powerful than you?"

I laugh at his shocked and confused face, "Well yeah. It takes a special kind of women to tame a dragon after all."

Lucy's POV

Natsu is done talking barely replying now. Everyone could however hear his steady purring as he nuzzels into my neck lightly kissing my mark every now and again.

"Charade? Does that mean the wedding means nothing to you?" I see Levy's disappointed eyes downcast.

I smile at my friend, "No that's not it. If it wasn't important to us we wouldn't do it at all. Like Natsu said it is for our human sides."

They both look a little confused and I sigh. "It's kind of like choosing to get married by signing the paper without having the actual wedding ceremony. It's a choice that we can make."

"I guess that makes sense, Levy replied and Grey agreed.

"Why did he call you his queen?" Grey asked, now comfortable again. We were all sitting on the couch chatting by this time. Levy had retrieved the tea from the kitchen as we now sat drinking it.

I feel Natsu's grip tighten around my waist and I hear him mumble, "because she is."

Levy and Grey hear him say something but couldn't make out what. They looked at me questioningly. I sigh might as well get this over with.

"He said because she is," I pause seeing the look of confusion on their faces. I continue, "Natsu's dad, Igneel was king of the dragons." I see their thoughts clicking into place. "So when Natsu took me as his mate he also claimed his title making him king and me queen of the dragons."

I looked at Levy now. "I'm surprised Gajeel didn't tell you Levy. He would have known the moment he saw our marks the other day."

Levy paled a little, "He has been avoiding me ever since."

I sigh again, "That's probably my fault. I motioned for him to stay quiet but I didn't figure he would take it this far since I didn't actually say anything." I look at my friend and smiled apologetically. "I'll fix it when we are done."

She nodded understanding a little bit. She had read just as many books as I had on Dragons and Dragon Slayers if not more.

"So how long is Natsu going to be so touchy, I mean overprotective?" Grey asked pointing at Natsu who was now curled around me lovingly. I could hear a few light snores mixing in with his purrs as he would doze in and out throughout the conversation. "And why does it sound like he is purring?"

I smile, "Depends. Most of the overproctiveness will will wear off after we have our first child. But it will probably never stop altogether. The purring however is just a dragon thing. Typically only done when around their mates or children."

"So I basically have to deal with Natsu on his little man period throughout the whole wedding planning and stuff?" He threw his hands into the air. "That figures, only flame brain." I hear him mumble.

I giggle, earning a snuggle from a sleeping Natsu. "Actually any Dragon Slayer will be like this well, the men anyway," my words still having traces of my giggles in them.

"That means Gajeel and maybe Laxus will be all lovey dovey too, after they mate of course. Up until mating and during they will be the same, maybe more aggressive especially during the mating," I flinch during the thought. Forgetting for a moment to filter what I said for Grey's benefit.

I look up at him his face crimson and I blush a little, "sorry." Levy blushes too even brighter than Grey.

"So," I begin eager to change the subject. "Why did you guys stop by anyway?"

Levy and Grey look at each other and then back at me. In unison almost like it was rehearsed they replied, "The wedding."

I nod my head. "I guess Natsu and I need to start going on jobs again. Not only is my rent due in a couple weeks but we haven't been on a job in almost two months." I sigh. "of course there will be lots of planning too." I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

"Ok," I make a few quick decisions and look at our friends as Natsu behind me starts to stir, awakening.

"Give us one month to get some jobs done before we start planning the little things. I want the wedding at the guild, maybe the field back behind the building could be set up for the actual party." I look at Levy and Grey. "Grey can you begin by getting enough benches for seating, something easy to move out of the way for the after party?" He nodded his head as I was asking and I turn to Levy, "And Levy could you have them painted all white maybe decorate them a little bit nothing to fancy and get others to help you guys out?" She also nodded as I was asking. "Can you have Mira pick out a cake? Maybe make each layer a different flavor so everyone can enjoy? And Grey can you get a few of the guys, including Gajeel, to help pick out a menu?

"Levy instead of individual invitations could you set up banners and send out group post cards to all our friends at the different guilds? And guys do not try to throw us a bachelor or bachelorette party. We are already mated. You could get someone hurt. You can still plan a party for each of us but make it tame." They nodded at my instructions. I see Levy writing down little notes here and there keeping track of all the instructions.

I feel Natsu chuckle softly, "I guess that means our honeymoon is over," It was more of a statement than a question his voice thick with sleep as he yawned.

I grin apologetically at him and give him a sweet kiss. "We should leave out tomorrow to get as many jobs done before... You know." He nodded understanding.

Levy and Grey stand up as if on que. "Damn it, we interrupted their honeymoon!" Grey blushed during his exclamation.

"Wait does this mean you get two honeymoons?" Was Levy's quizzical reply.

Natsu and I laugh as they hurriedly let themselves out. "We will tell everyone to leave you guys alone," came Levy's shout as they took off running.

Natsu starts to immediately unbutton my jean skirt as I close the door behind them. "Wait." I tell him seeing him freeze up and he then followed me into the bedroom and watched as I opened the window melting all the snow and ice so it wouldn't make a mess.

I call out, "Gajeel, Wendy!" I wait for them to respond with my now enhanced dragon hearing. They do. "You don't have to keep anything secret anymore. Go about your lives and I'm sorry for that." I hear Gajeel gi hi and Wendy sigh in relief. It was kind of nice not to have to yell I could just talk at a normal level.

I close the window behind me closing the shades while I was at it. "Now, where were we?" I say as I turn around. Natsu overly eager, had already stripped and I could see his twitching member as he closed the distance between us. Engaging me in a kiss.

We did not sleep that night. When it was about 3 in the morning we moved to the shower. Thoroughly cleaned ourselves and continued where we left off.

Natsu had me against the shower wall my legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he thrusted deep inside me. I moaned aloud my arms wrapped around his neck when I threw my head back and screamed my release, "Natsu!" The feel of his cum surging through me throwing me over the edge. So much amazing sex. I shuddered as I breathed. Natsu is still holding me up unable to move. Having not even pulled out yet as the minutes pass by. For a moment I wonder if shower sex is really all that safe.

We clean up again and dry off as we start to get ready to leave.

Natsu's POV

Oh my Mavis, what has Lucy done to me? I am King but her words still affect me so.  All the sweet love we made only intensified with every kiss, with every breath.

In the shower this morning I seriously wondered if there was anyway I could possibly love her more. I just stood there holding her in my arms as the water continued to fall in us.  Several minutes had passed by before I noticed that she had begun rubbing the back of my neck.

I let her down so that we could clean up again and get ready to go. Lucy is almost glowing as we lock up and leave for the guild. We plan to leave from there for whatever mission we pick. I watch as a light flurry of snow drifts down and lands in her hair with the sun shining bright making her look like she was wearing a halo. I smile at the thought and nip at her ear before she turns and I kiss her sweetly.

I hear all the attention we are getting from those around us, the quick intakes of breath, the awes and a few grumbles but I didn't care. I open my eyes to see Lucy smiling as we continue to walk to the guild. 

I gently open the door for her and we walk inside. I'm 100% sure I look like a puppy in love following her to the S class mission board upstairs. She points at a few different ones and looks at me a questioning look in her eyes. I look carefully at the ones she pointed at and saw that two of them had gate keys as part of the rewards. I smile and point at the two of them.

They were in the same direction and relatively close to each other and the reward money from one alone would have been enough to set us up for a while. I think I know why she wants them and I don't really think the keys had to much of a say in it. She wants me, hot and heavy, all to herself.

She does not like the idea of sharing me and we only had a little bit of time before she would hibernate. Right before she laid our child. Four months is all she will physically carry our baby but the magic will still connect her to our egg until it hatches. When that time comes she will not want anyone around, not even me as she prepares. I will most likely use that time to build a new home for us. Maybe even tear down my old house to make sure there is enough room, start from scratch.

We take the flyers to Mira and I wave Happy over as Lucy talked to Mira about the jobs.

"Happy, I need you to be strong," immediately making Happy put on his tough face. I smile, "Do you want to go with me on a S class mission? Think hard about it first, I don't want you to get hurt and if that means you staying behind then so be it." I had stopped Happy from agreeing to quickly and now he seemed to give it some serious thought.

"You don't have to, in fact I would be just as happy if you helped hold the fort down here," I say trying to ease his conscience. "Or maybe go with and protect Wendy and Carla the choice is yours."

At the mention of protecting Carla, Happy puffed out his chest and I smile. "Stay safe, I mean it. Lucy and I will be gone for a little while, we will even be splitting up from each other for a while. To work separate missions."

Happy nodded and hugged me. Sometimes I forget just how much of a hugger he really is since Lucy came into our lives. "I love you buddy," I sigh. " See you later.

"Aye Sir!" With that Happy leaves turning back to Wendy and Carla.

I turn back to Lucy and Mira who at some point stopped talking and watched with awed expressions. Lucy leaned over and kissed me on the lips and whispered low enough that I could barely hear her with my Dragon Slayer hearing. "You will be a wonderful father," She said into the kiss.

Mira not having heard anything just awed at how lovey dovey we were being. Smiling she stamps both mission request before handing them back to us. We walked out hand in hand.

Lucy's POV

When we stepped outside and we embraced each other. "I guess it's time to go," I pout my head lowering a little.

I hear Natsu chuckle a little, "You are so cute," He paused as he leaned in to whisper, "Especially when your horny."

I look up at him and giggle a little he was not wrong, I was exactly that, horny. I hold up what looks like a bright red rock for him to see. He looked at it puzzled.

"For when we ever need a hotel or use a tent, no one will hear us," I breath out. I see his eyes light up with firery lust and I see him smirk.

"A tent?" He questioned.

"It sound proofs whatever area it is in be it a backpack or my apartment," I grin back slipping the stone in my bag. "This is one of a matching set. The other is still in my apartment."

I can feel his gaze on me as I continue, "I figure that we will have to stop for a least one night on our way there."

I see his smile drop, "It will take longer than that by train."

I see Erza and Wendy walking towards the guild and decide to show off a little bit. I see him pout and laugh out loud startling him, "Who said anything about a train?" I ask as I go into Dragon Force Mode and stretch out my new wings. I see his face light up as he followed suit and we take off from right there in front of the guild baffling many of our guild mates along with many of the citizens of Magnolia.

I hear Erza say "Did I just see Lucy use Dragon Force?" I laugh out my joy of flying and do a few loop de loops above the guild.

When we were so high up that the people looked like ants I heard Natsu laughing. "You just had to show off didn't you?"

I blush a little and shrug, "Are you ready?"

"Just a moment," He says as he then starts flying around me blowing fire at me. I laugh and join in. His fire does not hurt me in fact it kind of tickles the warm tingling sensation relaxing my sometimes sore muscels. I'm sure that everyone down below could hear our squeals of delight as we swoop down and up again twirling in the air again and again.

It was almost like we were dancing in the air. I felt so light and happy that I never wanted to stop. There was several times that we would dive down below just a wing length away from the ground through the streets of Magnolia. It was exhilarating we chased each other around like children much to the delight of the onlookers of Magnolia. At one point I put my wings away as I ran through the streets with scales on my face still. Natsu followed suit we were laughing so hard I have no idea how we were still running.

Finally we decided it was time to actually leave. I think it's a good idea to dip into the ice cold stream, the perfect way to cool us down a little. Of course we used our fire to dry off again but it still felt good. I could hear Erza running towards us when we were prepared for take off again. I don't really have any desire to sit and answer more questions right now so I decide to take off anyway. One of the other Slayers could answer her questions if they wanted to.

This time we would really go. We got all the way up again, the people below but ants again, and we glided towards our destinations. We would circle around each other grazing each other with our fingertips occasionally.

Dear Mavis, I love this, so much. How did we ever get by not flying?

Natsu's POV

That was the most amazing thing we have ever done, besides sex. I still feel flushed from our game of tag. Her fire was like diving into a hot springs, it was heart pounding and refreshing.

Even with our game of tag we still have taken days out of travel by flying instead and to be frank it wasn't even that hard. With us so high up we pretty much just glide in the direction we wanted to go in. Only occasionally flapping our wings to maintain altitude.

That game of tag did help a lot with learning how to fly properly though. Dodging each other swooping around buildings, how our flames actually changed the way that we flew around. I can only smile at the memory for now. But later I'm sure that I will show Lucy just how handy that little red stone of hers is going to be. I grin at the thought. Already growing fairly hard just thinking about my beautiful mate flying so near to me.

I watched as the setting sun shined on Lucy making her golden scales glitter. Yes her scales are gold. Her wings just as golden as her hair and scales. I want to reach out and touch every piece of her but I know that we don't have all that much time so for now I will wait.

Soon I notice that Lucy is scanning the ground and I follow her gaze she kept looking down by trees since there was not a town nearby I'm sure that she is looking for a place to set up camp. I see a clearing up ahead and blow a ring of fire to get her attention and I dive down towards it. Soon she follows me.

I land and begin to set up camp eager to try out that stone of hers. When she lands she quickly helps me set up the tent and places the stone within the entrance but then rushed off to the edge of the clearing. What is she up to?

I decide to reheat a little stew for us and get some bowls out for us. She quickly returned looking refreshed gladly taking the large bowl I was holding out for her.

"That was amazing!" I beam at her. She can hardly smile and nod and eat at the same time making me laugh.

She quickly finishes her food and we clean the bowls and put them back away in our bags. She pulls me by the hand towards the tent. "Are you ready?" she purrs. I am now hard as a rock as I follow her completely focused on the sway of her hips.

This time as we pull the tent flap closed behind us I slowly begin. We have all night before we could go anywhere anyway. I wrap my arms around her middle fully clothed still and I crush my lips to hers. Not actually aware of how we were breathing it seemed that every breath she took was one that I gave and every breath I took was one she gave.

Soon I begin taking her shorts off her and I can feel as her nails glide up my back pulling my shirt off with it. I smile as we slowly stripped reach other of our clothes. Careful not to actually destroy them as much as I really wanted to burn the fabric right off of her, I didn't.

Soon she pushes me onto my back as she takes me into her mouth. Oh Mavis, how in the hell has she gotten so good at this? Before long I'm panting hard I'm almost ready but before that I pull away from her and flip her over giving me access to her hot, sweetness. I dive right in listening to her moans, following her instructions waiting to feel for her to tighten and when I did, I pulled away her. She gave me a look of absolute betrayal until I thrust into her, hard. I feel her stiffen for a moment and then I feel her rolling her hips in time with mine. The sheer bliss that was her body engulfing me.

As I open my eyes hardly able to focus on anything that was not the beautiful blond below me, I see that we are actually on fire but I don't pay any attention to it because it's not a consuming fire, it's just there. Our tent was not even charring and it appeared as if the whole thing was ablaze.  I feel our climax mounting as we got closer and closer surging forward. I receive a small shock when Lucy rolls us over bringing herself on top. Causing me to go in even deeper as she kept herself up. My back arches as I throw my head back against the soft ground my hands clasped on her hips using it to help as I thrust deeper into her I scream out, "Luuucccy!" Then everything goes black.