
Chapter 1-1: Reincarnation to Another World

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OH GOD-GOD IT HURTS!!1 ARRRGGHAHHAHGHAHGAHHHAAAAAAAA-!!! Eh-?" Suddenly, the exact boy who was dead moments ago, had found himself laying on a marble floor, with no injuries whatsoever on his tiny body. It was as if the accident didn't even occur.

"Wha..? Where...am I? Why am I not dead? Didn't I die saving Roselina from that crazy son-of-a-gun driver earlier?" The boy looked around. Around him were columns, all made of polished cobblestone, at each end of the marble walkway. Past the three-meter long walkway, was nothing but blinding white light, which surrounded a large stair-case ahead of him. "Huhhhh? Ohh, I guess I did die then. This is Heaven, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, boy." Said a loud, masculine voice from out of the blue.

"Huh? Who said that?" Christopher gazed around. Yet not a single soul was there. Out of the blue, in front of him, a golden light started to materialize. It soon took the form of a carpet, and covered the entire flight of stairs.

"Huhhhhh? What the heck..?"

"Come closer. Follow the staircase, and we shall meet." The voice spoke to him. Christopher seemed baffled. He didn't want to go any closer, but he clearly saw that was the only way for him to go. He reluctantly agreed to, then climbed the stair case.

What he saw at the top terrified him. There, a being with a humanoid figure stood. It's face pale white, oval shaped. And it's body resembled that of a mannequin. The moment he saw that, Christopher screamed.


"Hello, dear boy. It is good to see you."

"S-S-S-S-See me?! H-How could you see without any face you weirdo?!" Christopher collapsed to his bottom, and crawled backwards a few inches. His beady, baby blue eyes were locked onto the person...or is it a person?

"Calm down, Christopher. I mean you no harm whatsoever. I am the Elder God Amaterasu. I am the deity and presides over all. The overseer of the planets, the creator all of others." The being stated.

"E-E-Elder God Amaterasu..?" Christopher, still fearful, tilted his head in bewilderment. "What are you walking about? We have no Elder Gods on Earth."

"I am well aware of that." Amaterasu said. "Stand, boy. And take a seat."

"Seat? But there are no...seats..." Before he could finish, two polished wooden chairs appeared beside the two, and Christopher slowly got to his feet as the deity sat down. "O...kay..?" Christopher took a seat beside him.

"So..." Christopher said. "...Where am I? And what happened to Roselina?" He looked at Amaterasu with a troubled expression, which the God took into consideration.

"Your sister is okay, Christopher. After you pushed her out of the way, she was safe. However, she was in deep sadness after you left her."

"Oh..." I thought she would be. Christopher thought. "...Did she...recover at all?"

"No." He answered


"Roselina..." Amaterasu said. "...I will say as it is, my dear boy. Your sister Roselina has passed on."

"Passed on? You mean she died?"

"Yes. After you were killed by the speeding vehicle you call a 'truck', she fell into a deep sadness. The situation with your parents started getting bad, and it quickly became an abusive relationship between your father and your mother."

"Abusive..? But...dad would..he would never do that!" Christopher, not believing the God's words, stood up in a rage. However, Amaterasu only continued.

"It is true. This, plus you not being there to comfort Roselina drove her to madness. Your sister ended up taking her own life, by throwing herself off the rooftop of the middle school you both attended."

"M-My God..." The boy sat back down. "...Roselina she...you're telling me the truth old man?"

"Yes. I speak nothing but the truth to any and everyone who come here." Said Amaterasu. Christopher had a hard time processing all of that. Roselina, by what he said, my little sister was driven to madness, and killed herself. But...this is Roselina, she would never do that. At least not when I'm there. But I wasn't...and because of that, all this happened. Oh...Roselina...I...I'm so sorry...I'm sorry... Tears formed in the boy's eyes, and he started to sob.

"You're crying?" Amaterasu questioned him.

"*sob* Hell yeah I'm...crying...I just learned that my sister killed herself because I wasn't there!" He yelled. "You could at least tell me if she's okay, you know?!"


"Huh?" Taken aback by the abrupt response, Christopher fell silent. "What did you say?"

"Roselina is alright. In fact, she has already been reincarnated."

"Rein...you mean, she's alive?"

"Yes. That is correct. She is alive."


He's kidding, isn't he? He thought to himself. How could someone be reincarnated right after dying?

"Hmph. You're lying, aren't you?" Christopher asked Amaterasu.

"Not at all. As I said, Christopher. I only speak the truth. Your sister really is alive." The deity spoke. Looking at the fourteen year old, he continued, "I wish to give you a second chance along with her."

"Second...chance?" Christopher froze up. Did that mean he will live again? What will he do if he is reincarnated as well? Will he meet Roselina once more?

"Yes. You will be in the same world as your sister, a world much different, no, completely different from your old one. I'm sure you will find it quite enjoyable there." Amaterasu said.

"..." Christopher wasn't sure what to choose. He wanted to see Roselina again. But taking into consideration what happened when he was gone, he was hesitant. Will Roselina be happy to see me again? He thought to himself. So many bad things happened to her after I died. Will she really be happy about seeing me again?

Eventually, he came to his conclusion. Staring him straight in the eye, Christopher said in a serious manner, "Yes. I accept. Reincarnate me to the world she's in, Amaterasu. I want to see my sister again."

"Alright." Amaterasu stood to his feet, and held out a hand. Christopher took it, and suddenly, his entire body trembled.

"W-What the..? Why do I...feel so...??"

"I will enhance your body's agility, stamina, mana, strength, endurance, speed, and magic potential in preparation for when you enter. The world you are about to enter is unlike any other, Christopher. It is home to a multitude of monsters, demons, humans, demi-humans, spirits, and creatures of which you never even dreamed of. So take heed in what I say, and until you find your sister, do not get into too much trouble. The next time you perish, you will not get a second chance"

"..." He didn't say a word, what Amaterasu informed him of made Christopher speechless. A world...like that..? Just what is he...bringing me to then..?

"When you get there, you will see a someone, a girl, about half your height, with animal-like features. Talk to her, she will be your familiar during your time there. Now, good luck, Christopher, and have fun."

"W-Wait...what do you mean by..familiar?"

Before Amaterasu could answer him, his consciousness quickly faded, and before he knew it, he was there.

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