
Not your typical baby mama

All Amy needed to do was get away from her pursuers. The last thing she thought she'd encounter was being kidnapped, drugged and offered to some smelly fat old man. But no, he wasn't any of that. Zach was simply a god. And he was drugged, just like her. It could be the drugs or she just genuinely found him irresistible. And to her luck, he didn't resist her when she made a move on him. When she found out how much of a beast he was in bed, she wasn't complaining. But she knew they were not supposed to cross paths. So when she finally left the next morning, little did she know that fate had a 'little surprise' in store. [Warning : This book has a mature theme. Read at your own discretion. Suitable for 18+ audiences ] A/N: ALL CREDIT FOR THE COVER GOES TO THE OWNER (UPLOADED ON PINTEREST and the App called BOOK COVER MAKER PRO for editing. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. With that said, enjoy the book my lovelies Xx

Miabella265 · Urban
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363 Chs

The three words Aldo wanted to hear

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please be seated. We would like to begin the ceremony", A man announced in a somber tone.

Adrianne, Emily and Raphael made their way to their seats along with the other guests. Mournful cries resounded as the coffin was wheeled in. Adrianne gave Emily's hand a tight squeeze who was silently crying. She had the strong urge to stand and follow the pallbearers wanting to see if it was all just a prank...

"Here", Raphy whispered in her ear.

She looked over and he was offering a white handkerchief. She was about to say no when she saw the initials Z.F sown in black at the corner of the cloth. She took it and it's just as she thought, it had Zach's scent on, bringing her a sense of calm. She was not alone.

The service went on for what felt like an eternity to Aldo. As full as the chapel was, he thought it would make it easier to conduct their search with the guests seated in one place.