
The tragedy

It was the middle of June and Jane and her parents were sitting near the fire place enjoying their cups of coffee accompanied by the heat from the fire. Laughter could be heard from the room as they were discussing their fathers latest achievement. He had been promoted to being head of the Humans Resources department at the company he worked for. This was a big leap for their lives, especially with Jane starting college. Jane's father Willow Smith also known as will by his closest friends and family was already falling asleep.

When finally they all emerged to their rooms all of them heard their spirits uplifted and each had high expectations of the future that awaited them.

It was midnight and why was her mother screaming her name like that. Jane opened her eyes to a very traumatic and unpleasant site. Her room was filled with smoke. As were the rest of the house. It took her some time before she was really aware of what was happening. There was a fire in her house and her mother was screaming for her. When she found her mother, she was lying on the floor next to her father who wasn't moving. The sudden horror and realisation of what had happened flashed in front of her in seconds. Will was asthmatic which meant he had struggled to breathe and died during his sleep.

By the time the fire brigade team arrived and the ambulance it was already too late , her father had passed own and most of their property was burnt to ashes.

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