
Chapter 62

Ace pov

‘How the fuck did they do it?’ I screamed in frustration. Not a day even passed when I came to know about Fiore’s pregnancy with Fabbri in a fucking anonymous text and Andre called this sudden meeting far before the morning in the fucking seashore.

Every camera is bugged. Moreover, there are more cameras in the houses. In our house, the wooden house, and even the beach house. Not a single house was safe. We are standing with Andre, Fabbri, and Alex. The last thing I need in my life is to be betrayed by them. And the last thing they want is to let the enemy understand our realization. Rocco and my parents are still unaware of the incident. I don’t want to let them know. If they need to know, I would tell them myself. I am failing as a mob boss and I can’t let that happen.

‘Whoever is doing it, he or she is from the inside. One who has all the access.’ Fabbri said in a clipped tone. He is still uneasy from the night and the beatings.