
Chapter 3

Ace pov

I started my day with a goddamn workout. I could not sleep last night. I have sleep problems that are increased by the bothering beauty. It would be gone after I have her with me in my ways, I guess. My informer or my indirect eyes, Sean informed me that she has gone shopping and I have the plan to join her. Fabbri entered the room with a file. I know what it is. I took the file and asked him, 'have you gone through it?' indicating the file.

'Si, Capo. She is safe, with no parents. The attachment has longed with her best friend, her principal and you will love the other person,' he answered.

I opened the file, slightly confused. She doesn't belong to the mafia, and is safe as my asshole friend mentioned, so what it could be? I know the information wouldn't be much in some hours but can do the basics, right now. I found a photo or selfie. They may be hacked her phone.

She is the best thing that came into my dark life.

Name - Laura William

Parents - James and Sofia William. ( On progress)

Brought up in 'Lotus Orphanage.' Found at the door of the orphanage with the name William. Laura was given later.

(They should not have given her the last name. They did not bother to keep her. Soon it will change. She would be called Laura Ace Accardi.)

Freshly graduated. Ex-trainee at martial school. No boyfriend. Lack of self-confidence. Partly suicidal.

Favorite Color - Purple

Favorite food - Nothing specific

( Ok, she is an exceptionally low-maintenance girl. I get that on the very first look. We have to work on the suicidal term. I noted.)

Best friend - Nichole Johnson

Legal guardian - Mrs. Cheryl

Acquinatences - Rocco Accardi, Fiore Accardi.

'Che cazzo,' I shouted.

'That was my first thought too but before you ask any further details let me tell you it was just a mere coincidence. She had helped him with something and even calls him Papi and that Papi has invited her to visit Italy, probably at ours. Thus she has tickets.' Fabbri explained.

'Well, that's a first. Rocco never gives a shit about the teenagers, let alone call him Papi.' I said frowning. Now I remember, he mentioned something about some guest at dinner, one day. I ordered to check him A-Z as I thought it was a he, and he will be good to go.

'So, will it be another fling or a nightstand, what should I get ready?' He asked smirking at me. I glared at him and replied, 'arrange the marriage'.

Suddenly he straightened and looked at me with a small smile. I frowned at him.

'What is it?' I asked. I know he has something to say under his tongue.

'We found our queen. You have no idea how happy we are. At last, someone has come to grab the horse's rein.

'Yea, and how many people come in WE, Fabbri?' I asked him and he showed me all his teeth.

'Get lost before I lose it,' I said calmly.

'Ok, Rocco has been said not to mention anything to her. You are welcome and whipped.' He smiled saying that. That's it. I throw him my pen that was in my hand. It hit the just-closed door.

I wasn't annoyed a bit but I had to show my strong posture before my men.

I was waiting for my angel in the parking lot with Andre, looking at three drunk-head. I told Sean to go to the warehouse. I will see her for some time. I had to keep her on watch 24/7. I could set a camera but I didn't want to invade her personal space so much. I know what I was doing, a repulsive task but I wanted to watch her all day. A creep, but the hell I care.

Scaring her is the last thing I want to do now. She acts all confident but fragile inside.

She came out of the elevator from her happy world. She went to her friend's car. Well fuck. Three drunken men were going to her. I was getting down of the car when Andre hold my arm and asked, 'can you stop yourself, beating them to death in front of her?'

I would not, and I don't want to scare her either but 'what if they do something to her?' I asked getting impatient.

'We are right here and why don't you make a note of what is she capable of? he proposed. I started to bite my pointing finger.

'The Great Ace is nervous,' Andre mumbled but I was not in the mood.

It took some gallon of patience and Andre's strength to keep sitting me in the car while she was fighting alone. To hell with the checking abilities, I had to go to her and check if she was fine. Well, she got some techniques. They were now on the floor. She has gone outside, maybe to call the police like a good citizen. I had to make it fast.

'You got a fire, brother.' Andre said exiting the car.

I didn't say anything. Andre brought some ropes, clothes, and my favorite plaything, a tomato knife. It's customized. Rather small and sharp. He bound them where I was busy gagging them. I took my knife from him. They gave their eyes to my girl. I started to pluck their eyes. Like a professional. Blood started to ooze from their eyes. They were screaming their hearts out. I gave a call to Fabbri to clean the mess. Good thing I ordered to keep free the parking lot of this section. 'Where is she?' I asked Andre.

'Maybe at the entrance of the mall.' He replied.

After some time, my men came. They cleaned the mess and we headed to my warehouse.

Time for some spices. They were all tied up in the chair, naked. I ordered my man to cut their balls. I mix some chili paste and salt. I throw it over each of them. They were screaming in a very soothing tone. I needed it, to torture them more. I ordered Fabbri to bring me their file. I had to check their backstories. Then I could decide what to do with them, like torture more or being ready to kill. If they have something more on their plate which I guess so, I would be more than delighted to have some more fun.

I don't kill or torture people without any valid proof. So, one can ask if I am going to spare them to disturb my girl. The answer is NO.

I came from the warehouse and took a shower. Fabbri knocked. I asked him to wait in the office. He said something about important.

I have never let anyone come to my room. I take my nightstand to my own hotel. No welcome home. No knowing address. No 2nd time. Just as in Italy.

I went to my office after getting dressed. And I came to know what disaster has happened. My men were cleaning the camera footage where they got something. They cleared the footage and send it to Fabbri. I started to play. Well, here I was thinking not to scare her, and she already saw me but not Andre. He was the back-faced the whole time. Okay, one way or another she had to know. It's time to see what her reaction would be. Honestly, I hated her scary reaction. I didn't want to start something like that. Guess, I was unlucky.

I was invited to their graduation ceremony after some days.

Graduation Day

What is she trying to do? Choke me with her appearance because I cannot breathe. She is looking absolutely ravishing in that dress. her legs, damn it. Her creamy arms are caressed by the fabric of her sleeves. I can fucking devour her right here, right now.

I saw she noticed me and tried to avoid eye contact. I was sitting with the respected others. But as a special guest, she had to shake hands with me. I smirked thinking that.

Laura pov

For the last two freaking weeks, I cannot sleep properly. I didn't know who they were or what they were doing with those tipsy guys.

Why did I go back there? The cops called me while I was organizing the clothes. They told me they didn't get anything from the spot or the camera.


My brain was jammed. I don't do alcohol but this time I needed them. I asked Nichole to give quality time to her boyfriend. She knew something was off. I took the help of Adrian, her boyfriend to keep her busy. She was bugging me, alive. I wanted to face my problems myself. I even don't know what they are capable of. What if they are psycho or serial killers? What if they drag Nichole into this? No, I could not be that selfish. My routine has become to go to the gym and head back home.

Nichole came early in the morning. We had our breakfast and started to get ready. We have a lot of fun getting ready. I needed some concealer to hide my dark circles. I made beach wave my hair and clipped it on one side. I have worn nude lipstick and gloss, and blush. We slipped into our dresses and headed to the university.

We took our seats and I saw him.

I froze on the spot. Seeing him as a special guest. He didn't seem like any danger now. But he was or more than that, I saw that. He gave me a smirk. OH MY GOD! I remove my eyes.

I concentrated on my day. After some introduction and the head professor talks; it was time for his speech.

He started his speech and I was melting. He was giving me some looks as if trying to give me some signals, inviting me. His lips were moving, sometimes licking with the tongue. I was huffing and puffing. I was never vibrated to my core like this.

I watch p##n sometimes. They are tempting but trying them with someone is not my cup of tea. I have saved myself for someone who truly loves me and cares for me. Get a grip, Laura. He is a sadist.

Yea, but he did it to the bad guys. OH, GOD! I would never give myself to him as if he was asking. What even I was thinking?

It is time for receiving the degree and handshake. I am sweeping my palm in my dress, I am a nervous wreck. I get up on the stage after hearing my name. I take my degree and go for the handshake. He was standing in all his glory, smiling.

THAT DAMN SMILE, is contagious much